


1    Source: Henshaw, Trevor: The Sky their Battlefield

2    For these statistics see Pisano et al., Legend, Memory and the Great War, p.75

3    Johns W. E. Popular Flying, June 1936

4    Johns W. E., ‘The White Fokker’, The Camels are Coming. The paragraph quoted here differs very slightly (but interestingly) from the original version that appeared in the April 1932 number of Popular Flying under Johns’s pen-name, William Earle.

5    Ellis P. B. & Williams P., By Jove, Biggles!, p.178

6    Hyde, Andrew P., The First Blitz, p.16

7    Clark, Alan, Aces High, p.14

Chapter 1

8    Dangerfield, George, The Strange Death of Liberal England, pp.249–50

9    ibid, p.226

10   Turnill, Reginald & Reed, Arthur, Farnborough: The Story of RAE, p.41

11   Grinnell-Milne, D. W., Wind in the Wires, quoted in Bruce, J. M., British Aeroplanes 1914–1918, p.378

12   Stoney, Barbara, Twentieth Century Maverick, p.57

13   ibid, p.230

14   Clark, Alan, Aces High, pp.113–14

15   Murphy, Justin D., Weapons and Warfare, Military Aircraft, Origins to 1918, pp.90–1

16   Hanson, Neil, First Blitz, p.232

17   Stoney, Twentieth Century Maverick, p.109

18   Murphy, Weapons and Warfare, p.91

19   Malcolm Cooper gives 22,000 aircraft and 300,000 personnel for 1918, but by then the RAF was expanding rapidly and the date of the statistics is significant. See Cooper, Malcolm, The Birth of Independent Air Power, p.xv

Chapter 2

20   Strange, Louis A., Recollections of an Airman, pp.21–2 (with some editorial shortening)

21   Shute, Nevil, Slide Rule, pp.35–6

22   Turnill & Reed, Farnborough, p.31

23   Fokker, Anthony & Gould, Bruce, Flying Dutchman, p.49

24   See Berriman, A. E., ‘Parke’s Dive’, Flight, 31st August 1912, pp.787–789

25   Hadley, Dunstan, Only Seconds to Live, p.67

26   Lewis, Cecil, Sagittarius Rising, p.41

27   See Barnett, Correlli, The Collapse of British Power, p.86

28   Johnstone, E. G., in Naval Eight: A History of No. 8 Squadron RNAS, pp.115–16

29   See www.3squadron.org.au/subpages/RE8.htm

30   Statistics from Henshaw, Trevor: The Sky their Battlefield, p.576

31   Quoted in Kilduff, Peter, Black Fokker Leader, p.72

32   Yeates, V. M., Winged Victory, p.25

33   Bruce, British Aeroplanes 1914–1918, p.574

34   See John Thompson of Northern Aeroplane Workshops www.bbc.co.uk/bradford/content/articles/2008/05/09/sopwith_camel_batley_feature.shtml

Chapter 3

35   Quoted in Hughes-Hallett, L., The Pike, p.380

36   Published in the September 1909 issue of the periodical The Nineteenth Century and After

37   Veale, S. E., Guide to Flying, p.3

38   Quoted in Turnill & Reed, Farnborough, p.40

39   Neumann, Georg Paul, The German Air Force in the Great War, p.54

40   See Kulikov, Victor, Russian Aces of World War I, p.8

41   Strange, Recollections of an Airman, p.218

42   See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fieseler_Fi_156.

43   Strange, op. cit., pp.112–14 (lightly edited)

44   Woodman, Harry, Early Aircraft Armament, p.171

45   Lee, Arthur Gould, No Parachute, p.123

46   Quoted in Reynolds, Quentin, They Fought for the Sky, p.18

Chapter 4

47   Compston, R. J. O., in Naval Eight, pp.95–6

48   Lewis, Sagittarius Rising, pp.140-1

49   See Barnett, Correlli, The Collapse of British Power, p.112

50   Lee, No Parachute, p.84

51   Lewis, op. cit., p.96

52   Lewis, ibid, p.114

53   Neumann, The German Air Force in the Great War, p.195

54   Lee, Gould, Arthur, Open Cockpit, p.168

55   ibid, p.169

56   Johns, W. E., The Modern Boy, 5th December 1931

57   Wortley, Rothesay Stuart, diary entry for 25th January 1915, Letters from a Flying Officer, p.46

58   Neumann, The German Air Force, p.243

59   Cameron, Ian, Wings of the Morning, p.150

60   ‘Night-Hawk M.C’ [W. J. Harvey], Rovers of the Night Sky, pp.17–18

61   Jones, H., The War in the Air, Vol. III p.42; quoted in Kilduff, Peter, Billy Bishop VC, p.51

62   Ellis P. B. & Williams P., By Jove, Biggles!, pp.70–1

63   ibid. (quoting Johns, W. E., in Popular Flying, May 1932)

64   Ellis & Williams, op. cit., p.69 (quoting Johns in Popular Flying, May 1935)

65   Lee, Open Cockpit, p.38

66   Draper, Major C., in Naval Eight, p.62. The dead pilot’s name was C. R. Walworth, the date of his death 18th February 1918.

Chapter 5

67   Quoted in Pisano et al., Legend, Memory and the Great War in the Air, p.79

68   Hanson, First Blitz, p.58

69   Quoted in Nahum, Andrew, The Rotary Aero Engine, p.22

70   Fokker & Gould, Flying Dutchman, p.62

71   Yeates, Winged Victory, p.84

72   Lee, Open Cockpit, pp.23–4

73   Ellis & Williams, By Jove, Biggles!, p.34

74   War Office, Statistics of the Military Effort of the British Empire in the Great War

75   Clark, Aces High, p.77

76   Rippon, T. S. & Manuel, E. G., ‘Report on the Essential Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Aviators’, The Lancet, 28th September 1918.

77   Wortley, Letters from a Flying Officer, p.165

78   Ellis & Williams, By Jove, Biggles!, p.34

79   Lee, Arthur Gould, No Parachute, p.23

80   Grider, John MacGavock, War Birds, pp.51 et seq.

81   Bruce, British Aeroplanes, p.191

82   Ellis & Williams, By Jove, Biggles!, p.40

83   Quoted in Barker, Ralph, The Royal Flying Corps in World War I, p.27

84   Quoted in Penrose, Harald, British Aviation. The Great War & Armistice, p.213

85   Maclennan, Roderick Ward, The Ideals and Training of a Flying Officer, p.12

86   ibid, p.77

87   ibid, p.93

88   Yeates, Winged Victory, p.273

89   De Havilland, Geoffrey, Sky Fever, p.65

90   Strange, Recollections of an Airman, p.158

Chapter 6

91   Lee, Open Cockpit, pp.57–8

92   Stark, Rudolf, Wings of War, p.78

93   Mattioli, Guido, Mussolini aviatore e la sua opera per l’aviazione, p.22

94   Sassoon, Siegfried, ‘The Child at the Window’, Collected Poems

95   Wortley, Letters from a Flying Officer, p.83

96   Oberleutnant Dyckhoff, in Neumann, German Air Force, p.423

97   Lewis, Sagittarius Rising, p.137

98   Nordhoff, Charles & Hall, James, Falcons of France, p.85

99   Yeates, Winged Victory, p.330

100  Anderson, H. G. et al., The Medical and Surgical Aspects of Aviation, p.24

101  Johns, W. E., ‘The Last Show’ in The Camels Are Coming, p.191

102  Rippon, T. S. & Manuel, E. G., ‘Report on the Essential Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Aviators’, The Lancet, 28th September 1918.

103  Strange, Recollections of an Airman, p.169

104  Bishop, William A., Winged Warfare, p.146

105  ibid, p.150

106  Reynolds, Quentin, They Fought for the Sky, p.176

107  Bishop, Winged Warfare, p.38

108  Lewis, Sagittarius Rising, pp.231–2

109  Stark, Wings of War, pp.54–5

110  Quoted in Naval Eight, p.32

111  Strange, Recollections of an Airman, p.86

112  Westerman, Percy F., Winning his Wings, pp.90–1

113  Lee, No Parachute, p.197

114  Nordhoff & Hall, Falcons of France, p.215

115  Stark, Wings of War, pp.108–9

116  Wortley, Letters from a Flying Officer, p.118

117  Johns, W. E., Popular Flying, May 1932

118  Lee, No Parachute, p.208

Chapter 7

119  Compston, R. J. O., in Naval Eight, p.83

120  Wortley, Letters from a Flying Officer, p.153

121  See www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18309913

122  Franks, Norman, Sharks among Minnows, p.41

123  Bishop, Winged Warfare, p.116

124  Kilduff, Billy Bishop VC, p.71

125  Reynolds, They Fought for the Sky, p.81

126  Mackenzie, C. R., in Naval Eight, p.197

127  quoted in Kilduff, op. cit., p.133

128  Hanson, First Blitz, p.58

129  Morris, A., Bloody April, p.15

130  Franks, Sharks among Minnows, p.113

131  Kilduff, Black Fokker Leader, p.8

132  Quoted in McAllister, Hayden, ed., Flying Stories

133  Kilduff, Black Fokker Leader, p.21

134  Halliday, Hugh, Valour Reconsidered: Inquiries into the Victoria Cross, p.145

135  Bishop, Winged Warfare, pp.221–2

136  Alex Revell, www.billybishop.net/bishopP.html

137  Kilduff, Billy Bishop VC

Chapter 8

138  Lee, Open Cockpit, p.59

139  Neumann, The German Air Force in the Great War, p.125

140  Alder, J. Elrick, ‘Some Notes on the Medical Aspect of Aviation’, in Hamel, Gustav & Turner, Charles C., Flying, p.336

141  Quoted in Seibert, E. G., ‘The Effects of High Altitudes upon the Efficiency of Aviators’, The Military Surgeon, vol. 42, p.145

142  Birley, J. L., ‘War Flying at High Altitudes’, The Lancet, 5th June 1920.

143  ibid.

144  The Chronicles of 55 Squadron, pp.29–30

145  British Medical Journal, 27th April 1918, p.487

146  Neumann, The German Air Force in the Great War, pp.141–2

147  ibid. pp.163–4

148  The March 1917 issue of Flying advertised Sidcot suits for eight guineas from Robinson & Cleaver Ltd in Regent Street with the slogan ‘Keeps you warm at 20,000 feet up’.

149  Wyllie, H., Imperial War Museum, 84/5/1, entry of 30th March 1916

150  Anderson et al., The Medical and Surgical Aspects of Aviation, pp.199–200

151  Wortley, Letters from a Flying Officer, p.189

152  Gibson, T. M., ‘The genesis of medical selection tests for aircrew in the United Kingdom’, RAF Historical Society Journal, No. 43, p.11

153  Silbey, David, The British Working Class and Enthusiasm for War, 1914–1916, p.44

154  Beckett, I, ‘The Territorial Force’, in Beckett, Ian & Simpson, Keith, eds, A Nation in Arms, as quoted in DeGroot, Gerard J., Blighty (Longman, 1996), p.43

155  Rippon & Manuel, ‘Report on the Essential Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Aviators’, The Lancet, 28th September 1918

156  Gilchrist, Norman S., ‘An Analysis of Causes of Breakdown in Flying’, British Medical Journal, 12th October 1918, pp.401–3

157  Stamm, L. E., ‘Medical Aspects of Aviation’, The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. XXIII, Jan. 1919

158  McWalter, J. C., letter to British Medical Journal, 7th November 1917

159  Coe, H. C., ‘The Flying Temperament’, editorial in The Military Surgeon, Vol. XLIII (1918).

160  Stamm, ‘Medical Aspects’

161  Rippon & Manuel, ‘Report on the Essential Characteristics’

162  Birley, J. L., ‘The Principles of Medical Science as Applied to Military Aviation’, The Lancet, 29th May 1920

163  Lewis, Sagittarius Rising, p.149

164  See Previc, F. H. & Ercoline, W. R., Spatial Disorientation in Aviation

165  Lee, Open Cockpit, p.130.

166  Draper, Major C., in Naval Eight, p.56

167  Bishop, W., Winged Peace, p.38

168  Anderson et al., The Medical and Surgical Aspects of Aviation, p.110

169  See Green, N. D. C., ‘The Fight Against G’, RAF Historical Society Journal, no. 43, pp.67–8

170  Lee, Open Cockpit, p.142.

171  Stamm, ‘Medical Aspects’

172  See ‘Injuries and Diseases of Aviation’, British Medical Journal, 11th March 1916, p.389

Chapter 9

173  Lee, No Parachute, pp.293–4

174  ibid, p.312

175  Penrose, British Aviation, p.271

176  ibid., p.57

177  ibid., p.308

178  Hamel, Gustav & Turner, Charles C., Flying, p.310

179  Barker, Ralph, The Royal Flying Corps in World War I (Robinson, 2002), p.313

180  ‘Vedrine’ (posting 24), www.theaerodrome.com/forum/other-wwi-aviation/54948-parachutes-3.html

181  Hartney, Harold Evans, Up and At ’Em, quoted in the above forum, posting no. 19

182  Anderson et al., The Medical and Surgical Aspects of Aviation, p.176

183  Reynolds, They Fought for the Sky, p.171

184  Haupt-Heydemarck, Georg Wilhelm, War Flying in Macedonia, p.131

185  Lee, No Parachute, p.95

186  Johns, W. E., ‘The Last Show’, The Camels are Coming

187  Dyson, Freeman, Disturbing the Universe, p.27

188  Quoted in Wortley, Letters from a Flying Officer, p.35

189  London Review of Books, 8th November 2012

Chapter 10

190  Mackay, Richard, The Royal Naval Submarine Service 1901–18

191  Quoted in The Times’ History of the War, Vol. vii, ch. cviii, p.1

192  Hanson, First Blitz, p.22

193  Blatchford, Robert, General von Sneak, p.53

194  The Times’ History of the War, Vol. vii, p.19

195  Wortley, Letters from a Flying Officer, p.115

196  Hanson, First Blitz, p.122

197  Quoted in Hanson, First Blitz, pp.134–5

198  Quoted in Hanson, First Blitz, p.59

199  Burge, Major C. Gordon, ed., The Annals of 100 Squadron, p.20

200  Quoted in Gibbs, N. H., History of the Second World War, Vol. 1, pp.553–4

201  Hine, Air Chief Marshal Sir Patrick, RAF Historical Society Journal, No. 57 (2014), p.151

Chapter 11

202  Lawrence, T. E., Seven Pillars of Wisdom, p.101

203  Johns, W. E., Popular Flying, October 1935, quoted in Ellis & Williams, p.29

204  Johns, W. E., Popular Flying, October 1938, quoted in ibid, p.32

205  Haupt-Heydemarck, War Flying in Macedonia, pp.53–4

206  See Kulikov, Russian Aces of World War I, p.46

207  Haupt-Heydemarck, War Flying in Macedonia, p.57

208  Quoted in ibid., p.170

209  La Gazetta del Popolo, 12th December 1914 (reprinted in Giulio Douhet, Le Profizie di Cassandra, p.244)

210  Neumann, The German Air Force in the Great War, pp.260–1

211  ibid., p.261

212  ibid., p.263

213  This author is particularly indebted to Ellis & Williams’s biography of W. E. Johns for the details of this episode.

214  Cecil Lewis, Sagittarius Rising, p.113