I’m pretty damned lucky. I have an amazing partner who, after eighteen years, still loves me like crazy, a fabulously supportive family, a kick-ass publisher, and a diverse circle of friends who challenge me every day to find the lesson life is offering at the moment.
Thank you to Sacchi Green for buying the short story and always encouraging me to write more. You are a pleasure to work with. Andi Marquette, thanks for your relentless support and for picking up the ball when I dropped it. Gill McKnight, who never fails to kick my ass when I screw it up, I truly cherish your friendship. Laydin Michaels, thanks for answering my endless barrage of Texas questions and pointing it out when I got it just plain wrong. Liz McMullen, host of my very first online interview, thank you for your kind, supportive words. Karis Walsh, my new friend and willing reader, I hope you like me because you are officially stuck. And Cathy Rowlands, friend, mentor, and surrogate mom, thank you for everything that you do. My world is a better place because you are in it.
After two years of virtual silence, I wasn’t sure if Radclyffe would even remember my name, but she did. And she once again confirmed my belief that Bold Strokes is a place I can call home. Thank you.
Shelley Thrasher, what a joy you are to work with. Here’s to a long, long professional future.
Everyone else at Bold Strokes who worked to make this book happen, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Finally, because all things in my world begin and end with one woman, thank you to my partner. Tara, I love you. I’m not sure how I got so lucky or why you agreed to spend your life with me, but I’m so very grateful you did. You are my happily ever after.