Chapter 11
I really did have this whole day planned out. I know Mary Beth thought Tommy would be home tomorrow. She didn’t know I had called Karen this morning to ask if Tommy could stay until Sunday morning. I just needed more time with just the two of us. I just didn’t know how he would impact the way Mary Beth and I were together. I knew we’d have to be more discreet obviously but on the other hand I didn’t want to hide what we had together from Tommy. I wanted him to know I was going to be around and I wanted him to know I would be a part of their lives. Most of all I wanted him to be happy about that.
I knew Mary Beth and I would have to talk about that between now and when we picked him up Sunday, but for now I really was all about spoiling her. She deserved it. She’d worked so hard on my birthday and it really was the most amazing and special birthday I’d ever had. All I’d been able to do ever since is think about what life with Mary Beth would be like. So far I’d come to the conclusion that it would be pretty freaking amazing and that I couldn’t think of one way that my life would not be better with her in it.
I had dressed quickly and made my way back to the kitchen to pack up the lunch I had fixed for us. I really didn’t want her to have to worry about anything. I knew she’d never really been spoiled and romanced and by stars I was going to spend the rest of my days doing just that. I had so many ideas running through my head of things to do that I couldn’t keep up with them all. This was exactly what I was thinking about when I heard her step into the room.
“What are you grinning about, cowboy?” She said softly, walking up behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist, fitting herself against my broad back.
“Just thinking,” I said vaguely as I turned around intended to press my lips to hers.
My breath caught in my throat though. She looked so cute in her tight little ski pants and sweater. All week long she’d been wearing baggy snowboarding clothes. I liked this much better I thought as I ran my hand over her ass with a moan.
“See something you like, big guy?” She chuckled as she took in the look on my face.
“Yes, ma’am. I think I want you to start skiing instead of boarding if it means you wearing this.” I grinned until I thought that through a bit, shaking my head. “Never mind, then every guy on the mountain would be all over you. I’d have to hurt somebody.”
“You are too funny.” She giggled.
“You think I’m kidding?” I said, suddenly serious, crossing my muscular arms over my broad chest.
“Uhm, yes?” She admitted.
“Have you looked in the mirror?” I asked in shock.
“Every day, Cody,” she said, sounding a bit sad.
“Then you must not be looking at the same person I look at every day, because you are absolutely the most beautiful and sexiest woman I’ve ever known,” I said, reaching back out to run my hand over her face.
“You make me feel that way, but…” she hesitated.
“But nothing. You trust me with everything else. Trust me with this, ok?” I assured her.
She nodded but didn’t smile.
“Wait, you do trust me with everything, don’t you?” I asked worriedly, my brows furrowed.
“Yes, Cody. I trust you probably more than I’ve ever trusted anyone else in my life. I admit at first that freaked me out because that is so against my nature, but to me that just goes to show how right it is for me to trust you.” She explained before breaking into a relaxed smile and standing on her toes to press a kiss to my lips. “Now, is my super sweet, super wonderful, super hot boyfriend ready for us to go?”
“I don’t know. You want me to go find him and see?” I joked as she rolled her eyes. “Be back in a second and then I’m ready.”
I changed quickly and then loaded our stuff up to go. We did take one snowmobile and Mary Beth let me drive. It was a good thing since she didn’t know exactly what I had in mind, but also because I wasn’t sure I could take her backside grinding against my already growing arousal. Just what I needed, to blow my load in my pants like a freaking teenager.
I drove the snowmobile up to a spot I had noticed on our earlier ride, high in the mountains overlooking the valley. I pulled the snowmobile to a stop and turned to straddle the seat and face Mary Beth.
“I can’t believe you remembered this spot,” she sighed, smiling brightly at me.
“I just thought it was beautiful and I wanted to bring you back here. Does it mean something?” I asked curiously.
“I used to always come up here to think about things. This was kind of my spot,” she said softly.
“Well, we don’t have to stay here,” I rambled, starting to turn around until she stopped me.
“Hey, no. That’s not what I meant. I love that you noticed it and that for some reason it stood out to you. I like sharing it with you.” She grinned, cupping my cheek with her hand as she ran her thumb over the scruff of my beard.
“Cool!” I exclaimed, groaning inwardly.
Could I make myself sound like more of a goofy, lovesick teenager? What was she doing to me? She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips before standing up and climbing off the snowmobile. I was still sitting there, trying to figure out how to regain my hotness when I felt something cold and wet hit the back of my neck.
I whipped my head around to see Mary Beth doubled over in laughter. She already had another snowball formed and in her hands and I could hear the wheels turning in her head. I felt the grin spread across my face as I stood up.
“Mary Beth,” I growled, throwing my leg over the snowmobile and moving towards her.
She giggled as she lobbed the snowball in her hand at me, watching it splatter across my broad chest before taking off at a run. I scooped up some snow and started forming as it as I stepped awkwardly through the deep snow. How in the world was she practically skipping across this stuff?
I tossed the snowball at her and missed, causing her to giggle even harder. I was even more determined as I ran after her. She was laughing so hard she didn’t notice the fallen tree branch in front of her.
“Love, watch out!” I yelled just a little too late as she fell face first into the snow.
I ran over to her and dropped down on my knees, straddling her as she turned over. She smiled up at me, showing me she was ok. I grinned down at her as I leaned in for a kiss. I ran my tongue over her lips, trying to warm them for her. I sank down in the snow next to her breathless.
“That was fun!” She giggled again.
“How in the world were you not sinking in the snow?” I asked in shock.
“Magic!” She laughed.
“Well, we definitely have some of that!” I chuckled.
“Some?” she asked with a furrowed brow.
“Lots!” I grinned. “But I don’t think magic is going to get you out of this.”
“Oh no?” she asked with a smile, flipping us so I was lying in the snow and she was straddling me.
“Nope.” I grinned wicked as I quickly snatched up some snow and dropped it down the front of her shirt, wiggling away from her and taking off before she could stop me.
“Oh, you are in big trouble now, cowboy,” she yelled as she ran after me.
Yet again Little Miss Graceful glided across the snow as I toddled through it with it almost knee deep. Before I knew what hit me she had launched herself on to my back, causing us both to topple to the ground in a fit of giggles. I rolled us over so Mary Beth was lying on top of me, snuggled against my chest.
“I don’t know when I’ve had this much fun!” I bellowed, my deep voice echoing around the mountain.
“I’ve never had this much fun with anyone before,” she giggled against my chest, the vibrations sending shock waves through my body. Focus, Cody, focus. That’s not what today is supposed to be about.
“Well, I do aim to show my lady a good time,” I said, laying on my Southern accent as thick as possible.
“Oh, Cody,” she sighed, snuggling back into my chest at just the moment my stomach growled loudly.
“Was that a bear?” She laughed, looking around before settling her eyes back on me. “No, I think it was just my teddy bear.” She winked. “I think we better feed him before he turns into a grizzly bear. Oh, wait, you did bring food, right?”
“Of course, my love. You were so impressed with my breakfast making abilities that I made lunch for us too!” I grinned proudly.
In reality when I was quizzing my mom on how to make French toast, I’d asked for her suggestions and help packing our picnic too. I’d walked around the kitchen on my cell phone telling her what I found, her helping me figure out how to put them together into something good. I was pretty proud of myself if I did say so.
I helped Mary Beth sit up. I stood up and then pulled her up to join me. I went over to the bag I had strapped to the back of the snowmobile and unzipped it. I pulled out a tarp, spreading it on the ground before covering it with a soft blanket. I took Mary Beth’s hand and helped her sit down before I went to retrieve our food. I quickly sat out all our dishes, watching Mary Beth take in everything with an impressed smile.
I poured a bowl of baked potato soup for each of us, topping it with cheese, onions and bacon. I placed the ham and cheese crescent rolls and fresh fruit on a plate alongside each of our bowls. I grabbed the thermos and poured each of us a mug of hot tea sweetened with honey. When I looked back up Mary Beth’s eyes were huge.
“What?” I said hesitantly.
“I never would have imagined,” she whispered.
“Love, don’t get too impressed, ok? I again had to get my mom to help me.” I grinned sheepishly.
“But still,” she gasped, taking it all in. “And you did ask, that’s something by itself.”
“That won’t mean a lot if it doesn’t taste good.” I frowned, chuckling nervously.
She smiled softly as she raised a spoonful of the soup to her lips, blowing on it softly before closing her lips around it. Her lips curled up in a smile. Score one for McAllister!
“Oh my, Cody, this is amazing!” She moaned before picking up her crescent roll to try. “This too! A Greek god who’s an amazing lover AND who can cook! My goodness, I must be the luckiest girl in the world!” She grinned.
I know I was blushing ten shades of red. Hold up, did she just say what I think she said? What had happened to my shy little Mary Beth?
“Amazing lover?” I gulped as I asked.
“Oh my, yes,” she groaned.
“It must be because I have such an amazing wife,” I whispered, winking and causing her to blush.
We ate the rest of our meal in comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company and the peaceful scenery. When Mary Beth had taken her last bite of fruit and drank her last drink of tea, I swept away all the dishes and began to fix our dessert. I poured us each a cup of hot chocolate and put thick brownies on our plates, carrying them back to our blanket and Mary Beth.
“Baby, you baked too?” she gasped and then moaned when I popped a bite of the brownie into her mouth.
“It was a mix you had. I just kicked it up a notch.” I grinned with a chuckle. “Bam!” I laughed as I popped my hands like Emeril.
She just laughed and shook her head before breaking off a piece of the chocolate goodness and popping it into my mouth. She gasped when I closed my lips around her finger, sucking on it softly, whimpering when I let it go.
“Baby, is there anything you can’t do?” she moaned after taking another bite of the chocolate.
“What can I say? You inspire me.” I grinned with pride. “Seriously, I’ve never done half the things I’ve tried since I’ve been with you. I just feel, I don’t know, inspired, liberated, empowered, worshipped, motivated.”
“All that?” she asked as I nodded. “I do all that for you?”
“Well, yeah.” I shrugged.
“I thought it was just me,” she whispered.
“Thought what was just you?” I asked in confusion.
“Feeling all those things. You make me feel all those things and you make me want to do and try things I never believed I could before. You definitely make me feel things I’ve never felt before.” She smiled softly.
“Well, good.” I grinned. “Because you’re it for me. I love you and I feel like my whole life has just been leading up to finding you. Now God has given you to ome and I know its forever.” I admitted.
“I love you too, Cody. I can’t imagine you not in my life. You’re the life I always prayed for and dreamed about, but never thought would come true for me,” she sighed, moving closer and snuggling against me.
I wrapped my arms around her and felt her shiver against me. I pulled her closer against my chest and felt the wetness of her shirt. The snowballs! The snow I put down her shirt. What the heck was I thinking?
“Love, why didn’t you tell me you were cold and wet?” I asked softly.
“I didn’t want to end our lunch and the soup and tea helped,” she said, her teeth starting to chatter a bit.
“We need to get you back and get you warmed up. Let me throw this stuff back in the bag so we can go.” I explained.
I led Mary Beth back to the snowmobile and sat her down while I gathered our lunch and packed I all back up as quickly as I could. I tied the bag back down and climbed on in front of Mary Beth. She snuggled tightly against my back and I fired the snowmobile up, driving as fast as I could back to the cabin. There was a hot tub calling our name.
Cody fussed over me all the way back to the cabin. I could tell he was worried and was blaming himself that I had gotten so wet and cold. I really was fine, or would be once I got warmed up. Truthfully being snuggled into his body on the snowmobile was very warming, but I knew Cody wanted to take care of me so who was I to say no?
He quickly parked the snowmobile in the garage and took my hand, leading me to the hot tub. He turned it on and removed the cover. He quickly stripped of his own clothes before removing mine. He stepped into the tub and helped me in, pulling me into the water until it reached my chin, wrapping his arms around me and holding me against him.
“Better?” he asked worriedly.
“Fantastic.” I grinned, snuggling my head into his shoulder.
“Good,” he sighed with relief. “I’m sorry I put that snow down your shirt, love.”
“Cody, quit worrying about it. We were having fun, weren’t we?” I smiled up at him.
“Yeah, I don’t know when I’ve had that much fun!” he said excitedly. “I felt like a kid again.”
“Exactly. So quit worrying about it!” I said, splashing him to illustrate my point.
He ducked down under the water, circling around me, me turning in circles following his path before he popped up and shook himself, water cascading over me. I giggled, sighing and threading my hands through his silky mane.
“I love your hair,” I sighed before I could stop myself.
I love your hair? Ugh, I sounded like a lovesick teenager. I felt like one too.
“Well, I love you.” He grinned. “I kind of have another big surprise for you.”
“Oh really?” I said with a raised eyebrow. “Bigger than getting married on a mountaintop?”
“Well, I don’t know about that, but we probably need to go dry off and get dressed and packed.” he explained.
“Packed?” I gasped. “Where in the world are we going?”
“Surprise, remember? I’ll help you pack though.” He grinned, stepping out and wrapping himself in the terry cloth robe hanging by the back door.
He grabbed a robe for me as well, wrapping me in it after I stepped out. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips to mine for a moment before taking my hand and leading me inside.
Thirty minutes later we were in the truck headed toward Taos. Cody still refused to tell me anything, but eventually we pulled up in front of El Monte Sagrado Resort. I took Cody’s hand as he helped me out of the car and together we walked into the lobby. Cody gave his name at the front desk and the clerk replied with a smile.
“Yes, sir, Mr. McAllister. All your arrangements have been made. If you’ll follow me please.” The man gestured, stepping from behind the desk.
Moments later we stepped inside our suite. I gasped as I looked around. It was so beautiful.
“Welcome to our Marrakech suite. I hope it is to your satisfaction?” he asked.
“It’s perfect.” Cody replied.
“Your dinner and spa reservations are detailed in your folder here,” he instructed, handing the papers to Cody. “I’ll leave you to get settled. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if we can make your stay more pleasurable.”
With that he was out the door. I began to walk about the room, taking in all the details. I’d wanted to go to Morocco since I was a teenager. Had Cody remembered this?
“Do you like the room? They had a lot of different suites, but when they mentioned this one I remembered your story about going to EPCOT and then wanting to visit Morocco, so I thought…” he shrugged.
“It’s perfect. You’re perfect!” I grinned, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“Well, we have two nights of perfection and I’ve got lots of relaxation and perfection planned.” He grinned down at me.
“Two nights? But…” I began.
“I already called Karen and they are keeping Tommy until Sunday,” he explained.
He really was perfect, I thought. Oops, from the blush on his cheeks apparently I had done more than thought that.
“I think you’re pretty perfect yourself.” He grinned. “Like he said we have dinner reservations tonight and then tomorrow I made us some appointments with the spa. I know we could be relaxing at the cabin but I just wanted something special for you, for us.”
“This is amazing. I didn’t even know this place was here!” I gushed, flopping down on the bed.
“I’m glad you’re pleased.” He smiled, lying down next to me, pulling me close. “We have dinner reservations in a couple of hours. Would you like to join me for a bath?”
“Love to, Mr. McAllister.” I grinned, taking his hand and following him to the bathroom.
I smiled as I took in the enormous soaking tub in the middle of the room. I sat down on a stool in front of the vanity while Cody ran a bath full of bubbles for us. Fragrance filled the room. I watched as he moved around, lighting candles around the room as well. He pulled me to stand, helping me out of my clothes before quickly stripping off his own and leading us to the tub. Once we were settled in, I slid over and wrapped my arms around Cody’s neck, pulling him close.
“Thank you, baby. This is amazing,” I sighed, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“Aww, love, you’re welcome.” He blushed, obviously pleased with the praise. “Do you mind if we talk a bit?”
“Ok,” I said hesitantly, my body tensing, instantly worried about what he was about to say.
“Mary Beth, it’s nothing bad. I just wanted to talk about what things will be like for us once I have to go back to work. I want to know that we can make this work,” he begged.
“Oh!” I exclaimed. “We have to work something out, Cody. I want you to be in my life in every way. I know there are times we’re going to have to be apart because of your work, but can’t we figure things out so we’re still in each other’s lives?” I said sadly.
“I don’t mean it like that, honey. As far as I’m concerned, we’re together from now on. Nothing is changing that. I just want to make sure we can figure out how to physically and geographically not get too far from each other for very long. I’ve got ideas, but I don’t want to scare you,” he said hesitantly.
“Cody?” I said firmly, urging him to look me in the eyes.
“Yeah?” he said softly, his eyes meeting mine.
“We’re married now. There’s nothing you can say that will change anything. Scare me,” I urged.
“Ok, love, you asked for it.” He laughed. “I’d like to move to Texas and live on the ranch. If I have to go to an audition I can just fly back for that. I can just as easily fly to a movie location from Texas as Los Angeles, but when I have to go on location for more than few weeks I’d want you and Tommy to come with me somehow. I don’t know how that would work with his school, but I hope we could figure that out.” He explained as he washed my hair.
“So you want us to be together? All three of us? All the time?” I clarified.
“Well, yeah, isn’t that what families do?” he asked simply. “It’s not just you and me in this. I know that.”
“Wow,” I breathed, turning to caress his cheek. “It’s just…dreaming about something, wanting it so badly and then having it put in front of you where all you have to say is yes and it will come true? It’s just sometimes hard to imagine that it’s really happening.”
“But you want it?” he asked tentatively.
“Oh, yes, I want it,” I growled. “I want to wake up to you every day and go to sleep next to you every night.”
“Good thing, woman, because you’re stuck with me now,” he chuckled. “Now come on, let’s get ready for dinner. I’m starved.”
“You’re always starved.” I giggled, yelping when he grabbed my ass as I stepped out of the tub.
“Starved for you,” he growled, “but yeah, some food would be good too!”
I was drying my hair while Cody went back into the bedroom to get dressed. I had just turned the hair dryer off when I heard him call to me.
“Love, your cell is beeping,” he yelled.
“Can you check it for me?” I yelled back, thinking it might be Tommy.
“Sure!” he called out. “It’s a text from someone named Mitchell.”
Mitchell? What in the world? There was only one reason that I would hear from him and it couldn’t be good.
I quietly stepped back into the bedroom and looked over at Cody hesitantly, swallowing hard. He looked thoroughly worried and confused.
“What does it say?” I whispered fearfully.
“You can’t keep me away much longer,” he read. “What does that mean? Mary Beth? Mary Beth?” he called worriedly, rushing to my side when he saw me slide to the floor.
It wasn’t from Mitchell. I knew that immediately. It was from Mike.