Oceanic Flight 815 Manifest
authenticity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethics of objectification and
ideology and
meaning of life and
moral obligation and
redemption and
state of nature and
Abraham (biblical)
Abrams, J. J.
Adam (biblical)
aesthetic lifestyle, ethical lifestyle vs.
agent-specific theories
Ajax (Euripides)
Alexandra (Alex)
authenticity and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics of objectification and
ideology and
state of nature and
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll)
Alpert, Richard (character)
coincidence and
continuity and
ideology and
reality and
redemption and
Alpert, Richard (philosopher)
Althusser, Louis
Ana Lucia
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
ideology and
moral obligation and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Aquinas, Thomas
on existence of God
on God and free will
on God and happiness
on God and knowledge
on God and reason
on God and truth
state of nature and
reality and
state of nature and
time travel and
on virtue ethics
Aslan (Narnia character)
Augustine of Hippo
Austen, Kate
authenticity and
counterfactual reasoning and
continuity and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
ethics of objectification and
ideology and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and
reality and
state of nature and
time travel and
Austin, Kate Cooper (philosopher)
faith and morality
faith vs. reason
“I-Thou” relationship and
worldview and
Bacon, Kevin
bad faith
Bakunin, Mikhail (character)
Bakunin, Mikhail (philosopher)
Being and Nothingness (Sartre)
Bentham, Jeremy (philosopher)
authenticity and
state of nature and
See also individual names of biblical figures
birthday paradox
“Blue Cross, The” (Chesterson)
bonum perfectum (supreme good)
branching-universe model, of time
Brontë, Charlotte
Buber, Martin
Burke, Edmund (character)
Burke, Edmund (philosopher)
Burke, Juliet (character)
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethics of objectification and
finding God and
ideology and
metaphysics of time travel and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
time travel and
Callis, Kevin
Calypso (Lost character)
Calypso (Odyssey character)
Campbell, Brother
Camus, Albert
card games, probability and
Carlyle, Boone (character)
authenticity and
coincidence and
meaning of life and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
Carlyle, Thomas (philosopher)
Carneades the Skeptic
Carroll, Lewis
causal loop and time travel
coincidence and
Chang, Dr. Pierre
authenticity and
continuity and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and
Lost as character study
multitude of
reality, identity, and
use of flashbacks in Lost and
Chesterson, G. K.
Christianity, revelation and. See also redemption
Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis)
community and
conflict and
faith and
fantasy and
good vs. evil and
myth vs. allegory and
circumstantial ignorance
Cive, De (Hobbes)
Claudia. See Mother
conspiracy vs.
deception experiments and
divine providence, fate, determinism, and
intellectual curiosity and
probability and
“Small World Study” (Milgram) and
synchronicity and
collective unconsciousness
community, redemption and
Concept of the Political, The (Schmitt)
conceptual distinction
confirmation bias
conflict, redemption and
conspiracy, coincidence vs.
alternative account of time and
causal loop and
eternalism and
external time vs. personal time
grandfather paradox and
nature of time and
principle of indiscernibility of identicals
time travel concepts and
See also time travel
Cooper, Anthony
authenticity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethics and condemnation
finding God and
moral obligation and parent/child relationship
state of nature and
Cortez, Ana Lucia. See Ana Lucia
“Counterfactual Dependence and Time’s Arrow” (Lewis)
counterfactual reasoning
counterfactual conditionals (counterfactuals), defined
plausibility of
practical application of
courage, reality and
“Culpability and Ignorance” (Rosen)
cultural relativism
endorsement of
problems of
subjectivism compared to
Cuse, Carlton
on faith themes of Lost
on influence of his faith
on Jack Shephard/John Locke relationship
on Lost and The Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis)
on message/meaning of Lost
on Oceanic Six return to island
on redemption themes
Cyclops (Odyssey character)
reality and
redemption and
Dawson, Michael. See Michael
deception experiments
DeFoe, Daniel
de Groot, Gerald (character)
de Groot, Hugo (philosopher)
de Groot, Karen (character)
Derrida, Jacques
authenticity and
coincidence and
Dharma Initiative
authenticity and
continuity and
ethics of objectification and
ideology and
metaphysics of time travel and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
time travel and
See also individual names of characters
Digory (Narnia character)
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (Rousseau)
divine providence
Dogen (character)
Dogen (philosopher)
Eko, Mr.
authenticity and
coincidence and
ethical subjectivism and
finding God and
ideology and
meaning of life and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
Emerson, Michael. See also Linus, Ben
empiricism, Tao and
enemies, state of nature and
English, Jane
authenticity and
coincidence and
finding God and
meaning of life and
reality and
equality of ability
continuity and
fatalism and
ethical subjectivism
cultural relativism/subjectivism, defined
cultural relativism/subjectivism, endorsement of
cultural relativism/subjectivism, problems of
aesthetic vs. ethical lifestyle
condemnation and
ethical subjectivism
moral obligation in parent/child relationships
of objectification
of time travel
Eustace (Narnia character)
Eve (biblical)
authenticity and
meaning of life and
external time, personal time vs.
authenticity and
God and
metaphysics and
redemption and
search for
Tao of
See also redemption
Faith on Earth (Niebuhr)
fandom (“Losties”)
fantasy, redemption and
Faraday, Daniel (character)
authenticity and
continuity and
ethics and condemnation
finding God and
metaphysics of time travel and
Faraday, Michael (philosopher)
fate, coincidence and
father/son relationships. See parent/child relationships
“first truth,”
coincidence and
flash-forwards and ideology
“flash-sideways” and
time travel and
use of, in Lost
Flash Forward (ABC)
Ford, James. See Sawyer
Fox, Matthew. See also Shephard, Jack
framed conflict
free will
authenticity and
coincidence and
metaphysics of time travel and
French Woman
moral obligation and
state of nature and
Gale, Henry
authenticity and
ethics of objectification and
redemption and
See also Linus, Ben
Gandhi, Mohandas
authenticity and
existence of
free will and
happiness and
knowledge and
meaning of life and
metaphysics and
reason and
trust and
truth and
God without Being (Marion)
“good guys”
ideology and
state of nature and
goods, just distribution of
Goodspeed, Horace
good vs. evil
grandfather paradox
Greek tragedies
group in fusion
Hawking, Eloise (character)
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
redemption and
time travel and
Hawking, Stephen (philosopher)
Heatherton, Lucy
Heidegger, Martin
Henderson, Rose
Henry V (Shakespeare character)
Hertwig, Ralph
Hitler, Adolf
Hobbes, Thomas
“home,” search for
Horse and His Boy, The (Lewis). See Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis)
Hugh of St. Victor
Hugo. See also Hurley
Hume, David (philosopher)
authenticity and
state of nature and
Hume, Desmond David (character)
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
finding God and
ideology and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
reality and
redemption and
Tao and
time travel and
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethics and condemnation
finding God and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
time travel and
Iago (Shakespeare character)
authenticity and
ideology and
reality, character, and
ideological state apparatus (ISA)
fear and
“good guys” and
identity and
interpellation and
recognition and
skepticism and
if-then statements
ignorance, circumstantial vs. normative
immigration, ideology and
“inference is the best explanation,”
informed consent
innocence, state of nature and
intellectual curiosity
interpellation, ideology and
intolerance, ethical subjectivism and
Isaac (biblical)
Isaac of Uluru
“I-Thou” relationship
authenticity and
coincidence and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics of objectification and
finding God and
ideology and
meaning of life and
metaphysics and duality
metaphysics of time travel and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
Jane Eyre (Brontë)
Jarrah, Sayid
continuity and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics of objectification and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
Jill (Narnia character)
counterfactual reasoning and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
finding God and
ideology and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Johnson, Kevin
judging, reality and
Jung, Carl
Kant, Immanuel
finding God and
redemption and
Tao and
Kaye, Sharon
Kierkegaard, Soren
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King Lear (Shakespeare)
knowledge. See epistemology
Kwon, Jin-Soo. See Jin
Kwon, Sun-Hwa. See Sun
Lady of the Green Kirtle (Narnia character)
Lao Tzu
Lapidus, Frank
Last Battle, The (Lewis). See Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis)
LeFleur, Jim
Lennon, John (philosopher)
Lennon (character)
Leviathan (Hobbes)
Levinas, Emmanuel
Lewis, C. S. (philosopher)
audience of Narnia books and
community themes of
conflict themes of
faith themes of
on fantasy
good vs. evil themes of
myth vs. allegory themes of
Lewis, Charlotte Staples (character)
continuity and
ideology and
metaphysics of time travel and
Lewis, David
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
meaning of life and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
liberalism, state of nature and
life, after death
Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The (DeFoe)
lifestyle, aesthetic vs. ethical
Lilith (MacDonald)
Lindelof, Damon
on faith themes of Lost
on Jack/Locke relationship
on Lost and The Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis)
on Lost as character study
on message/meaning of Lost
on time travel
Linus, Ben
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
ethics of objectification and
ideology and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
time travel and
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The (Lewis). See Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis)
Littleton, Claire
authenticity and
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethics of objectification and
finding God and
ideology and
meaning of life and
moral obligation and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
Locke, John (character)
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
finding God and
ideology and
meaning of life and
metaphysics and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and parent/child relationship
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
time travel and
Locke, John (philosopher)
authenticity and
empiricism and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
state of nature and
“Look,” authenticity and
casting of
characters of (See also individual names of characters)
as epic
fandom of
influence of television program
use of flashbacks in(See also flashbacks)
See also Abrams, J. J.; Cuse, Carlton; Lindelof, Damon
Lost and Philosophy (Kaye)
Lost Survivor Guide, The
love, state of nature and
Lucas, George
MacDonald, George
Magician’s Nephew, The (Lewis). See Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis)
Malkin, Mr.
Man in Black
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
ethical subjectivism and
ideology and
metaphysics and duality
metaphysics of time travel and
redemption and
state of nature and
mankind, nature of
Marion, Jean-Luc
Mars, Marshal Edward
McTaggart, John
meaning of life
asking “why are we here?” and
existentialism and
meaningful patterns and
search for “home” and
Meaning of Revelation, The (Niebuhr)
Mellow, David
coincidence and
moral memory
Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)
condemnation and
ethical subjectivism and
ideology and
as Kevin Johnson
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)
authenticity and
continuity and
ideology and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and
reality and
Milgram, Stanley
Mill, John Stuart
Minkowski, George (character)
Minkowski, Hermann (philosopher)
moral autonomy
moral memory
moral obligation
motivation and
obligation of child to parent
sacrifice and
authenticity and
ethical subjectivism and
metaphysics and
motivation, moral obligation and
Mulder, Special Agent Fox
myth, allegory vs.. See also redemption
“Myth of Gyges, The” (Plato)
finding God and
ideology and
state of nature and
time travel and
narrative time, viewer’s time vs.
natural rights, state of nature and
Niebuhr, H. Richard
nihilism, authenticity and
normative ignorance
“Obedience Experiment” (Milgram)
moral autonomy and
redemption and
utility and
virtue ethics and
Oceanic Six
continuity and
finding God and
redemption and
Tao and
See also individual names of characters
Odysseus (Odyssey character)
Odyssey (Homer)
Oedipus Rex
Oka, Masi
On the Plurality of Worlds (Lewis)
“On Three Ways of Writing for Children” (Lewis)
O’Quinn, Terry. See also Locke, John (character)
Original Position
Ortega y Gasset, José
Ortmann, Andreas
authenticity and
coincidence and
ethics of objectification and
ideology and
metaphysics of time travel and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
See also individual names of characters
Otherwise than Being (Levinas)
Pace, Charlie
coincidence and
continuity and
ethics of objectification and
finding God and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
parent/child relationships
motivation and
obligation of child to parent
sacrifice and
patterns, meaning and
Penelope (Odyssey character)
authenticity and
continuity and
finding God and
metaphysics of time travel and
redemption and
state of nature and
personal time, external time vs.
Peter, Aquinas and
Pevensie, Edmund (Narnia character)
Pevensie, Lucy (Narnia character)
Phantastes and Lilith (MacDonald)
de Groot
See also individual names of philosophers
Plague, The (Camus)
complication of
contradiction and
Poetics (Aristotle)
Popper, Karl
“preambles to the articles of faith,”
prima facie duties
Prince Caspian (Lewis). See Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis)
principle of indiscernibility of identicals
prisoners’ dilemma
Puddleglum (Narnia character)
ethical subjectivism and
ideology and
Rai Due (Italian TV channel)
Rashomon (Japanese film)
Rawls, John
character and identity
judging and
values and
faith vs.
God and
recognition, ideology and
reconciliation, moral obligation and
community and
conflict and
faith and
fantasy and
good vs. evil
myth vs. allegory
repressive state apparatus (RSA)
Republic (Plato)
riches, God and
Right and the Good, The (Ross)
Robinson Crusoe (DeFoe)
roles, state of nature and
Rom, Ethan
coincidence and
continuity and
ethics of objectification and
state of nature and
meaning of life and
moral obligation and
finding God and
meaning of life and
redemption and
state of nature and
Rosen, Gideon
Ross, W. D.
Rousseau, Danielle (character)
ideology and
time travel and
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (philosopher)
rules, state of nature and
Rutherford, Samuel (philosopher)
Rutherford, Shannon (character)
meaning of life and
redemption and
state of nature and
sacrifice, moral obligation and
Said, Edward
Sartre, Jean-Paul
authenticity and
meaning of life and
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
ethics of objectification and
ideology and
meaning of life and
metaphysics and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and
moral obligation and parent/child relationship
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
time travel and
Schmitt, Carl
scientific method
self-interest, state of nature and
meaning of life and
state of nature and
Shakespeare, William
shared language, equality of ability and
Shephard, Christian
authenticity and
continuity and
meaning of life and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and parent/child relationship
Shephard, Jack
authenticity and
coincidence and
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
ethics of objectification and
finding God and
ideology and
meaning of life and
metaphysics and
metaphysics of time travel and
moral obligation and parent/child relationship
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
time travel and
Shylock (Shakespeare character)
Sidgwick, Henry
Silver Chair, The (Lewis). See Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis)
“Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,”
“six degrees of separation,”
authenticity and
ideology and
Skywalker, Luke (Star Wars character)
slavery, ethical subjectivism and
“Small World Study” (Milgram)
Smoke Monster
ethics of objectification and
redemption and
state of nature and
Social Contract (Rousseau)
ideology and
state of nature and
“Sometimes Fairy Stories May Say Best What’s to Be Said” (Lewis)
Song of Myself (Whitman)
Star Wars
state of nature
cooperation and
equality of ability and
framed conflict and
friendship and common enemies
friendship and feeling
“good guys” and
natural rights and
nature of mankind and
roles and rules of
self-interest and
tragedies of the commons and
cultural relativism compared to
endorsement of
problems of
continuity and
counterfactual reasoning and
moral obligation and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
tabula rasa
destiny and
empiricism and
metaphysics and
transformation and
Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)
Telemachus (Odyssey character)
Tempest, The (Shakespeare)
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls)
fixed/static view of
time travel
time travel
continuity and
contradiction and
counterfactual reasoning and
fatalism and
metaphysics and ethics of
multitude of characters and
narrative time vs. viewer’s time
plot complication and
“tit for tat,”
Tolkien, J. R. R.
torture, state of nature and
Totality and Infinity (Levinas)
tragedies of the commons
Treatise on Government (Locke)
viewer’s time, narrative time vs.
virtue ethics
Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The (Lewis). See Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis)
ethical subjectivism and
ethics and condemnation
ideology and
moral obligation and
reality and
redemption and
state of nature and
Tao and
“war of all against all,”
White Witch (Narnia character)
Whitman, Walt
“Why are we here?”
Widmore, Charles
authenticity and
ideology and
metaphysics and
redemption and
state of nature and
time travel and
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wizard of Oz, The (Baum)
worldview (Weltanschauung), authenticity and
yin-yang symbol
Yoda (Star Wars character)