List of Illustrations

1. Diana’s father, David Freeman-Mitford

2. Diana’s mother, Sydney Bowles

3. Diana, aged three

4. The Mitford family in 1912

5. The Mitford family in 1918

6. Asthall Manor

7. Deborah with Diana in 1922

8. Diana

9. The Mitford family in 1926

10. Diana and Nancy

11. Etching of Diana, aged 16

12. Diana, aged 18

13. Mitford sisters

14. Diana in her wedding dress in 1929

15. Diana and Bryan Guinness

16. On honeymoon in Sicily

17. Jonathan’s christening

18. 10 Buckingham Street

19. Biddesden

20. Evelyn Waugh (National Portrait Gallery)

21. Lord Berners (The Berners Trust)

22. Dora Carrington in riding clothes with Lytton Strachey (Michael Holroyd)

23. Diana in Venice in 1930

24. Diana in fancy dress in 1932 (Cecil Beaton, Sothebys)

25. Diana with Jonathan and Desmond Guinness

26. Oswald Mosley addressing a rally in Hyde Park in 1934 (Hulton Getty)

27. Diana on Mosley’s boat, in the Mediterranean in 1935

28. A fascist rally in London (Hulton Getty)

29. Unity making an address at Hesselberg in 1935

30. Mosley inspecting members of the BUF in London in 1936 (Hulton Getty)

31. Hitler at Haus Wahnfried

32. Diana photographed with Hitler in 1936

33. Unity and Diana at a Nazi Rally in 1937

34. Magda Goebbels

35. Josef Goebbels

36. The photograph Hitler gave to Diana as a wedding present

37. Diana at a Nazi Party Rally in 1937

38. Tom Mitford at the Rally

39. Diana and Unity at the Rally

40. Wootton Lodge

41. Diana with Jonathan and Desmond in 1937 (Marcus Adams)

42. Mosley at Wootton, playing with Alexander

43. Diana, April 1939 (Cannon’s of Hollywood)

44. Holloway Prison

45. Visiting Order

46. Tom Mitford and Derek Jackson

47. Mosley and Diana, with their sons, Alexander and Max

48. Diana at Inch Kenneth in 1947 with Lady Redesdale and Max

49. The Alianora

50. Diana with Alexander in Formentor in 1949

51. Diana aged forty

52. Diana on the Lido. Venice, 1950s

53. Mosley at a BU reunion, at an East End pub in the 1950s (Hulton Getty)

54. Lady Redesdale on Inch Kenneth in 1961

55. Mosley and Diana at Foyles Literary Luncheon, with Christina Foyle, 1977

56. Diana at the Temple

57. Diana and Mosley in the Temple garden

58. Dining with the Duchess of Windsor

59. Diana in her nineties (Paul Cooper/Paris)

Unless otherwise stated, all the photographs are from sources in private hands.

The author and publishers have made every effort to trace the holders of text and illustrative copyright. If any inadvertent errors or omissions remain, they can be rectified in future editions.