Angel Stories and Miracles

Here are stories about divine intervention and the miracles people experience when they invite the angels into their lives, from a nine-year-old girl in a coma to a women dying of cancer. These stories will inspire you to invite the manifestations of miracles into your life and trust that the angels love you dearly and they want to help you in any way they can.


My story is a true experience that happened to me when I was a little girl, age nine. I was home sick for three days running a high temperature. When I got worse, my parents brought me to the emergency room. After the ER doctor saw me, he immediately sent me up to the operating room. I’ll never forget when he said the word “stat.” My appendix had ruptured and the doctor caught it just in time, right before it burst; however, the poison peritonitis set in. I was in a coma for a week and given my last rites.

During my time in a coma I took an amazing journey. I felt the love of God as my spirit left my body and I moved slowly through a tunnel of light. I was enveloped by divine light. It was like a warm red glowing sensation, a sensation of love. As I moved forward toward the light at the end of this tunnel, I could see all around me but I could also see me, if you can understand that. Pictures of my life were flashing before me in constant motion. With every picture of my life, good or bad, I could feel every feeling of that experience.

As I got closer to the end of the tunnel, I felt so happy. I was almost through the opening when I could see at the end a couple of white doves flying, a beautiful blue sky, and tall grass with flowers. It looked like heaven. The grass started parting as if it was welcoming me home and I felt love everywhere. All of a sudden I heard this deep voice behind me saying, “Go back, go back, your mother needs you.” I didn’t want to do any such thing. I was feeling love beyond what I could ever imagine, but the voice continued. I felt myself turning around (no body), and in the far distance I noticed a silhouetted person with no face, just a long robe. I listened to the voice and went back to my body in the hospital.

I woke up from my coma and about five weeks later I returned home. To this day, my mother has needed me both emotionally and financially. I know this was divine intervention, and to this day I still remember that voice. It reminds me of the important role I play in my mother’s life and I will always be there for her.

I truly believe that each day is a blessing. Don’t take it for granted. Thank God for your little miracles and blessings of each day. I do, and now have a second chance to make a difference.


I was praying to the Blessed Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael, but mostly to Mary, about a friend of the family’s little girl who was going through chemo and was running temps of 105°F and over. She couldn’t battle the temperatures because her immune system was so low due to the chemo. So every time I thought of the little girl, I asked Mary and Archangel Raphael to help her and watch over her. This went on for four to five days. Then one night before I went to bed, I asked Mary again to help this little girl. I never remember my dreams, but this one I will never forget.

I was at my house when an angel came to see me. The angel took me to the hospital room of the little girl. I had never been to the hospital to see her because she was so sick and we didn’t want to give her any germs to make her worse. When I got there, the whole room was filled with angels. So many were there that I didn’t know how I was going to get in the room. Then the angels cleared a path for me so I could get to the bedside, where I saw Mary sitting beside the bed. Mary looked at me and said, “Don’t worry, everything is going to be all right.” I said thank you and I felt calmed. I woke up at this point and I felt very peaceful and went back to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I went and checked the website of the hospital where the family posted messages on how the little girl was doing. When I read it I got all filled up. It said that the little girl’s fever broke and she was doing much better. One week later, the doctors took a spinal tap and some blood tests and shortly after we found out that the little girl is now in remission! Thank you, Mary, Archangel Raphael, and all the angels, for helping this little girl! She is home now from the hospital and doing much better! Thank you! Thank you!


When I lived in the mountains of New Mexico, I would occasionally go back and forth to the Dallas area of Texas to see my children and grandchildren. This was a thirteen-hour drive across eastern New Mexico and west Texas, the wide-open spaces of our country.

The temperature was around 100°F when I was returning home and I wanted to get back to my cool mountain home. I had been driving for about eight hours and going approximately ninety miles per hour. This speed is not unusual for that part of the country. I was approaching an eighteen wheeler and moved over to the left lane to pass. As I was about halfway into passing the truck, my right front tire exploded. It seemed as if time stood still. I could see the black pieces of the tire hitting the windshield. My thought was to try to pull over to the median on my left. I heard, “Don’t touch the brakes. Don’t touch the brakes. Keep the steering wheel steady!” I felt very calm, didn’t touch the brakes, and kept the steering wheel steady. All of a sudden, I was stopped on the right side of the road and the truck was in back of me. How I got in front of the truck, I don’t know. My first thought was to say thank you to all of the angels who helped me. My next thought was why? Why was I saved? I had to assume there was a reason.

By then, the truck driver was at my window asking me if I was okay. He said he couldn’t figure out how I had got in front of him and off to the side of the road. He kindly replaced my front tire with the donut and I thanked him and off he went. The rest of the way home I continued to thank my angels and pondered the thought of why that all just happened.


In 1997, I discovered the power of hypnosis to help me heal after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I believed in it so much that I wanted to get certified as a hypnotherapist. I found someone in my area who taught the certification course, but I put the brakes on and stopped myself from moving forward when I discovered the tuition fee was $1,200.

I could feel my soul nudging me to sign up for the course, but my fear set in and my bank account statement confirmed that I didn’t have the money to pay for the course. So I sat down with my angels and I said to them, “If this is meant to be and it’s in my highest and best to become a hypnotherapist, then show me the money.”

A couple nights later my daughter asked me if she could use her Easy-Bake Oven that had been in the basement for over a year. I explained to her that she could get it from the basement, but I wasn’t sure if there were any mixes left to make the desserts. When she brought the box up from the basement and I pulled out the oven, out came a check with it. It was a check, dated a year prior, that I never cashed from my sales commission, for $655.22. Not only that, the check was dated 11/11, which is a number which signifies the angels’ presence. I called my boss and confirmed that I never cashed the check and he said he would gladly reissue it.

I followed the call of my soul, and with the help of the angels I signed up for the course and was certified as a hypnotherapist. The rest of the money came and by the end of the course I had paid it off in full.

After that experience, I framed the old check so I would never forget the truth—that the angels are watching over me and if I ask and it’s meant to be, they will make it possible.


After taking an eight-week course focused on the book Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn, I decided to work on manifesting my soul partner. I sat down with the angels and I made my wish list of what I really wanted in a relationship. I knew what I didn’t want after experiencing my past relationship, and therefore I had more clarity about what I did desire.

I shared with the angels what I wanted to feel emotionally and physically with my partner. I asked for someone special who was spiritual, playful, supportive, financially secure, committed, honest, and open with communication. I allowed myself to ask for everything I wanted with no boundaries. My wish list was very detailed and it included our future family life, our home, travel plans, and shared interests as we got older. After three days of working on my wish list, I completed it by including my prayers of surrender to God and the angels. I prayed that my soul partner would enter my life for the greatest good of all, better than I could ever imagine.

Three weeks later he walked into my life. It took me a while to figure out that it was him, but once I did, I went back to my wish list and I checked everything off on my list. My angels listened, and it was worth the three days I spent getting clear about what I wanted and what I deserved. It’s been seven years now and it’s better than I could have imagined.


I was diagnosed in March with inflammatory breast cancer. After undergoing chemo, a mastectomy, and radiation, I am doing very well! A few weeks ago I went for my first mammogram. You can only imagine how scared I was. I had prayed to my angel the day before to please show me a sign of a star so I would know that she was around me. After having the mammogram three times, the third time I just burst into tears, thinking the cancer was now in my other breast, the radiologist came in to tell me that everything was fine.

When we got off the elevator to go to our car, the parking attendant saw us, and he took something off the hood of our van. As we walked closer to him, he held something out to us in his hand and asked, “Is this yours?” It was a little charm, a star! I just stood there with my mouth open in shock. My husband responded, “I guess so.” I shared with him my prayer about asking my angel for a sign of a star and he was just amazed. I guess that was my angel letting me know that she was with me throughout that whole thing! I feel so blessed!


This story is a wonderful illustration describing the role of Archangel Michael. He is the protector and he will watch over you, your loved ones, and your home. Pamela’s story is also a great example of how your intuition, or your angel’s, might try to get your attention before something occurs in the near future.

One night, I was going through my angel card decks looking for an Archangel Michael card. I have several decks, and after looking through all of them I was drawn to one in particular. The picture of him was so beautiful, his wings were stunning. I made a color copy of it and returned it to my room. I sat staring at the card and quickly fell asleep.

At 11:00 P.M., my oldest son, Wally, came running into my room saying, “The candle’s on fire!” He had come upstairs for something to drink and he saw the candle in the living room out of the corner of his eye. It was not something he could simply blow out. It was a fairly good size candle in a clay pot. The wax was boiling and the entire surface was in flames. We went back in the living room and with great effort we put out the fire. The candle was on our computer desk and the shelf above the candle was black with soot and starting to singe.

When things calmed down, I sat down at my kitchen table, speechless. I sat in silence for a very long time. The reality of how close we came to having a major house fire was more than I could take in. We had been just seconds away from a major disaster. But nothing happened.

I eventually went back to my room and again looked at the Archangel Michael card and it reads: “YOU ARE SAFE” Archangel Michael, “I am protecting you against lower energies, and guarding you, your loved ones, and your home.”

I had my answer and I knew Archangel Michael was watching over and protecting us. Thank you, Michael, and also thank you to my son for following his divine guidance.


When my sister and I were little girls, maybe eight or nine years old, our parents took us to New Hampshire for vacation. My mom decided we should visit the Flume. It’s a very beautiful, very old passage, carved into the rock by the water. You climb and climb until you reach the top, where you can look back and see an amazing view. As we reached the top, my parents stopped to talk and my sister and I walked approximately twenty feet away from them. We were on a round overlook that jutted out over the steep edge of the Flume. It was completely surrounded by a two-rail wooden fence.

She and I stood together looking over the top rail. To get a better view, I stood on the bottom rail and held onto the top one. I can still remember how the damp wood felt against my hand. Suddenly, I lost my footing and slid between the top and bottom rail. I instantly found myself on my back, sliding down the cliff. I heard my sister scream as I reached over my head and caught the bottom rail with my hand. I was completely terrified and could feel the earth slipping below my feet. In that same moment, I felt a hand grab me by my wrist and pull me back up to safety. My sister saw the man who saved me. She watched as he pulled me to my feet. My sister and I hugged for a moment and turned to speak to my hero. He somehow vanished as quickly as he arrived. As we looked back, we saw my parents in the exact spot we left them and there were a few other people standing at the rail. None of them had seemed to move. When we explained to our parents what happened, they told us we should be more careful, but they also couldn’t find the man who grabbed my wrist to thank him.

I’m not sure if my sister and I used the term angel on that day, but even as small girls we knew that whatever happened, it was profound, magical, and life-changing. Now as women, we sometimes reflect back on that event, knowing that we were not only blessed by the presence of an angel but we had each other to witness the experience together.


My daughter Brenda was two months pregnant. Blood tests indicated that she may not have a viable pregnancy. My son-in-law, Joe, was unfazed by the tests. He was convinced that all was well. Joe is blonde, blue eyed, and a huge Boston Celtics fan. Being a nurse, I knew that the outcome was very uncertain. I was worried about my daughter and her unborn child. I asked my angels for a sign that all was well.

Later that day I was in a gift shop, not looking for anything in particular, just sort of browsing around. I looked down and there was my sign. On the shelf in a beautiful gold box was a newborn onesie. It was pure white and its only decoration was a tiny green shamrock. The tag read “Bebe Joey.” I was filled with relief and gratitude and cried as I paid for that beautiful white onesie with its tiny shamrock. Seven months later, blonde, blue eyed, baby Joey wore that onesie home from the hospital.


For the past two weeks I have been working with the angels of healing and forgiveness. My husband and I had a wedding this past Saturday for his cousin, and it was an uncomfortable and difficult situation for us. There is major anger and fighting in the family. We contemplated not attending the wedding, but we decided to be there to support his cousin. Since I was working with the angels of healing and forgiveness, I called on them specifically for this day. I asked them to be with the entire family and I prayed for peace. My husband and I set the following intention for the wedding: To support his cousin and his new wife.

To make a long story short, after the wedding and during the reception there were tears, apologies, and talk of regret. It was crazy! We were caught completely off guard and my husband was dumbfounded.

After the wedding, we were invited to an after-party and we decided to go, to further the healing process and to speak our peace. We called on the angels again, especially Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel, for courage and clear communication to speak our truth. I reminded my husband that there was also an opportunity for him to heal as well as his family. He opened up to the opportunity so he could let go of his anger, move toward forgiveness and have compassion for others’ pain as well. And he did; it was so amazing! The healing for all was incredible! We are grateful to be taking these steps forward. It was miraculous! Today we feel freer and we are experiencing more peace than we have had in a long time.


This story is about a young woman, twenty-four years old, and a friend of the family who was dying from a brain tumor.

I am an occupational therapist and I worked with Cheryl since her evaluation at the hospital where I worked on 9/11/01 (a bad day for many reasons). I worked with her weekly until she died on February 2, 2008.

The night before she died, I was asked by the family to bring a splint over for her left hand because it was painful and it needed support. The patient at this point was nonverbal and clearly in need of “going home.” Her eyes said more to me than any conversation I had with her the past fifteen years since I’ve known her. It was very clear to me that she didn’t want to let her parents down and die. I knew her parents had to be told to “allow” her to go. As I was walking from their family room to the front door to leave, a very clear voice in my head said, “Tell them. You must tell them!” It was gentle but firm and absolutely unmistakable who it was. I was thinking in my head, “I cannot do that, I cannot tell these people to let their daughter die.” There was now fifteen feet between me and the door. I had to make my decision as the voice got louder and firmer. As I walked to the door, many thoughts went through my head. These folks were long-standing family friends as well as business associates. What could I possibly say? What right did I have to tell these parents, “Let your beloved daughter die?”

As I turned to say goodbye at the door, I looked directly in the mother’s eyes. When I opened my mouth to speak, I had no idea what would come out. The voice made one last pitch, “TELL HER.” I simply said, “It’s time for Cheryl to go home.” I waited for her mom to whack me and throw me out the door. Instead, she just collapsed in my arms and sobbed. I then said, “You must tell her it’s all right to go home.” As she agreed, still hugging and thanking me, I thought, “Where did that voice come from?” I then turned and left the house. As the door closed behind me, I heard that voice say, “Well done.” I sobbed all the way home. Cheryl died the next day after her parents told her she fought a good fight and they were proud of her.

Later, when I thought about this profound experience, I realized that all those Sundays I went to Cheryl’s home to work with her were not for her at all. They were, in fact, for me. All those Sundays prepared me to be at Cheryl’s home at that exact moment in time, to listen to the voice and follow those instructions with faith. I recognized that I had heard that divine voice many times in my life. I chose this time to listen. I have been listening ever since.