Heaven and earth may seem like two different places, but they are one. To lift the veil and experience heaven you need to understand the concept of vibration. Think about a radio and how you can change the channel and tune into different stations to listen to various expressions of music. The same is true for the angelic realm. You simply need to attune your energy and raise your vibration to connect with the different hierarchies of angels.
You are energy and the angels are energy. If this is true, then why can’t you see the angels like you can see other human beings? It has to do with the concept of vibration. One meaning of vibration from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is, “a characteristic emanation, aura, or spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something and that can be instinctively sensed or experienced.” Here is the key: In order to see or feel the energy of the angels, you need to raise your vibration to be in tune with their energy. The angels vibrate in the energy of pure divine love and humans resonate between the energy of fear and love.
If you’re ever having a bad day and want to feel better, simply smile. Fake it if you need to. Try it right now; smile and see how you feel. Notice how your energy changes. This is a simple technique to raise your vibration. You can change any situation, no matter where you are or who you are with, by just smiling.
The energy of fear resonates at a lower vibration, while the energy of love resonates at a higher vibration. Think about the last time you were around someone who was angry, depressed, or confused. What “vibe” did you get from that person? Did he lift you up or bring you down? Now think of an occasion when you were with someone who was fun and who made you laugh. What vibe did you get from this person? Did her energy lift your spirits or bring you down?
If you would like to hear, feel, and see the angels, you need to raise your vibration to become one with their energy. There are different ways of doing this. Try one or two of the following methods to see which one works best for you.
In order to experience the presence of angels, you must turn off the electronic sounds around you. In order to come to your spiritual center, listen to the simpler sounds around you. You might hear a bird chirping, rain dripping, or the simple sound of your own breath.
When you sit in stillness and silence, your mind and body relax. By becoming still, you can find your center, where the ego mind quiets and the gateway to the divine opens. The angels want to get your attention and communicate with you, and it’s easier when you can find this place to connect.
Around our pillows, golden ladders rise,
And up and down the skies,
With winged sandals shod,
The angels come and go, the messengers of God!
Silence is the pathway to follow on your journey to the center of the self. In silence, you begin to experience a unity and recognize you are one with the divine. Almost everyone has had this experience at some time, perhaps while sitting by a lake in silence and solitude, gazing at a sleeping child, or caught alone and awestruck by a magnificent sunset on a country road. These are mystical moments that connect you to the larger world of which you are a part. You are transfixed and transformed for the moment. This feeling happens in the silence, and this is where you can sense, feel, and experience the angels.
When we listen, we hear our angel voices in the shadows and the light places of peace and darkness within us. . . . The voices of our angels bear witness to the triumphs of Spirit.
In the silence of the inner self, you reach truth, and in so doing, you find your angels, guiding and gracing you and delivering the messages you need to hear. The angels want to help you and they want you to be able to recognize their presence in your life.
Fortunately, you do not have to retire to a monastery or become a hermit to experience the contemplative silence that is at the heart of experiencing the angelic world. You can achieve your own silence and recognize the presence of angels by practicing silence on a daily basis.
If you have a difficult time sitting in silence because your mind is too busy, you might want to try guided meditation. Most guided meditations combine soothing music with the use of visualization. Both techniques help you relax and to enhance the experience. You can sit back and relax as you are soothed by the music, and all you need to do is follow the guide’s voice as it brings you into meditation. Your thoughts are focused on following the direction of the guide and it’s easier to let go as you allow your experiences to unfold.
Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for, without being seen, they are present with you.
Most guided meditations start with a deep relaxation of the body and the mind. After you slow down your breath and release the tension in your body, you will physically and mentally relax. When this happens you naturally open up the pathway to other states of consciousness. In these altered states you can enhance your spiritual growth and development and you can communicate with the angels.
The following guided meditation will help you raise your vibration so you can attune to the angels and receive their guidance. During this attunement you can release your fears and ask the angels for the help you need. They will help you raise your vibration so you can feel them, hear them, and possibly see them.
It will be helpful if you record the words beforehand so you can simply relax and listen during the meditation. Remember to speak slowly and with a soothing voice when you record the meditation. Try playing soothing music in the background during your recording.
Take some deep breaths and close your eyes. Set the intention with your angels to attune to their energy and raise your vibration so you can easily see, feel, hear, and sense their loving presence. (Pause)
Ask the angels to surround you in a beautiful circle of divine light, love, and protection. Take a moment and breathe with them and feel their unconditional love flow into every cell of your being. As you do this, your body begins to relax. Feel this soothing and healing divine light flow into the top of your head, relaxing your scalp; all the muscles in your scalp relax. Now, feel it flow into your forehead and then your eyes, cheeks, jaw, and your mouth. All the muscles in your face relax. (Pause) Feel the light and relaxation flow into your neck, relaxing your neck. Feel it flow into your shoulders, down your arms, and to the tips of your fingers. It feels so good to relax and let go. (Pause) Breathe the divine light into your chest and feel all your muscles relax in your chest. Then feel it flow into your stomach and all the muscles in your stomach relax. (Pause) Now, bring awareness to your back, and feel the divine light flow down your back relaxing your upper back, your middle back, all the way down to your lower back. Your entire back relaxes in this beautiful soothing light. (Pause) Feel as the light and relaxation flow down into your hips, your knees, your calves, and all the way down to the soles of your feet, the tips of your toes. (Pause) Your entire body is filled with relaxation and the divine light. Every cell of your being is illuminated with this divine light. Notice how good it feels to relax and let go. (Pause)
Imagine the angels give you a beautiful cloud chair and they ask you to sit in it and relax. This chair was made just for you and it fits you perfectly. You melt into the cloud chair and relax even deeper. (Pause) Feel and imagine 10,000 angels surrounding you. Welcome them, breathe with them, and know they are there to help you. (Pause) Imagine your cloud chair being carried upward into the higher vibration of the angelic realm where only love exists. They know exactly what they are doing, so just trust and allow them to attune your energy to this higher vibration of love and light. (Pause) As you relax, notice what you feel, what you hear, what you see, and what you sense. (Pause) Take a moment and release your fears to the angels. They have the ability to dissolve them so you can receive healing and clarity. (Pause) Now, share with them your prayers and desires. Ask for the help you need. (Pause) Trust that your prayers have been heard and that they will be answered.
This attunement has transformed you. From this moment forward, you will be more in tune with the angels that surround you. You will sense their energy around you. You will hear more clearly their messages of divine guidance. You will understand how they are trying to get your attention. Because of this attunement, you will experience more joy, peace, fulfillment, and happiness in your life. You deserve it and the angels are there to help you create it. Just remember to ask for their help when you need it. You are never, ever alone, and you are loved unconditionally by God and the angels.
Take a moment to thank the angels. (Pause) Ask that they continue to guide you in every way.
Now feel or imagine the angels bringing your cloud chair slowly back into the present moment. Take some deep breaths and feel as you ground yourself in the moment of now. Feel light, free, and grateful, and filled with light and love. (Pause) Expect peace. Expect miracles. Expect better than you could ever imagine.
Use this guided meditation whenever you want to relax or if you want to ask the angels for help and guidance. They are always there for you, and guided meditation can be a powerful tool to help you make that connection.
Angels are pure spirit, and you can raise your vibration and enhance your connection to their world simply by using breath techniques. By becoming aware of your breathing, you become aware of your spiritual nature, for breath is life. Thus, you can use your breath, as a yogi does, to elevate your consciousness to the realm where the angels dwell. In other words, the breath is the gateway to the sacred angelic dimension.
Breath is something you take for granted. Without breath there is no life. Most times you are unaware of your breathing until you experience a shortness of breath or panic sets in and your breath speeds up. When you become aware of your breathing you connect to your spiritual self. Awareness and control of breath allow you to consciously raise your vibration and connect to the sacred realm.
When you enhance the breath and use it to open up to different realms, your natural abilities begin to unfold—mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. It unblocks energy and channels of communication open up; information can flow into your consciousness. Conscious breathing develops a communications link between body and mind, between conscious and unconscious, between spirit and angels.
Here is a rhythmic breathing technique that you can use at any time to raise your vibration. You can do it almost anywhere, whether sitting quietly at home, in your car, or when walking. It’s simple and it can help you connect with your inner power.
Relax and close your eyes. Observe your breath pattern, but do not make any attempt to alter it. Just pay attention to the breath going in and coming out. Now, begin to breathe slowly and deeply. Feel the warmth of used air leave your body and breathe in fresh clean air. Imagine yourself being cleansed and energized by each breath.
Now listen to the sounds you make while you’re breathing. Notice whether you breathe in shallow or deep breaths and where the air goes—into the diaphragm or the belly. Does your chest rise or fall or does your abdomen rise or fall?
As you inhale and exhale, allow the breath to become one continuous movement (with no separation or gaps between the inhale and the exhale). Continue doing this for several minutes and notice how you feel.
You can empower yourself by changing your thoughts from the negative to the positive. You can do this by writing or saying an affirmation. An affirmation is a truth declared through a positive statement. For example, if you are continuously saying, “There must not be angels because I cannot see or feel them,” change that statement and affirm, “I know there are plenty of angels here for me. I am willing to see and feel their loving presence.” An affirmation helps you to raise your vibration to experience the possibilities of the angelic realm. If your thoughts are filled with fear and doubt you will continue to experience the same. Sometimes, you’ll need to fake it until you make it through the use and power of affirmations. When you practice using affirmations, you shift your thoughts to experience what you want versus what you don’t want. It creates a power that opens the gateways to experience miracles.
Chanting is an ancient ritual, and it’s been used in different religious and ritual ceremonies to access the divine. Through the power of chanting you can reach altered states of consciousness and raise your vibration to connect with the divine. Chanting can transform negative energy into positive energy, which immediately raises your vibration. When you chant certain phrases over and over again, it shifts the vibration and causes change in mind, body, and spirit. You quiet the mind, you open the heart, and you lift your spirit to a higher state of consciousness.
There are no hard-set rules for chanting. You can chant anywhere—in the shower, at work, in the car, or while you’re walking outdoors.
Here are some different forms of chanting you can practice.
Experiment and see what form of chanting creates a connection between you and the divine. When you make that connection, you will feel it in every cell of your being.
Reflect for a moment on how you feel when you are surrounded by people who are positive, encouraging, and uplifting. You may feel lighter, happier, or even empowered. If the opposite is true and there is negativity around you, you possibly feel drained, frustrated, and unmotivated.
To raise your vibration, seek out like-minded people who are interested in spirituality and the angels. You will learn from each other and together you will expand your awareness.
Fear can clog your energy centers or chakras. It lowers your vibration and blocks the flow of divine guidance. It’s important to become conscious of when you are focusing on fear. Choose to recognize it, stop it, and focus on the positive. Fear comes in many forms: worry, stress, confusion, anger; the list goes on. Feel the low vibration of these energies and imagine how it can weigh you down. In each and every moment, you can make a choice to let go of fear and focus your thoughts on faith. Ask the angels to lift your fears and help you remember your choices based on love.
The angels vibrate in the energy of pure love. So as you work to clear your blocks of fear and replace them with love, faith, and trust, you naturally raise your vibration to experience the angels. You can hear their loving guidance. You can see them in their loving presence and you can sense them all around you. Isn’t it worth taking the time to change your thoughts from fear to love?
No, I never saw an angel, but it is irrelevant whether I saw one or not. I feel their presence around me.
Gratitude is a wonderful way to open up the energy of your heart chakra. Each and every time you have thoughts of gratitude or you recognize the blessing in your heart, you raise your vibration and heighten your awareness of the miracles all around you.
Start your day or end your day by writing ten things you are grateful for. It is so simple and it can transform your life. If you choose, you can multiply the blessings in your life and open your awareness to experience the graces of the angels all around you.
Practice recognizing the small things in life you are grateful for: a thank you or a smile from a stranger, a good cup of coffee, a sunny day, or finding time to read a good book. To raise your vibration during difficult times, choose to focus on the blessings in your life. For example, if you are going through financial difficulties, be grateful for having the money to pay the essentials, food and shelter. If you are challenged with a physical illness, be grateful for those who are there to help you in your time of need. If you are grieving a loss or separation from a family member or close friend, focus on the love and support of those that are still in your life. You have the power and the choice to change any situation in your life. Choose to start today and focus on the positive, focus on the love in your life, and expect life to change for the better.
. . . God will deign
to visit oft the dwellings of just Men
Delighted, and with frequent intercourse
Thither will send his winged Messengers
On errands of supernal grace.