BUZZING LIKE A LARGE INSECT, DRAGOMIRA’S TUMBLE-Bawler hovered above Gus and Oksa, who were standing motionless in front of the mirror, and declared:

“The Young Gracious is now sixteen years, two months and thirteen days old; she’s five feet six inches tall and weighs eight and a half stone. Her waist is—”

“Enough, Tumble!” broke in Oksa, before it could tell everyone all her intimate details. “Let’s move on to Gus.”

He groaned, murmuring: “Mercy!”

“As you command, Young Gracious!” said the little creature. “The Young Gracious’s friend is now sixteen years, seven months and twenty-eight days old. He’s five feet nine inches tall and weighs nine and a half stone. Do you want any further details?”

“No, thanks, that’ll do just fine,” said Oksa tonelessly.

Feeling awkward, she moved nearer the mirror and touched her reflection with her fingertips—it looked both strange and familiar. It was her… and someone else. Her figure was more rounded and better-defined and there was a different, more intense, expression in her eyes. With one hand she brushed back her chestnut hair, which was now shoulder-length. Before this, she’d occasionally imagined herself older. She’d cast herself as blonde or brunette, curvy or slender, sporty or smart, as if playing a computer simulation game. But, as far back as she could remember, she’d never hoped to look like this girl in the mirror. She felt dizzy with excitement. She liked her reflection, but it was too soon to feel that it belonged to her. It had all happened too quickly. In the mirror, she smiled shyly at Marie, who was staring at her.

“You were already a babe, but now…” came Tugdual’s voice behind her.

She didn’t dare turn round, so she just watched him approaching in the mirror.

“We’re almost the same height!” he remarked, putting his hands on her shoulders.

He was so close she could feel his breath on her neck. Still, he didn’t move any closer, as if he didn’t want to frighten her. Only his ardent eyes held hers in the mirror. A strange heat spread from his hands into the Young Gracious’s heart. Instinctively, her eyes strayed to Gus who was watching Tugdual with cold fury.

“You’re really not that tall,” he said sarcastically.

“No, I’m not that tall,” replied Tugdual. “But what are a few inches between friends?” he added, edging a fraction closer to Oksa.

Gus curled his lip and glared at him. Meanwhile Oksa was registering the “new” situation: it was as if Gus had caught up with Tugdual in every way within the last few hours. There was now nothing between them. In their own way, whether they liked it or not, they had the same qualities and the same weaknesses: devastating charm, a bad temper, discerning intelligence and a dark, tormented side. And they both made her heart race.

“It’s all happening too fast,” she muttered.

She looked like a young woman now, which was extremely unsettling. She wasn’t sure what to do with those curves and that expression in her eyes. And the changes inside were even more overwhelming. Her emotions were so much stronger! The timid feelings she’d had when she was fourteen were long gone. Right now, she was battling two huge, conflicting urges: to give herself body and soul to Tugdual and to bury her head in the hollow of Gus’s shoulder for ever. How could she be having such thoughts? Who was she now?

Aware that she had no control over her emotions, Tugdual dropped a feather-light kiss at the base of her neck. Immediately she blushed. It was as if every powerful feeling she’d had “before” was now ten times stronger. Her big grey eyes stared at Tugdual in the mirror with an excitement she understood and felt, but couldn’t admit was hers.

“You’re gorgeous, Lil’ Gracious,” Tugdual murmured in her ear.

The shiver that ran down Oksa’s spine wasn’t missed by either Gus or Tugdual, who tightened his grip, kindling what felt like a raging fire in Oksa’s veins. He led her back towards Marie, who was waiting for them in the other half of the room. Oksa couldn’t help looking round.

“Think very carefully about what you’re doing,” said Gus miserably.

The words felt like a dagger blow to Oksa’s heart, severing it in two.

“And don’t try pulling your old trick of starting a storm!” cried Gus, twisting the knife in the wound. “You need to take responsibility for your actions now. You’re no longer a child.”