Lies We Believe

Refer to chapter 4 in A Jewel in His Crown.

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r EM of the Day

“You see, there are certain women that Satan knows he can fool.

There are some women who are so worldly minded that he knows he already has them under control. But he feels challenged by those of us who dare to think that we are truly Gods daughters” ( p . 72 ).

1. When it comes to spiritual deception, do you think Satan considers you a challenge or easy prey? Why?

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Understanding God's Word

2. Read through the story of the Fall in Genesis 3, slowly and deliberately. Reflect on the strategy Satan used to deceive Eve. Why did he go to her first? What was his intent?

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He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

Lies We Believe

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3. Focus on the first five verses of Genesis 3. Satan’s first trick was to cast doubt on God’s character. Then he progressed to telling outright lies about what God said. Jesus exposed this strategy of Satan’s in John 8:44. What are some of the lies Satan has been trying to get you to believe about God’s character, His plans for you, or His abilities?

“Genesis 3:13 says that the devil'deceived ' her. That same serpent wants to deceive you too (p . 72).

4. Satan doesn’t limit his libelous efforts to God alone. He also lies about God’s children. According to Revelation 12:9, his goal is to deceive the whole world. What does Satan hope to accomplish with this strategy?

And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.

Revelation 12:9

1 John 3:7

“Unfortunately, anything that God wants to do that is pure and holy and heautijul, Satan wants to destroy” (p. 71).

5. Women in the King’s court have to be on their guard against deception. Study the following verses and reflect on why Scripture adamantly instructs us to beware of falsehood.

Galatians 6:7.

Ephesians 5:6

2 Thessalonians 2:3.

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Lies We Believe

Picture #82

6 . How did Satan’s deception steal, kill, and destroy the life Eve had in the Garden (see Genesis 3:16-24)?

“Adam and Eve were Elis obedient children whom He loved. He gave them everything they wanted and needed. Surely they didn't really need access to that one tree, did they?”

Op- A-


pplying God’s Truth

7. Satan can never take away our royal standing once we are in the King’s court. But what has he tried to “steal, kill, and destroy” in your life and in your spiritual development as a daughter of the King?

8 . Based on what you have studied so far, identify some of the lies Satan has used to try to deceive you. After you have listed them below, journal about how you can counteract these lies with truth from God’s Word.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly .

John 10:10

Lies We Believe

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ecording Key Insights

9. What verses or insights from today’s study were particularly significant to you? Write them below and journal about what they mean to you.

aking Action

10. What will you do differently as a result of today’s study?

Setting the Stone

Allow these verses to inspire your prayerful response to God today:

□ John 14:6 —That I will turn to Jesus and His Word to know what to believe about myself and about God.

□ Titus 33 —That I will not give in to Satan’s foolish lies.

□ 2 John 1:7 —That I will be on my guard against others whom Satan might use to

deceive me.

Lies We Believe

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Part ii

Lies We Believe

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