
Refer to chapter 7 in^4 Jewel in His Crown.




“Sometimes God puts us through the fire in order to test our love and devotion to Him” (p. 12s).

1. What is your typical response when you’re under pressure?



The difference between a diamond and a cubic zirconium is easily seen under pressure. A diamond is unbreakable. A cubic zirconium shatters. Read 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 and describe how a Christian woman will hold up under pressure.


is the central belief of the historical Christian faith. Orthopraxy, on the other hand , is the lifestyle you put into practice as a result of that theological foundation. I have a lot of difficulty in that because it is hard to be a woman who lives right and serves God in our day and time” (p. 126).

Picture #174

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

2 Corinthians 4:8-10

Supreme Sacrifice

Picture #175

3. Part of what makes a jewel in the King’s crown so valuable is that it is such a rare find. These women don’t just talk about knowing Christ; they live like they know Him. Consider Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:14; Luke 9:24; 14:33- What sacrifices are required to walk the “narrow way”?

“Are we willing to sacrifice those things that we love for the sake of Christ Jesus> I can think of many things that I am not sure I am willing to wholly give up and devote to God(p. 126).

4. Abraham knew the power of pressure as well as the depth of spiritual sacrifice. Read the story of the test he faced in Genesis 22:1-10. Describe the last time God asked you to give up something for His sake. Were you obedient?

For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:14

“[God] had to wait until that crucial moment between obedience and disobedience to determine whether or not Abraham was for real. Do you really want to be a woman in the Kings court , or do you just want to look like one> ” (p. 127).

5. Read Genesis 22:11-19. From Abraham’s experience, what do you learn about how God rewards our willingness to sacrifice for His sake?

Supreme Sacrifice

Picture #176

6. Meditate on the following Scriptures regarding God’s role as “Provider” and journal your thoughts beside each verse.

Genesis 22:14

Psalm 111:5.

Psalm 111:9.

Isaiah 6 1:3.

7. Take some time to reflect on what God’s Word says about the role of sacrifice. Review Scriptures we’ve studied as well as any others you wish to include here.


PPLYING God’s Truth

8. Has what you’ve studied brought to mind any “supreme sacrifice” God may want you to make? Is there anything in your life that you would be unwilling to let go? Prayerfully offer every area of your life as a sacrifice to God.

9. What will be your next step down the narrow road of obedience or up the moun- taintop of sacrifice?

Abraham called the name of that place The Lord Will Provide, as it is said to this day, “In the mount of the Lord it will be provided. ” Genesis 22:14

Supreme Sacrifice

Picture #177
Picture #178

ecording Key Insights

10. What verses or insights from today’s study were particularly significant to you? Write them below and journal about what they mean to you.

f^rciNG Action

11. What will you do differently as a result of today’s study?

Setting the Stone

Allow these verses to inspire your prayerful response to God today:

□ Luke 18:22 —That I will focus on treasure in heaven.

□ Luke 18:29-30 —That I will remember any earthly sacrifice will be rewarded in heaven.

□ John 8:31 —For my obedience to Christ to show I am the real thing.

Supreme Sacrifice

Picture #179
Picture #180

Part 23

Supreme Sacrifice

Picture #181
Picture #182
Picture #183