Appendix I

Ten Points of Fascist Policy

  1. Blackshirts are loyal to King and country but they stand for far-reaching and revolutionary changes in government, in economics and in life itself. Their watchword is ‘Britain first’, and they intend to build a nation worthy of the patriotic love of every Briton.
  2. Blackshirts stand for action in government. Time after time the people of this nation have voted for policies of action and have been betrayed by those they elected. Fascism combines progress with the executive instruments of loyalty, decision and voluntary discipline.
  3. The establishment of the Corporate State is the main ideal of Blackshirt endeavour. Industry is to be divided into national corporations, governed by representatives of employers, workers and consumers. The only limits the State will lay down to industry will be limits of national welfare. Private ownership will be permitted and encouraged provided such activity enriches the nation as well as the individual.
  4. The Corporate State, with production properly controlled, and operating to the benefit of the state, will automatically eradicate unemployment and the resulting poverty. The functions of the corporations will be to raise wages and salaries over the whole field of industry. Production will keep pace, with a consequent increase in consumption, for a home market will be provided by the higher purchasing power of our own people. Married women will not be compelled to retire from industry and all women will be paid wages on an equitable basis to those of the men, but the higher wages paid to husbands under the corporate system will not necessitate women working to maintain a home.
  5. Britain’s new motto will be ‘Britain buys from those who buy from Britain’.
  6. Blackshirts seek to build an entirely self-contained Empire, withdrawn from the international struggle for markets and the economic dislocation and war such struggles mean. Within the Empire we can produce all the goods, foodstuffs and raw materials which we require.
  7. Under a scientifically-controlled three year plan fascism would increase production of food supplies in this country from £200 million per annum to £400 million per annum for the total exclusion of foreign goods, and provide the Dominions with a better market than we have today.
  8. Under fascism no alien will enter this country and take a Briton’s job, and Blackshirts will deal not only with poor aliens but also the great alien financiers of the City of London, who use the financial power of Britain not in the interests of this country but of foreign countries.
  9. Blackshirts bind themselves together in a voluntary discipline. They realise nothing can be done without discipline. The wearing of the black shirt is not compulsory but in wearing it our active members break down all barriers of class within our ranks.
  10. Fascism is a dictatorship in the modern sense of the word, Government armed by the people with the complete power of action to overcome problems which must be solved if the nation is to live. At the end of the first fascist Government, elected at a general election, another election will be held, on an occupational and not on a geographical franchise.