Note : Chinese characters will be visible on devices that suppport them.
anmo daoyin 按摩導引 (“pressing and rubbing” and “guiding and pulling”)
anyin 按引 (“pressing and pulling”)
bagua 八卦 (eight trigrams)
Bai Yuchan 白玉蟾 (1194–1229?)
bairi guan 百日關 (Barrier of the Hundred Days)
Baizi bei 百字碑 (Hundred-Character Tablet)
bamai 八脈 (Eight Vessels)
Bamai jing 八脈經 (Book of the Eight Vessels)
Baopu zi 抱樸子 (Book of the Master Who Embraces Spontaneous Nature)
baoyi 抱一 (embracing Unity)
beihai 北海 (Northern Ocean)
Beizong 北宗 (Northern Lineage)
Bencao gangmu 本草綱目 (Pharmacopoeia Arranged into Headings and Subheadings)
bi 彼 (the “other”)
biguan 閉關 (confinement)
bixi 閉息 (stopping breathing)
cai 採 (“gathering”)
canghai 滄海 (Azure Sea)
Cantong qi 參同契 (Token for the Joining of the Three)
Cantong qi chanyou 參同契闡幽 (Clarification of Obscurities in the Cantong qi )
Cantong zhizhi 參同契直指 (Straightforward Directions on the Cantong qi )
canxia 餐霞 (“swallowing mist”)
chang 常 (constancy)
Changdao zhenyan 唱道真言 (True Words Chanting the Dao)
Changsheng quanjing 長生詮經 (Book on the Principles of Long Life)
changuan 禪觀 (contemplation)
chanxian 禪仙 (“Chan Immortal”)
Chen Niwan 陳泥丸 (?–1213)
Chen Tuan 陳搏 (ca. 920–89)
Chen Zhixu 陳致虛 (1290–ca. 1368)
chengjiang xue 承漿穴 (Receiver of Fluids cavity)
chongmai 衝脈 (Thoroughfare vessel)
chu yangshen 出陽神 (“egress of the Yang Spirit”)
chuguan 初關 (“initial barrier”)
chutai 出胎 (“delivery of the embryo”)
cuancu 攢簇 (“gathering together”)
Cui Xifan 崔希範 (ca. 880–940)
da dinglu 大鼎爐 (Great Tripod and Stove)
da jietuo 大解脫 (Great Liberation)
da zhoutian 大周天 (Greater Celestial Circuit)
dadan 大丹 (Great Elixir)
dading 大定 (great stability)
daimai 帶脈 (Girdle vessel)
Dandao jiupian 丹道九篇 (Nine Essays on the Way of the Elixir)
danmu 丹母 (“mother of the Elixir”)
dantian 丹田 (Cinnabar Field)
dantou 丹頭 (“matrix of the Elixir”)
Danyang zhenren yulu 丹陽真人語錄 (Recordes Sayings of the True Man Ma Danyang)
Daode jing 道德經 (Book of the Way and its Virtue)
Daode jing zhushi 道德經注釋 (Commentary and Exegesis to the Book the Way and its Virtue )
daoshu 道術 (arts of the Way)
daotai 道胎 (Embryo of the Dao)
daoxin 道心 (“mind of the Dao”)
daoyin 導引 (“guiding and pulling”)
Daoyuan jingwei ge 道源精微歌 (Delicate Songs on the Origins in the Dao)
Daozang jinghua lu 道藏精華錄 (Record of the Essential Splendors of the Taoist Canon)
dayao 大藥 (Great Medicine)
de 德 (virtue)
dihu 地戶 (Door of Earth)
Ding Fubao 丁福保 (1874–1952)
Dinglu shi 鼎爐詩 (Poem on the Tripod and the Stove)
dizhi 地支 (earthly branches)
dongtai 動態 (dynamic state)
duiduan xue 兌端穴 (Mouth Extremity cavity)
dumai 督脈 (Control vessel)
dunfa 頓法 (“immediate method”)
duo zaohua 奪造化 (“stealing creation and transformation”)
ertian fanfu 二田反復 (“going back and forth between the two Fields”)
fa 法 (dharma; model)
famen 法門 (dharma-gate)
fangen fuming 返根復命 (“returning to the root and reverting to life”)
fangshi 方士 (“masters of the methods”)
fenbi 分泌 (internal secretions)
fengfu xue 風府穴 (Cavity of the Wind Palace)
Fu Jinquan 付金銓 (1765–1844)
fuji 扶乩 (planchette writing)
fuming guan 復命關 (Barrier of the Return to Life)
fuqi 服氣 ( “ingesting breath”)
gangqi 剛氣 (“firm breath”)
genqiao 根竅 (Root-Opening)
guan 關 (“barriers”)
guanqiao 關竅 (Opening of the Barrier)
Guanwu jin 觀物吟 (Chant on the Contemplation of Things)
guigen fuming 歸根復命 (“reverting to the root and returning to life”)
guixi 龜息 (“breathing like a turtle”)
guizhong 規中 (Center of the Compass)
Guo Qingfan 郭慶藩 (1844–96)
gushen 谷神 (Spirit of the Valley)
heche 河車 (River Chariot)
Hetu 河圖 (Chart of the Yellow River)
hou 候 (“times, periods, spans of time”)
houtian 後天 (postcelestial, “posterior to Heaven”)
houtian jing 後天精 (postcelestial essence)
houtian qi 後天氣 (postcelestial breath)
houxi 喉息 (“breathing through the throat”)
huan 還 (return)
huandan 還丹 (Reverted Elixir)
huandu 環堵 (enclosure)
Huang Baijia 黃百家 (1643–1709)
huangdao 黃道 (Yellow Path)
Huangdi neijing suwen 黃帝內經素問 (Inner Book of the Yellow Emperor: The Plain Questions)
Huanghu jin 恍惚吟 (“Chant of the Vague and Indistinct”)
huangpo 黃婆 (Yellow Dame)
Huangting jing 黃庭經 (Scripture of the Yellow Court)
huangting xue 黃庭穴 (Cavity of the Yellow Court)
huangting 黃庭 (Yellow Court)
huanjing bunao 還精補腦 (“reverting the course of the Essence to replenish the brain”)
Huanyuan pian 還源篇 (Reverting to the Origin)
Huashan 華山 (Mount Hua)
huiguang fanzhao 回光返照 (“circulating the light and inverting the radiance”)
huiyin xue 會陰穴 (Meeting of Yin cavity)
huo bi jinxing 火逼金行 (“Fire pressing Metal into movement”)
huo zishi 活子時 (“living Zi hour”)
huohou 火候 (Fire Times)
huxi 呼吸 (“respiration,” “exhaling and inhaling”)
jiaji 夾脊 (Spinal Handle)
jianfa 漸法 (“gradual method”)
Jiang Weiqiao 蔣維喬 (1872–1955)
jiaogan jing 交感精 (“essence of the intercourse,” i.e., semen)
jin yanghuo 進陽火 (“advancing the Yang Fire”)
jin 斤 (pound)
Jindan dacheng ji 金丹大成集 (The Great Achievement of the Golden Elixir)
Jindan dayao 金丹大要 (Great Essentials of the Golden Elixir)
Jindan sibai zi 金丹四百字 (Four Hundred Words on the Golden Elixir)
Jindan wenda 金丹問答 (Questions and Answers on the Golden Elixir)
jinfang 金方 (“direction of Metal”)
jing 精 (essence)
jing 靜 (quiescence)
jingming xue 睛明穴 (Eyes’ Light cavity)
jingzuo 靜坐 (“sitting in quiescence”)
jinhuo tuifu 進火退符 (“advancing the Fire and withdrawing in response”)
jinhuo 進火 (“advancing the Fire”)
jinmen 禁門 (Forbidden Gate)
Jiqian ge 繼前歌 (Song of Following the Antecedent)
jiunian guan 九年關 (Barrier of the Nine Years)
jun 君 (lord)
keqi 客氣 (“extraneous breaths”)
Kuaihuo ge 快活歌 (Song of Joyful Life)
kunlu 坤爐 (Kun ☷ Stove)
Kunlun 崑侖
lao fengbi 牢封閉 (“sealing tightly”)
Li Buye 李樸野 (Ming dynasty)
Li Daochun 李道純 (fl. ca. 1290)
Li Shizhen 李時珍 (1518–93)
Li Xiyue 李西月 (1806–56)
liandao chengsheng 煉道成聖 (“refining the Dao to achieve sainthood”)
liang 兩 (ounce)
lianjing huaqi 煉精化炁 (“refining Essence to transmute it into Breath”)
lianming 煉命 (“refining one’s Life”)
lianqi huashen 煉炁化神 (“refining Breath to transmute it into Spirit”)
lianshen hedao 煉神合道 (“refining Spirit to join with the Dao”)
lianshen huanxu 煉神還虛 (“refining Spirit to return to Emptiness”)
lianxing 煉形 (“refining the form”)
lianxing 煉性 (“refining one’s Nature”)
lianxing huaqi 煉形化炁 (“refining the form to transmute it into Breath”)
lianyi huanwu 煉一還無 (“refining the One to revert to Non-Being”)
liaoming 了命 (“fulfilling Life”)
liaoxing 了性 (“fulfilling Nature”)
lingguang 靈光 (Numinous Radiance)
lingque 靈闕 (Numinous Portal)
Lingshu jing 靈樞經 (Book of the Numinous Pivot)
lingyao 靈藥 (Numinous Medicine)
Liu Haichan 劉海蟾
Liu Qiaoqiao 劉敲蹺 (1839–1933)
liu wu jiu ji 流戊就己 (“drifting Wu 戊 to reach Ji 己 ”)
Liu Yiming 劉一明 (1734–1821)
liuzei 六賊 (“six thieves”)
Longmen 龍門
Lü Dongbin 呂洞賓
luche 鹿車 (“deer chariot”)
lulu 轆轤 (Pulley)
Ma Danyang 馬丹陽 (1123–84)
Maiwang 脈望 (The Essence)
maoyou muyu 卯酉沐浴 (“bathing at Mao 卯 and You 酉 ”)
mei 媒 (“go-between”)
meipo 媒婆 (“match-maker”)
mianmian ruocun 綿綿若存 (“unceasing and continuous”)
Min Yide 閔一得 (1748–1836)
Ming 命 (Life, Existence)
mingguan 命關 (Barrier of Life)
mingmen 命門 (Gate of Life)
mingtang 明堂 (Hall of Lights)
mingxin jianxing 明心見性 (“enlightening one’s mind and seeing one’s Nature”)
muyu 沐浴 (“bathing”)
najia 納甲 (Matching the Stems)
Nanzong 南宗 (Southern Lineage)
nei huxi 內呼吸 (“internal breathing”)
Neidan 內丹 (Internal Elixir; Internal Alchemy)
neiguan 內觀 (inner contemplation)
Neijia quanfa 內家拳法 (Martial Arts of the Secret Schools)
neiqi 內氣 (internal Breath)
neishi 內視 (inner observation)
neiyao 內藥 (Internal Medicine)
ni 逆 (“inverting the course”)
niuche 牛車 (“ox chariot”)
niwan gong 泥丸宮 (Palace of the Muddy Pellet)
niwan 泥丸 (Muddy Pellet)
nixing chengxian 逆行成仙 (“inverting the course generates an Immortal”)
nixing 逆行 (“inverting the course”)
Peng Si 彭耜 (fl. 1217–51)
Penghu 蓬壺
qian santian, hou sanguan 前三田 , 後三關 (“three Fields in the front, three Barriers in the back”)
qianding 乾頂 (Summit of Qian ☰ )
qianding 乾鼎 (Qian ☰ Tripod)
qiangong 乾宮 (Palace of Qian ☰ )
Qianlong Dazang jin g 乾隆大藏經 (Buddhist Canon of the Qianlong Emperor)
qianqi [zhi ] yunxing 潛氣 [之 ]運行 (“circulation of the hidden Breath”)
Qiaoqiao dongzhang 敲蹺洞章 (Writings from the Cavern of Liu Qiaoqiao)
Qigong 氣功
qijing 奇經 (“extraordinary channels,” or vessels)
qijing bamai 奇經八脈 (eight “extraordinary vessels”)
“Qijing bamai kao” 奇經八脈考 (“An Investigation of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels”)
Qinghua biwen 青華秘文 (Secret Text of Green Florescence)
qingjing 清靜 (clarity and quiescence)
Qingxia zi 青霞子
qingxiu pai 清修派 (Pure Cultivation branch)
Qiu Chuji 丘處機 (1148–1227)
qixue 氣穴 (Cavity of Breath)
qizhi zhi xing 氣質之性 (temperament)
qu kan tian li 取坎填離 (“taking from Kan ☵ in order to fill Li ☲ ”)
Quan Tang shi 全唐詩 (Complete Poetry of the Tang)
Quanzhen 全真
queqiao 鵲橋 (Magpie Bridge)
qukuang liujin 去礦留金 (“eliminating the ore to keep the gold”)
rangu xue 然谷穴 (Blazing Valley cavity)
renmai 任脈 (Function vessel)
renxin 人心 (human mind)
rouqi 柔氣 (“soft breath”)
ruding 入定 (“entering stability”)
ruhuan 入環 (“entering the enclosure”)
rujing 入靜 (entering the state of quiescence)
Ruyao jing 入藥鏡 (Mirror for Compounding the Medicine)
sanbao 三寶 (Three Treasures)
sanche yunzhuan 三車運轉 (“turning around the Three Chariots”)
sanhua juding 三花聚頂 (“the three flowers gather at the sinciput”)
sanjiao heyi 三教合一 (unity of the Three Teachings)
sanquan 三全 (“the three wholes”)
sanyuan 三元 (Three Origins)
shangde 上德 (“superior virtue”)
shangguan 上關 (“higher barrier”)
Shangqing ji 上清集 (Collection of Highest Clarity)
Shao Yong 邵雍 (1012–77)
shaoyin 少陰 (Minor Yin)
shen 神 (Spirit)
shen 身 (body, person)
shen wai shen 身外身 (“a body outside the body”)
shengke 生克 (“generation and conquest”)
shengming li 生命力 (life force)
shengsi qiao 生死竅 (Opening of Life and Death)
shengtai 聖胎 (Embryo of Sainthood)
Shi Tai 石太 (?–1158)
shi’er xiaoxi 十二消息 (“twelve-stage ebb and flow”)
Shihan ji 石函記 (Records from a Stone Casket)
shijie 尸解 (“liberation from the corpse”)
shishen 識神 (“cognitive spirit”)
shiyue guan 十月關 (Barrier of the Ten Months)
shouqiao 守竅 (“guarding the Opening”)
shouxin 收心 (“collecting the mind”)
shouyi 守一 (“guarding Unity”)
shouzhong 守中 (“guarding the Center”)
shuifu 水府 (Palace of Water)
shun 順 (“following the course”)
shunhua 順化 (“continuing transformation”)
si koujue 四口訣 (“the four oral instructions”)
sida 四大 (four elements)
sihu 死戶 (Door of Death)
Siku tiyao 四庫提要 (Descriptive Notes on the Books of the Four Repositories)
sizheng muyu 四正沐浴 (“bathing at the four cardinal points”)
sizheng 四正 (four cardinal points)
Sizhu Wuzhen pian 四注悟真篇 (Four Commentaries to Awakening to Reality )
suanyao guilu 送藥歸爐 (“delivering the Medicine to the stove”)
Taiji tu shoushou kao 太極圖授受考 (Study of the Transmission of the Chart of the Ultimate )
taixi 胎息 (“embryonic breathing”)
Taixi jing 胎息經 (Scripture of Embryonic Breathing)
Taixi jing zhu 胎息經注 (Commentary to the Scripture of Embryonic Breathing )
Taixi ming 胎息銘 (Inscription on Embryonic Breathing)
tiangan 天干 (celestial stems)
tiangen 天根 (Heaven’s Root)
tiangong 天宮 (Celestial Palace)
tiangu 天谷 (Heaven’s Valley)
tianjing 天經 (Heaven’s Warp)
tianmen 天門 (Gate of Heaven)
tianshu 天樞 (Celestial Axis)
Tianxian zhengli zhilun 天仙正理直論 (Straightforward Discourses on the Correct Principles of Celestial Immortality)
tianzhen 天真 (Celestial Reality)
tiao zhenxi 調真息 (“harmonizing the true breathing”)
tiaojing 調精 (“harmonizing the Essence”)
tiaoshen 調神 (“harmonizing the Spirit”)
tiaoxi 調息 (“harmonizing the breathing”)
Tingxin zhai kewen 聽心齋客問 (Answers to a Guest at the Studio of Listening to the Heart)
tong rendu 通任督 (“clearing the Function and Control vessels”)
tong sanguan 通三關 (“clearing the three Barriers”)
tongguan 通關 (“clearing of the barriers”)
tufu 土釜 (“earthenware crucible”)
tui yinfu 退陰符 (“withdrawing by the Yin response”)
tuifu 退符 (“withdrawing in response”)
tuoyue gongfu 橐籥功夫 (“practice of the bellows”)
Waidan 外丹 (External Elixir; External Alchemy)
“Waipian” 外篇 (“Outer Chapters”)
waiyao 外藥 (External Medicine)
Wan Shangfu 萬尚父 (Ming dynasty)
Wang Bangshu 王邦叔 (fl. ca. 1075)
Wang Haicang 王海藏 (Yuan dynasty)
Wang Jinchan 王金蟾 (thirteenth century)
wei 危 (Rooftop, lunar mansion)
Wei Boyang 魏伯陽
weilü 尾閭 (Caudal Funnel)
Weng Baoguang 翁葆光 (fl. 1173)
wenhuo 文火 (“gentle fire” or “civil fire”)
wenyang 溫養 (“nourishing warmly”)
wo 我 (the “self”)
Wu Shouyang 伍守陽 (1574–1644)
wu 無 (“nothing”)
wuhuo 武火 (“fierce fire” or “martial fire”)
wuji 無極 (Ultimateless)
Wuji tu 無極圖 (Chart of the Ultimateless)
wujue 無覺 (non-perception)
wulou 無漏 (“uncontaminated”)
wuqi chaoyuan 五氣朝元 (“return of the five agents to the source”)
wushu 巫術 (shamanic and mediumistic arts)
wuwei 無為 (“non-doing”)
wuxing 五行 (five agents)
Wuzhen pian 悟真篇 (Awakening to Reality)
Wuzhen pian chanyou 悟真篇闡幽 (Clarification of Obscurities in Awakening to Reality )
Wuzhen pian shiyi 悟真篇拾遺 (Supplement to Awakening to Reality )
Wuzhen zhizhi 悟真直指 (Straightforward Directions on Awakening to Reality )
Wuzhen zhizhi xiangshuo sansheng biyao 悟真直指詳說三乘祕要 (Straightforward Directions and Detailed Explanations on Awakening to Reality and the Secret Essentials of the Three Vehicles)
Wuzhen pian zhushu 悟真篇註疏 (Commentary and Subcommentary to Awakening to Reality )
xiade 下德 (“inferior virtue”)
Xian Fo hezong yulu 仙佛合宗語錄 (Recorded Sayings on the Common Origin of the Immortals and the Buddhas)
xianshu 仙術 (arts of Immortality)
xiantian 先天 (precelestial, “prior to Heaven”)
xiantian jing 先天精 (precelestial Essence; Essence prior to Heaven)
xiantian qi 先天炁 (precelestial Breath; Breath prior to Heaven)
xiao dinglu 小鼎爐 (“Small Tripod and Stove”)
Xiao Tingzhi 肖廷芝 (fl. 1260–64)
xiao zhoutian 小周天 (Lesser Celestial Circuit)
xiaoxi 消息 (“ebb and flow”)
xin 心 (Heart; heart; mind)
xing 刑 (“punishment”)
xing 形 (form)
Xing 性 (Nature)
Xingming guizhi 性命圭旨 (Teachings on the Joint Cultivation of Nature and Life)
xinxing 心性 (Nature of the Mind)
Xishan qunxian huizhen ji 西山群真會真記 (Records of the Immortals and the True Men of the Western Mountain)
Xiuzhen shishu 修真十書 (Ten Books on the Cultivation of Reality)
Xiyou ji 西遊記 (Journey to the West)
Xu Xun 許遜 (trad. 239–374)
xu 虛 (Emptiness, lunar mansion)
xuanguan 玄關 (Mysterious Barrier)
xuanguan yiqiao 玄關一竅 (One Opening of the Mysterious Barrier)
xuanmiao ji 玄妙機 (“mysterious and wondrous mechanism”)
xuanpin 玄牝 (Mysterious-Female)
xuanpin zhi men 玄牝之門 (Gate of the Mysterious-Female)
xuanxuan 玄玄 (“mystery upon mystery”)
Xuanzhong zi 玄中子
xubi 虛比 (“empty similitude”)
xuwei xue 虛危穴 (Emptiness-Rooftop cavity)
xuwu 虛無 (Emptiness and Non-Being)
yang qiaomai 陽蹺脈 (Yang Heel vessel)
yang weimai 陽維脈 (Yang Linking vessel)
yangche 羊車 (“sheep chariot”)
yangguang 陽光 (Yang radiance)
yangguang sanxian 陽光三現 (“three appearances of the Yang radiance”)
yangshen 陽神 (Yang Spirit)
yangsheng 養生 (Nourishing Life)
yao 藥 (Medicine)
Ye Wenshu 葉文叔 (twelfth century)
yi 意 (Intention)
yiding 移鼎 (“moving the tripod”)
Yijing 周易 (Book of Changes)
yin qiaomai 陰蹺脈 (Yin Heel vessel)
yin qiaoxue 陰蹺穴 (Yin Heel cavity)
yin weimai 陰維脈 (Yin Linking vessel)
Yin Zhiping 尹志平 (1169–1251)
yinfu 陰符 (“Yin response”)
Yinfu jing 陰符經 (Scripture of the Hidden Agreement)
ying’er 嬰兒 (Infant)
yinlu 飲露 (“drinking dew”)
yinshen 陰神 (Yin Spirit)
Yinshi zi jingzuo fa 因是子靜坐法 (Method of Sitting in Quiescence of Master Yinshi)
Yinyang pai 陰陽派 (Yin-Yang branch)
yiqi 一炁 (One Breath)
yishen 一神 (One Spirit)
yishen buxin 以腎補心 (“using the kidneys to replenish the heart”)
yitai 移胎 (“moving the embryo”)
yitu 意土 (Intention-Soil)
Yiwai biezhuan 易外別傳 (The Separate Transmission of the Book of Changes )
yiyang sheng 一陽生 (“birth of initial Yang”)
yong 用 (operation)
yongquan 湧泉 (Bubbling Spring)
you you ru wu 由有入無 (“entering from Being into Non-Being”)
youwei 有為 (“doing”)
youzuo 有作 (“doing”)
Yu Yan 俞琰 (1258–1314)
yuan 元 (“original”)
yuanjing 元精 (Original Essence)
yuanliao 原料 (prima materia )
yuanshen 元神 (Original Spirit)
yuanshi zuqi zhi qiao 元始祖炁之竅 (Opening of the Original Ancestral Breath)
yuanshi 元始 (Origin)
yudu 玉都 (Jade Capital)
yueku xue 月窟穴 (Cavity of the Moon’s Lair)
yuhu 玉壺 (Jade Pot)
yuhua 羽化 (“winged transformation”)
Yuhuang 玉皇 (Jade Sovereign)
yujing shan 玉京山 (Mountain of the Jade Capital)
Yuqing jinsi Qinghua biwen jinbao neilian danjue 玉清金笥青華秘文金寶內煉丹訣 (Alchemical Instructions on the Inner Refinement of the Golden Treasure, a Secret Text from the Golden Casket of the Jade Clarity Transmitted by the Immortal of Green Florescence)
Yuxuan yulu 御選語錄 (Imperial Compilation of Recorded Sayings)
yuzhen 玉枕 (Jade Pillow)
zanian 雜念 (impure thoughts)
zengjian 增減 (“augmenting and decreasing”)
Zhang Boduan 張伯端 (987?–1082)
Zhao Taiding 趙台鼎 (Ming dynasty)
zhen zhongzi 真種子 (True Seed)
zhengjing 正經 (“ordinary channels”)
zhenjing 真精 (True Essence)
zhenqi 真氣 (True Breath)
Zhenquan 真詮 (The Ultimate Truth)
zhenyi 真意 (True Intention)
zhiguan 止觀 (“cessation and contemplation”)
zhinian 止念 (ceasing thoughts)
Zhixuan pian 指玄篇 (Pointing to the Mystery)
Zhong-Lü 鐘呂
Zhong-Lü chuandao ji 鐘呂傳道集 (Records of the Transmission of the Dao from Zhongli Quan to Lü Dongbin)
zhongguan 中關 (“intermediate barrier”)
Zhonghe ji 中和集 (Collection of Central Harmony)
zhonghuang 中黃 (Central Yellow)
Zhongli Quan 鐘離權
zhongshi 種室 (“chamber of the seed”)
zhongtian huaitai 中田懷胎 (“pregnancy in the middle Cinnabar Field”)
zhongxi 踵息 (“breathing through the heels”)
Zhu Yizun 朱彝尊 (1629–1709)
Zhu Yuanyu 朱元育 (fl. 1657–69)
zhu 主 (ruler)
Zhuangzi 莊子 (Book of Master Zhuang Zhou)
zhuji 築基 (“laying the foundations”)
zifu 紫府 (Purple Prefecture)
ziran 自然 (“spontaneous, natural, so of its own”)
ziru 自如 (“spontaneous, natural, so of its own”)
zuichu huanxu 最初還虛 (“earliest return to Emptiness”)
zuichu lianji gongfu 最初煉己功夫 (“earliest practice of self-refining”)
zuo dayao 做大藥 (Compounding the Great Medicine)
zuodan 做丹 (Compounding the Elixir)
zuoguan 坐關 (“barrier of sitting”)
zuqi xue 祖氣穴 (Cavity of the Ancestral Breath)
zuqiao 祖竅 (“ancestral opening”)