I wish to express my gratitude to Lisa Laing, my editor, and Paula Munier, director of product development at Adams Media, for having faith and bringing me yet another wonderful project. I also wish to everyone at Adams Media involved in making this book possible.
I'm deeply grateful to all the scholars of early Christianity and Gnosticism whose work on the Gnostic texts makes it possible for me and all interested in learning more about them to read translations and commentaries.
Finally, I am appreciative of the support given to me by a group of devoted friends who at various times encouraged, fed, guided, inspired, cajoled, humored, and loved me while I worked on this project: Kathryn Makris, Anita Llewellyn, Jan Stiles, Leeanna Franklin, Becky Cahoon, Sadie Cabrera, Susan Reynolds, and Carlos Carvajal.