Okay, let’s be real. As someone with no professional culinary training, no prior publishing experience, and above-average anxiety, the process of writing this book was fraught with self-doubt and panic attacks. There were many days when I was dubious I’d survive to present the world with a finished product I am this proud of. And yet, here we are!
I owe so many thanks to everyone who walked with me, patiently held my hand, cheered me on, and/or fed me pizza. (And on that note, a shout-out to pizza, the other pie, for keeping me physically alive this year. You’re the real MVP.) This undertaking was made possible by a wealth of people with a wealth of superpowers. Adequate words of gratitude evade me. Here’s an incomprehensive but earnest attempt anyway.
Katherine Latshaw, my badass agent, you are hot pink in a world of grays and beiges. I love having you in my corner. Thanks for flinging open the doors for this project. I still can’t believe the offer in that final email wasn’t a typo.
Cassie Jones, my superlative editor, and Jill Zimmerman, you’re the equivalent of hitting the jackpot. I want to frame your collective tracked Word document giggles. Thank you for humoring me and turning this into something that’s so much more than pies and puns. And one million high fives to the whole William Morrow/HarperCollins crew for handling this package with so much care.
Photographer Ed Anderson and food stylist Olivia Caminiti, the two weeks we spent together were some kind of magical dream. Thank you for bringing these pies and tarts exuberantly to life while also being the most chill and laid-back team of all time.
Tammy Hui, Julia Boulos, Michelle Moo, Grace Wang, Dr. Timothy Eugene, thank you for your dedication and diligence. May you and your loved ones live to tolerate the sight of butter again.
Oliva Church, you appeared on the scene like a dairy godmother. I’m grateful for your butter flattening prowess.
Jessica Huang, I occasionally flip through the proposal you beautified and it’s all the heart eyes every time. You’ve got deft design skillz with a z.
Nirvana Habash, you are the ultimate hypequeen. I’ll never forget when I was writing this proposal and feeling completely out of my league. Your pep talk stuck with me the entire book writing process, and I’m beyond grateful. Everyone should be so lucky to have a friend like you.
High Point Public Library, thank you for being a free, well-lit space where people can read, write, and escape all the snacks that taunt them at home.
Popo, usted siempre ha sido y sigue siendo mi ídola. Gracias por darme esta vida comedera, llena de amor y estándares altos. Mami, you shaped Wingaling and me with a lifetime of the best home-cooked and home-baked fare. Thanks for letting me hold the mixer from the very beginning. Papa, you are truly the best person I know and your unconditional enthusiasm for food is a light in my life. Geoffrey, you will always be the top baker in this family. Casa Quan, Hui family, and Ko family, what great fortune to have you as my people.
Santi ponti, your blissful snores were a soothing complement to my kitchen chaos this year. Thank you for dutifully hoovering up the crumbs when I was too exhausted to vacuum.
Ben, you schlepped so many groceries, washed so many dishes, and managed so many of my emails for this book specifically, I consider you second author. Thank you for jumping into this wild venture with me. Tomato.
My Instagram zealots, look what happens when you make all hell bake loose! Thank you for loving modern geometric pies so furiously that it completely transformed my life. You encrusted me with the opportunity to explore this intersection of art, design, baking, and feeding people, and it’s been a wild ride. You have my whole tart.
And to the haters, #thisiswhatitlookslikebaked.