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NOTE: Page references in italics indicate recipe photographs.


À la Code, 48–50, 49

All-purpose flour, 13

All Strings Considered, 213–15

Andes mints

        Truth or Square, 75–77, 76


        All Strings Considered, 213–15

        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261

        Survival of the Knittest, 113–14, 115


        Lattice Quo, 220–22

        Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42


Baking sheets, 7

Baking weights, 7


        Feather or Not, 176, 177–79

Basic Pie Dough, 134–37

Basic Shortbread Crust, 26

Basic Tart Pastry Shell, 31


        Herbed Tart Pastry Shell, 38–39

        Life of the Tarty, 68–70, 69

        Seeing Is Beweaving, 247–54, 253


        Green Slate, A, 192–95, 193


        Block and Awe, 255–58, 258

        Chainwreck, 233–38, 235

        Juice, 140

        Kapiedoscope, 188–91, 190

        Pie Dough, 138–40

        powder, sourcing, 16

        Of a Shingle Mind, 55–56, 57

Bench scraper, 8


        À la Code, 48–50, 49

        All Strings Considered, 213–15

        Berried Treasure, 89–91, 90

        Blueberry Pie Dough, 144–46

        Caught Off Shard, 264–66

        Easy on the I’s, 186–87, 187

        Happy as a Gram, 51–54, 52

        Heads or Scales, 92–94, 93

        In It to Spin It, 208–12, 209

        Kiss and Shell, 216, 217–19

        No Zig Deal, 223–28, 225

        Rights of Fancy, 65–67, 67

        Seeing Is Beweaving, 247–54, 253

        Spike a Pose, 116, 117–18

        Spoke Signals, 204, 205–7

        Sun in a Million, 200–203, 201

        Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42


        Berried Treasure, 89–91, 90

        Easy on the I’s, 186–87, 187

        Kiss and Shell, 216, 217–19

        No Zig Deal, 223–28, 225

Black sesame seeds

        Black Sesame Pie Dough, 141–43

        Curls of Wisdom, 170–72, 171

        Everything (but the) Bagel Tart Pastry Shell, 36–37

        Once in a Tile, 173–75, 175

        sourcing, 17

Black tahini

        about, 13

        Once in a Tile, 173–75, 175

        Secret Ingradient, The, 95–97, 96

Block and Awe, 255–58, 258


        All Strings Considered, 213–15

        Caught Off Shard, 264–66

        Heads or Scales, 92–94, 93

        juice, sourcing, 16

        No Zig Deal, 223–28, 225

        Pie Dough, 144–46

        powder, sourcing, 16

        Seeing Is Beweaving, 247–54, 253

        Spoke Signals, 204, 205–7

Blue cornflower petals. See Cornflower

Blue spirulina

        Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84

        Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

        sourcing, 16

Butter, 13

Butterfly Pea Flower

        Easy on the I’s, 186–87, 187

        No Zig Deal, 223–28, 225

        Pie Dough, 147–49

        Seeing Is Beweaving, 247–54, 253

        sourcing, 16

        Stripe for the Picking, 229–32

        Tea, 149


C and Easy, 183–84, 185


        All Strings Considered, 213–15

        Floral of the Story, 272–76, 274

        Jewel’s Paradise, 109–12, 110


        Curls of Wisdom, 170–72, 171

        Green Slate, A, 192–95, 193

        Herb Appeal, 267–71, 268

        Pie Dough, 150–51

        powders, sourcing, 16

        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261

        Sun in a Million, 200–203, 201

        Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240

Caught Off Shard, 264–66

Chainwreck, 233–38, 235


        C and Easy, 183–84, 185

        Marble to Behold, A, 119–20, 121

        Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240

        Whole Wheat Chive Pie Dough, 165–67

Cheese. See also Cream cheese

        C and Easy, 183–84, 185

        Marble to Behold, A, 119–20, 121

        Of a Shingle Mind, 55–56, 57

        Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42

        Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240

        Whole Wheat Cheddar Chive Pie Dough, 165–67


        Block and Awe, 255–58, 258

        Kiss and Shell, 216, 217–19

        Secret Ingradient, The, 95–97, 96


        C and Easy, 183–84, 185

        Cheddar Whole Wheat Pie Dough, 165–67

        Herb Appeal, 267–71, 268

        Herbed Tart Pastry Shell, 38–39

        No Rings Attached, 102, 103

        Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240

Chocolate. See also Nutella; White chocolate

        À la Code, 48–50, 49

        Feather or Not, 176, 177–79

        Fig is Up, The, 122–23, 123

        Funfetti Oreo Crust, 28

        Matcha Shortbread Crust, 27

        Most Valuable Layer, 78–80, 79

        Play to Fin, 98–100, 101

        for recipes, 13–14

        Survival of the Knittest, 113–14, 115

        Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42

        Tart Pastry Shell, 32–33

        Truth or Square, 75–77, 76


        Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84

        Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

        Most Valuable Layer, 78–80, 79

        Pecan Crust, 30

        Pink Out Loud, 44–47, 47


        Wave of Wonders, 105–8, 106

Cornflower (blue)

        Lattice Quo, 220–22

        No Zig Deal, 223–28, 225

        Pie Dough, 152–54

        sourcing, 14


        Happy as a Gram, 51–54, 52

Cream cheese

        Berried Treasure, 89–91, 90

        Jewel’s Paradise, 109–12, 110

        Most Valuable Layer, 78–80, 79

        No Rings Attached, 102, 103

        Play to Fin, 98–100, 101

        Survival of the Knittest, 113–14, 115

        Wave of Wonders, 105–8, 106

Crust shield, 8

Curls of Wisdom, 170–72, 171

Cutters, 8


Digital scale, 8

Dragon Fruit

        Happy as a Gram, 51–54, 52

        Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84

        Kiss and Shell, 216, 217–19

        Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82

        Pie Dough, 155–57

        Pink Out Loud, 44–47, 47

        powder, sourcing, 16

        sourcing, 14

        Sun in a Million, 200–203, 201

Dried flowers

        Berried Treasure, 89–91, 90

        blue cornflowers, for coloring, 14

        Butterfly Pea Flower Dough, 147

        Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, 149

        butterfly pea flowers, 14

        Cornflower Pie Dough, 152–54

        Lattice Quo, 220–22

        lavender, for flavoring, 14

        No Zig Deal, 223–28, 225

        sourcing, 14


Easy on the I’s, 186–87, 187

Edible flowers

        Floral of the Story, 272–76, 274

        sourcing, 14

Eggs, for recipes, 14

Electric mixer, 8


        baking sheets, 7

        baking weights, 7

        bench scraper, 8

        crust shield, 8

        cutters, 8

        digital scale, 8

        electric mixer, 8

        fine-mesh sieve, 8

        food processor, 8

        knives, 8–9

        pastry blender, 9

        pastry brush, 9

        pastry wheel, 9

        pie tin, 9

        pizza stone, 9–11

        rolling pin, 11

        ruler, 11

        spatulas, 11

        tart pan, 11

Everything (but the) Bagel Tart Pastry Shell, 36–37

Exotic fruits, sourcing, 14


Feather or Not, 176, 177–79


        Fig is Up, The, 122–23, 123

        Jewel’s Paradise, 109–12, 110

Fine-mesh sieve, 8

Floral of the Story, 272–76, 274

Flour, all-purpose, 13

Flowers. See Dried flowers; Edible flowers

Food processor, 8

Frozen fruit, 16

Fruit. See also specific fruits

        exotic, sourcing, 14

        fresh, choosing, 14–16

        frozen, note about, 16

        powders, sourcing, 16

Funfetti Oreo Crust, 28



        All Strings Considered, 213–15

        Chainwreck, 233–38, 235

        Jewel’s Paradise, 109–12, 110


        Sticks of the Trade, 62–64, 63


        Kapiedoscope, 188–91, 190

        Green Slate, A, 192–95, 193

        Green tea powder. See Matcha


Happy as a Gram, 51–54, 52


        Fig is Up, The, 122–23, 123

Heads or Scales, 92–94, 93

Herb(s). See also Chive(s); Mint

        Appeal, 267–71, 268

        Herbed Tart Pastry Shell, 38–39

        Life of the Tarty, 68–70, 69

        No Rings Attached, 102, 103

        Seeing Is Beweaving, 247–54, 253

Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84


Ice cream

        Truth or Square, 75–77, 76

In It to Spin It, 208–12, 209


Jewel’s Paradise, 109–12, 110


Kapiedoscope, 188–91, 190

Kiss and Shell, 216, 217–19


        Happy as a Gram, 51–54, 52

        Heads or Scales, 92–94, 93

        Life of the Tarty, 68–70, 69

        Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

        Rights of Fancy, 65–67, 67

Knives, 8–9

Kosher salt, 16


Lattice Quo, 220–22


        Berried Treasure, 89–91, 90

        sourcing, 14


        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261


        buying, 14

        Sticks of the Trade, 62–64, 63


        À la Code, 48–50, 49

        Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84

        Life of the Tarty, 68–70, 69

        Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

Life of the Tarty, 68–70, 69


        Pink Out Loud, 44–47, 47

Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

Lokokitchen Pie-peline, 9


Malted milk powder

        Feather or Not, 176, 177–79


        Chainwreck, 233–38, 235

        Happy as a Gram, 51–54, 52

        Spike a Pose, 116, 117–18

        Sun in a Million, 200–203, 201

        Swim with the Sparks, 58, 59–61

Maple syrup

        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82

Marble to Behold, A, 119–20, 121

Mascarpone cheese

        Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42


        about, 16

        Chocolate Shortbread Crust, 27

        Green Tea Tart Pastry Shell, 35

        Most Valuable Layer, 78–80, 79

        Play to Fin, 98–100, 101

        Rights of Fancy, 65–67, 67

        Secret Ingradient, The, 95–97, 96

        Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42


        À la Code, 48–50, 49

Milk, for recipes, 16


        Heads or Scales, 92–94, 93

        Stripe for the Picking, 229–32

        Truth or Square, 75–77, 76


        Curls of Wisdom, 170–72, 171

        Floral of the Story, 272–76, 274

        Mixer, electric, 81

        Molasses, for recipes, 17

        Most Valuable Layer, 78–80, 79

        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82


        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261



        Easy on the I’s, 186–87, 187

No Rings Attached, 102, 103

No Zig Deal, 223–28, 225


        Block and Awe, 255–58, 258

        Feather or Not, 176, 177–79

        Pie Dough, 158–60

Nuts. See also Pecan(s)

        Fig is Up, The, 122–23, 123

        In It to Spin It, 208–12, 209

        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82


Of a Shingle Mind, 55–56, 57

Once in a Tile, 173–75, 175


        Everything (but the) Bagel Tart Pastry Shell, 36–37

        Herb Appeal, 267–71, 268

        Marble to Behold, A, 119–20, 121

        No Rings Attached, 102, 103


        Swim with the Sparks, 58, 59–61

Oreo Crust, Funfetti, 28


Pantry ingredients, 13–17


buying, 14

        Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84

        Tile by Fire, 71–74, 73


        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261

Passion fruit

        buying, 14

        Sun in a Million, 200–203, 201

        Tile by Fire, 71–74, 73


        C and Easy, 183–84, 185

Pastry blender, 9

Pastry brush, 9

Pastry wheel, 9


        Chainwreck, 233–38, 235

        Stripe for the Picking, 229–32

Peanut butter

        Survival of the Knittest, 113–14, 115


        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82


        Floral of the Story, 272–76, 274

        Wave of Wonders, 105–8, 106


        Coconut Crust, 30

        Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84

        Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82

        Pink Out Loud, 44–47, 47


        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82


        Green Slate, A, 192–95, 193

        Swim with the Sparks, 58, 59–61

Pie designs

        All Strings Considered, 213–15

        Block and Awe, 255–58, 258

        C and Easy, 183–84, 185

        Caught Off Shard, 264–66

        Chainwreck, 233–38, 235

        Curls of Wisdom, 170–72, 171

        Easy on the I’s, 186–87, 187

        Feather or Not, 176, 177–79

        Floral of the Story, 272–76, 274

        Green Slate, A, 192–95, 193

        Herb Appeal, 267–71, 268

        In It to Spin It, 208–12, 209

        Kapiedoscope, 188–91, 190

        Kiss and Shell, 216, 217–19

        Lattice Quo, 220–22

        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82

        No Zig Deal, 223–28, 225

        Once in a Tile, 173–75, 175

        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261

        Seeing Is Beweaving, 247–54, 253

        Spoke Signals, 204, 205–7

        Squiggle Room, 196–98, 199

        Stripe for the Picking, 229–32

        Sun in a Million, 200–203, 201

        Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240

Pie Dough

        Basic, 134–37

        Beet, 138–40

        Black Sesame, 141–43

        Blueberry, 144–46

        brown marble, 158

        Butterfly Pea Flower, 147–49

        Carrot, 150–51

        coloring, 127–28

        Cornflower, 152–54

        cutting into strips, 128

        dark purple, 144

        denim-wash blue, 147

        Dragon Fruit, 155–57

        freezing, 128

        green, 162

        hot pink, 155

        magenta, 138

        Marbled, 160

        Nutella, 158–60

        orange, 150

        rolling out, 128

        scraps, ideas for, 130–31

        Spinach, 162–64

        tan speckle, 165

        tips for, 127

        white, 134

        white and black speckle, 141

        white and blue speckle, 152

        Whole Wheat Cheddar Chive, 165–67

Pie-peline, 9

Pies. See also Pie designs; Pie Dough

        baking temperature, 130

        baking times, 130

        baking tips, 130

        blind baking, 130

        cutting, 130

        egg washes for, 130

        freezing, 128

        fruit, note on baking times, 130

Pie tin, 9


        Caught Off Shard, 264–66

        Squiggle Room, 196–98, 199

        Sticks of the Trade, 62–64, 63

Pink Out Loud, 44–47, 47


        In It to Spin It, 208–12, 209

Pizza stone, 9–11

Play to Fin, 98–100, 101


        Play to Fin, 98–100, 101

        Seeing Is Beweaving, 247–54, 253

Pomegranate arils

        Jewel’s Paradise, 109–12, 110

Poppy seeds

        Everything (but the) Bagel Tart Pastry Shell, 36–37

        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261

        Spinach Pie Dough, 162–64

Pork, bacon, or sausage

        C and Easy, 183–84, 185

        Herb Appeal, 267–71, 268


        Marble to Behold, A, 119–20, 121

        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261

        Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240


        fruit, sourcing, 16

        vegetable, sourcing, 16

Pumpkin and squash

        C and Easy, 183–84, 185

        Once in a Tile, 173–75, 175


Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261


        À la Code, 48–50, 49


        In It to Spin It, 208–12, 209

        Spoke Signals, 204, 205–7


        Of a Shingle Mind, 55–56, 57

Rights of Fancy, 65–67, 67

Rolling pin, 11

Ruler, 11



        No Rings Attached, 102, 103

Salt, kosher, 16

Scale, digital, 8, 81

Secret Ingradient, The, 95–97, 96

Seeds. See also Poppy seeds; Sesame seeds

        Jewel’s Paradise, 109–12, 110

        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82

Seeing Is Beweaving, 247–54, 253

Sesame seeds

        black, sourcing, 17

        Black Sesame Pie Dough, 141–43

        Curls of Wisdom, 170–72, 171

        Everything (but the) Bagel Tart Pastry Shell, 36–37

        Once in a Tile, 173–75, 175

        white, about, 17

Shortbread Crust

        Basic, 26

        Chocolate Matcha, 27

Sieve, fine-mesh, 8, 81

Spatulas, 11

Speculoos Cookie(s)

        buying, 17

        Crust, 29

        Happy as a Gram, 51–54, 52

        Heads or Scales, 92–94, 93

        Tile by Fire, 71–74, 73

Spike a Pose, 116, 117–18


        Green Slate, A, 192–95, 193

        Juice, 164

        Pie Dough, 162–64

        Rank and Tile, 259–63, 261

        Stripe for the Picking, 229–32

        Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240


        Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84

        Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

        sourcing, 16

Spoke Signals, 204, 205–7

Squash and pumpkin

        C and Easy, 183–84, 185

        Once in a Tile, 173–75, 175

Squiggle Room, 196–98, 199

Sticks of the Trade, 62–64, 63


        In It to Spin It, 208–12, 209

        Kiss and Shell, 216, 217–19

        Rights of Fancy, 65–67, 67

        Spike a Pose, 116, 117–18

        Sun in a Million, 200–203, 201

        Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42

Stripe for the Picking, 229–32

Sugar, for recipes, 17

Sun in a Million, 200–203, 201

Survival of the Knittest, 113–14, 115

Swim with the Sparks, 58, 59–61

Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42


Tahini. See Black tahini

Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240

Tapioca starch, 17

Tart art

        À la Code, 48–50, 49

        Berried Treasure, 89–91, 90

        Fig is Up, The, 122–23, 123

        Happy as a Gram, 51–54, 52

        Heads or Scales, 92–94, 93

        Hex and Balances, 81–83, 84

        Jewel’s Paradise, 109–12, 110

        Life of the Tarty, 68–70, 69

        Livin’ on a Pair, 85, 86–88

        Marble to Behold, A, 119–20, 121

        Most Valuable Layer, 78–80, 79

        No Rings Attached, 102, 103

        Pink Out Loud, 44–47, 47

        Play to Fin, 98–100, 101

        Rights of Fancy, 65–67, 67

        Secret Ingradient, The, 95–97, 96

        Of a Shingle Mind, 55–56, 57

        Spike a Pose, 116, 117–18

        Sticks of the Trade, 62–64, 63

        Survival of the Knittest, 113–14, 115

        Swim with the Sparks, 58, 59–61

        Swirled Peace, 40, 41–42

        Tile by Fire, 71–74, 73

        Truth or Square, 75–77, 76

        Wave of Wonders, 105–8, 106

Tart dough. See also Tart Pastry Shells

        baking tips, 22

        freezing, 21

        rolling out, 21

        tips for, 21–22

Tart pan, 11

Tart Pastry Shells

        Basic, 31

        Basic Shortbread Crust, 26

        Chocolate, 32–33

        Chocolate Matcha Shortbread Crust, 27

        Coconut Pecan Crust, 30

        Everything (but the) Bagel, 36–37

        Funfetti Oreo Crust, 28

        Herbed, 38–39

        Matcha Green Tea, 35

        Speculoos Cookie Crust, 29

Tarts. See also Tart art; Tart dough

        cutting, 22

        freezing, 21

        removing from pan, 22


        Butterfly Pea Flower, 149

        Spike a Pose, 116, 117–18


        Herb Appeal, 267–71, 268

        Herbed Tart Pastry Shell, 38–39

Tile by Fire, 71–74, 73


        Green Slate, A, 192–95, 193


        Herb Appeal, 267–71, 268

        No Rings Attached, 102, 103

Truth or Square, 75–77, 76


        Take It or Weave It, 239–46, 240


Vegetable powders, sourcing, 16



        Mother of Swirl, 180, 181–82

Wave of Wonders, 105–8, 106

White chocolate

        Most Valuable Layer, 78–80, 79

        Secret Ingradient, The, 95–97, 96

Whole Wheat Cheddar Chive Pie Dough, 165–67