This notepaper is kindly provided for the inmates of
Use one sheet per week
No scribbling
Dear Warden,
If you’re reading this letter then it means I’ve finally escaped.
It also means you’ve found the secret place behind the loose tile above the sink, which means you’ll have also found the mouse traps I put there before I left. Sorry about Actually I’m not sorry about that.
When I first came to the County Detention Centre, they said I had to tell the truth about what happened – when it all began, who did what, why we did it, why it ended the way it did. ‘Write it down,’ they said. ‘Make a poem about it all. Turn it into a story if you have to. But one way or another, you have to tell us.’
And so I did. I sat down, and I wrote a story – about everything that happened, from the beginning to the end, as best as I could tell it. The only way I could tell it. And here it is – every last word.
Which brings me to the question I know you’re desperate to ask: if I’ve run away, then where have I run away to?
Well, you’re just going to have to read my story, aren’t you?