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adobo marinade, Cuban, 135
African blue basil, 122
aïoli, oregano, 34
cakes, warm lavender, 240–41
roasted peaches filled with tarragon and, 231
angelica, 187, 227
cobbler, rhubarb and, 227
anise hyssop, 40
in greeting tea, 40
roasted peaches filled with almond and, 231
annual umbels, 188
in bay-scented chestnut soup, 63–64
roasted cauliflower with dill and, 192
and shiso ice, green, 219
apple cider, in bay-scented chestnut soup, 63–64
apple mint, 249
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
lavender-rubbed duck breast with sweet onions and, 171–72
Arp rosemary, 14
Asian pear, dilled celery, and hazelnut salad, 83
Asian summer rolls, see simpler summer rolls asparagus:
in frothy tarragon sauce, 180
and lemon thyme soup, 65
in shiso crab cocktail, 87
in tuna rice bowls, 110–11
in bay-scented chestnut soup, 63–64
clams with mint, chiles and, 105
in smoky tomato-bean soup, 69
warm figs filled with goat cheese and, 22
banana splits, warm maple rosemary, 234
basil, 122–23
in blueberries and watermelon in cinnamon basil syrup, 223
in branch dressing, 78
chicken, cinnamon, 120–21
corn, and orzo salad, 76
in essence of corn soup, 56–57
gratin, zucchini, 183
in herb garden lasagna, 132–33
lime fizz, 45
in penne with walnut pesto and eggplant, 103
in pesto-stuffed chicken breasts with cherry tomatoes, 115–16
radish, and green bean salad, 74
in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
in simpler summer rolls, 18
syrup, 45
in tomato bread, 191
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
bay laurel, 79
in braised pork shoulder with pears and thyme, 147–48
in herbed fresh vegetable pickle, 80
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
in mashed winter squash with bay butter, 195
in oven-braised forest mushrooms, 196
in salt-roasted potatoes, 203
bay-scented chestnut soup, 63–64
basil, and radish salad, green-, 74
in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
soup, smoky tomato-, 69
grilled lemon-rosemary hangar steak, 128
tenderloin poached in an olive oil and thyme bath, 175
biennial umbels, 186–87
biscuits, good dog, bad dog, 212
black olive roast chicken, 124–25
blueberries and watermelon in cinnamon basil syrup, 223
Boletus edulis mushrooms, 165
Bosc pear:
dilled celery, and hazelnut salad, 83
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
Bouquet basil, 122
bow ties and tuna, herbed, 99
braised pork shoulder with pears and thyme, 147–48
branch dressing, 78
brandade, 27
herbed skillet, 208–9
onion rosemary focaccia, 211
sage-feta cornbread, 207
tomato, 191
bread pudding, mushroom marjoram, 199
buckler leaf sorrel, 32
cabbage, in spicy cilantro slaw, 77
lavender pound, 242–43
pear rosemary upside-down, 238–39
warm lavender almond, 240–41
California bay, 79
camphor basil, 122
in herbed bow ties and tuna, 99
in pork loin roasted in green sauce, 144–45
in rémoulade sauce, 142
caraway thyme, 15, 167
-cilantro broth, halibut in, 159
in spicy cilantro slaw, 77
cauliflower, roasted, with apple and dill, 192
in bay-scented chestnut soup, 63–64
dilled, Asian pear, and hazelnut salad, 83
cheese straws, rye-thyme, 15
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
sage-poached, winter greens with, 84
tart, goat cheese handkerchiefs with sage and, 153–54
cherry tomato(es):
melon, and mint salad, 73
pesto-stuffed chicken breasts with, 115–16
in steamed mussels with lovage, 106
chervil, 188
avgolemono, 55
chicken breasts with buttered leeks, 113
in crab and lemon thyme flan with shaved mushrooms, 165–66
in fettuccine fines herbes, 96
sauce, asparagus in frothy, 180
in smoked salmon stuffed eggs, 28
chestnut(s), 63
-sage soup, 64
soup, bay-scented, 63–64
breasts, pesto-stuffed, with cherry tomatoes, 115–16
breasts, tarragon, with buttered leeks, 113
cinnamon basil, 120–21
grilled, with before and after marinades, 135–36
lemon rosemary, 119
roast, black olive, 124–25
chickpeas, popcorn, 12
chiffonade, 8
clams with bacon, mint and, 105
in herbed fresh vegetable pickle, 80
in simpler summer rolls, 18
chives, 210
in avgolemono, 55
in fettuccine fines herbes, 96
in grilled lemon-rosemary hanger steak, 128
in rémoulade sauce, 142
in smoked salmon stuffed eggs, 28
in smoked trout toasts, 27
jasmine pot de crème, 244–45
peppermint tart, 247–48
chocolate mint, 249
chopping, 7–8, 10
cilantro, 188
-carrot broth, halibut in, 159
in essence of corn soup, 57
prosciutto melon with lime and, 20
in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
in simpler summer rolls, 18
slaw, spicy, 77
in spicy verbena meatballs, 36–37
in tuna rice bowls, 110–11
cinnamon, cassia vs. true, 120
cinnamon basil, 122
chicken, 120–21
syrup, blueberries and watermelon in, 223
cinnamon sticks:
in blueberries and watermelon in cinnamon basil syrup, 223
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
Manila, in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
with mint, chiles, and bacon, 105
cobbler, rhubarb mint, 226–27
compote, herbed winter fruit, 237
coriander, in lavender-rubbed duck breast with apricots and sweet onions, 171–72
orzo, and basil salad, 76
soup, essence of, 56–57
sweet, in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
cornbread, sage-feta, 207
in pear rosemary upside-down cake, 238–39
in sage-feta cornbread, 207
cocktail, shiso, 87
and lemon thyme flan with shaved mushrooms, 165–66
Cuban adobo marinade, 135
in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
in tuna rice bowls, 110–11
cumin, in Cuban adobo marinade, 135
curly marjoram, 102
curly mint, 249
dried, in lemon rosemary chicken, 119
in roasted cauliflower with apple and dill, 192
“cut in strips,” see chiffonade
dill, 188
and asparagus soup, 65
in avgolemono, 55
in branch dressing, 78
chicken breasts with buttered leeks, 113
and crab flan with shaved mushrooms, 165–66
in essence of corn soup, 57
gratin, spinach, 184
radish, and green bean salad, 74
roasted cauliflower with apple and, 192
sauce, asparagus in frothy, 180
side of salmon slow-roasted in, 141
in smoked salmon stuffed eggs, 28
dilled celery, Asian pear, and hazelnut salad, 83
dog biscuits, good dog, bad, 212
dressing, branch, 78
duck breast, lavender-rubbed, with apricots and sweet onions, 171–72
Dwarf Italian basil, 122
dwarf sage, 146
edamame, in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
eggplant, penne with walnut pesto and, 103
in asparagus in frothy tarragon sauce, 180
in chervil avgolemono, 55
in crab and lemon thyme flan with shaved mushrooms, 165–66
in herbed skillet soufflé, 95
smoked salmon stuffed, 28
English lavender, 173
English thyme, 15, 167 see also thyme
essence of corn soup, 56–57
farfalle pasta, in herbed bow ties and tuna, 99
fennel, 185
in black olive roast chicken, 124–25
blossom soup, 59
in lavender-rubbed duck breast with apricots and sweet onions, 171–72
roasted peaches filled with almond and, 231
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
in green bean, basil, and radish salad, 74
-sage cornbread, 207
fettuccine fines herbes, 96
orange thyme, with muscat sabayon, 232–33
warm, filled with goat cheese and bacon, 22
fines herbes, fettuccine, 96
halibut in carrot-cilantro broth, 159
side of salmon slow-roasted in dill, 141
slow-roasted salmon with spring herb sauce, 155–56
smoked salmon stuffed eggs, 28
smoked trout toasts, 27
sole with wilted herbs, 109
tuna rice bowls, 110–11
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
flan, crab and lemon thyme, with shaved mushrooms, 165–66
focaccia, onion rosemary, 211
Fontina, in jump-in-the-mouths, 17
French lavender, 173
French-style lentils, 25
French tarragon, 114
French thyme, 167
fruit compote, herbed winter, 237
fruit sage, 146
garden sorrel, 32
garden thyme, 167
garlic chives, 210
garlic-sage butter, shrimp in, 160
Genovese basil, 122
geranium, scented, 229
see also rose geranium; lemon geranium
in sage rush, 48
tonic, rosemary, 41
in cinnamon basil chicken, 120–21
in halibut in carrot-cilantro broth, 159
-lavender syrup, 51
in spicy verbena meatballs, 36–37
in tarragon oyster stew, 168
goat cheese:
in green bean, basil, and radish salad, 74
handkerchiefs with tart cherries and sage, 153–54
and minted lentil strudel, 25–26
warm figs filled with bacon and, 22
golden marjoram, 102
golden sage, 146
good dog, bad dog biscuits, 212
Granny Smith apples, in green apple and shiso ice, 219
grapefruit juice, in sage rush, 48
savory potato, 201
spinach lovage, 184
zucchini basil, 183
Greek oregano, 102
green apple and shiso ice, 219
green bean(s):
in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
green onion, in grilled lemon-rosemary hanger steak, 128
greens, winter, with sage-poached cherries, 84
green sauce, pork loin roasted in, 144–45
green shiso, 88
greeting tea, 40
grilled chicken with before and after marinades, 135–36
grilled lemon-rosemary hanger steak, 128
Grosso lavender, 173
in herbed skillet soufflé, 95
in jump-in-the-mouths, 17
in rye-thyme cheese straws, 15
in savory potato gratin, 201
halibut in carrot-cilantro broth, 159
hanger steak, grilled lemon-rosemary, 128
dilled celery, and Asian pear salad, 83
parsley, and mint soup, 60
garden lasagna, 132–33
leaves, torn vs. chopped, 9
preparation of, 7–8
sauce, spring, slow-roasted salmon with, 155–56
wilted, sole with, 109
see also specific herbs
bow ties and tuna, 99
fresh vegetable pickle, 80
skillet breads, 208–9
skillet soufflé, 95
winter fruit compote, 237
herb gardens, starting, 4–5
Hidcote lavender, 173
holy basil, 122
in goat cheese handkerchiefs with tart cherries and sage, 153–54
in greeting tea, 40
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
warm lavender almond cakes, 240–41
Hungarian paprika, 69
iceberg lettuce, in simpler summer rolls, 18
ice cream:
strawberry rose geranium, 224
in warm maple rosemary banana splits, 234
Italian oregano, 102
Japanese shiso, vs. Korean perilla, 88
jasmine chocolate pot de crème, 244–45
jump-in-the-mouths, 17
kale, orecchiette with pancetta, oregano and, 100
Korean perilla, Japanese shiso vs., 88
chops with parsley, mint, and olive sauté, 176–77
shoulder chops, messy, with four herbs, 127
lasagna, herb garden, 132–33
lavender, 173
chocolate pot de crème, 244–45
-ginger syrup, 51
mai tai, 50
pound cake, 242–43
in provençal herb marinade, 135
-rubbed duck breast with apricots and sweet onions, 171–72
warm, almond cakes, 240–41
lavender mint, 249
in asparagus and lemon thyme soup, 65
buttered, tarragon chicken breasts with, 113
in fennel blossom soup, 59
in parsley and mint soup, 60
in tarragon oyster stew, 168
in berry rose sangría, 42
rosemary chicken, 119
-rosemary hanger steak, grilled, 128
in sage rush, 48
lemon balm, 67
lemon basil, 67, 122
lemon drop, ultimate, 47
lemon geranium, 66–67
in greeting tea, 40
lemon grass, 36
lemon herbs, 66–67
lemon thyme, 67, 167
and asparagus soup, 65
and crab flan with shaved mushrooms, 165–66
sauce, asparagus in frothy, 180
lemon verbena, 66
gel, raspberries in, 220
in greeting tea, 40
in grilled lemon-rosemary hanger steak, 128
in spicy verbena meatballs, 36–37
in ultimate lemon drop, 47
lentil, minted, and goat cheese strudel, 25–26
lentilles du Puy, 25
Lettuce Leaf basil, 122
licorice basil, 122
lima beans, in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
lime, prosciutto melon with cilantro and, 20
lime basil, 122
fizz, 45
lovage, 185–86
in branch dressing, 78
in essence of corn soup, 57
gratin, spinach, 184
steamed mussels with, 106
mai tai, lavender, 50
Mammoth basil, 122
maple syrup:
in mashed winter squash with bay butter, 195
in root ribbons with sage, 189
in warm maple rosemary banana splits, 234
grilled chicken with before and after, 135–36
marjoram, 102
aïoli, 34
in branch dressing, 78
chicken breasts with buttered leeks, 113
in herb garden lasagna, 132–33
mushroom bread pudding, 199
in pork loin roasted in green sauce, 144–45
potato gratin, 201
in smoked paprika marinade, 136
in smoked trout toasts, 27
in smoky tomato-bean soup, 69
in tomato bread, 191
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
mashed winter squash with bay butter, 195
matsutake, 165
mayonnaise, in spicy cilantro slaw, 77
meatballs, spicy verbena, 36–37
balls, tarragon ice with, 216
cherry tomato, and mint salad, 73
prosciutto, with lime and cilantro, 20
mint(s), 185, 249
cherry tomato, and melon salad, 73
clams with bacon, chiles and, 105
and parsley soup, 60
rhubarb cobbler, 226–27
sauté, lamb chops with parsley, olive and, 176–77
see also peppermint; spearmint
minted lentil and goat cheese strudel, 25–26
Moroccan mint, 249
mozzarella, in herb garden lasagna, 132–33
muscat sabayon, 233
orange thyme figs with, 232–33
marjoram bread pudding, 199
oven-braised forest, 196
shaved, crab and lemon thyme flan with, 165–66
rosemary, skewers, 33
steamed, with lovage, 106
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
Napoletano basil, 122
nori, in tuna rice bowls, 110–11
oats, in good dog, bad dog biscuits, 212
olive oil, and thyme, beef tenderloin poached in, 175
black, roast chicken, 124–25
in lemon rosemary chicken, 119
sauté, lamb chops with parsley, mint and, 176–77
rosemary focaccia, 211
sweet, lavender-rubbed duck breast with apricots and, 171–72
Opal basil, 122
orange balsam thyme, 167
orange thyme figs with muscat sabayon, 232–33
orecchiette with kale, pancetta, and oregano, 100
oregano, 102
aïoli, 34
in Cuban adobo marinade, 135
in herbed skillet breads, 208–9
in messy lamb shoulder chops with four herbs, 127
orecchiette with kale, pancetta and, 100
squid and piquillo pepper salad with, 90
in tomato bread, 191
orzo, corn, and basil salad, 76
oven-braised forest mushrooms, 196
roasted, with sorrel sauce, 31
stew, tarragon, 168
pancetta, orecchiette with kale, oregano and, 100
smoked, marinade, 136
in smoky tomato-bean soup, 69
in fettuccine fines herbes, 96
in green bean, basil, and radish salad, 74
in herb garden lasagna, 132–33
in orecchiette with kale, pancetta, and oregano, 100
in penne with walnut pesto and eggplant, 103
in pesto-stuffed chicken breasts with cherry tomatoes, 115–16
in spinach lovage gratin, 184
in zucchini basil gratin, 183
parsley, 186
in braised pork shoulder with pears and thyme, 147–48
in branch dressing, 78
in crab and lemon thyme flan with shaved mushrooms, 165–66
in fettuccine fines herbes, 96
in good dog, bad dog biscuits, 212
in herbed bow ties and tuna, 99
in herb garden lasagna, 132–33
in minted lentil and goat cheese strudel, 25–26
and mint soup, 60
in pork loin roasted in green sauce, 144–45
in rémoulade sauce, 142
sauté, lamb chops with mint, olive and, 176–77
in smoked paprika marinade, 136
in sole with wilted herbs, 109
in squid and piquillo pepper salad with oregano, 90
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
fettuccine fines herbes, 96
goat cheese handkerchiefs with tart cherries and sage, 153–54
herb garden lasagna, 132–33
herbed bow ties and tuna, 99
orecchiette with kale, pancetta, and oregano, 100
penne with walnut pesto and eggplant, 103
pasta squares, in goat cheese handkerchiefs with tart cherries and sage, 153–54
peaches, roasted, filled with almond and tarragon, 231
peanut butter, in good dog, bad dog biscuits, 212
peanuts, in simpler summer rolls, 18
Asian, dilled celery, and hazelnut salad, 83
braised pork shoulder with thyme and, 147–48
brandy, in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
rosemary upside-down cake, 238–39
pelargonium, 229
penne with walnut pesto and eggplant, 103
peppermint, 249
chocolate tart, 247–48
perennials, 5
perennial umbels, 185–86
perilla, see shiso
pesto-stuffed chicken breasts with cherry tomatoes, 115–16
phyllo dough, in minted lentil and goat cheese strudel, 25–26
Piccolo basil, 122
pickle, herbed fresh vegetable, 80
pineapple sage, 146
pine nuts, in pesto-stuffed chicken breasts with cherry tomatoes, 115–16
piquillo pepper and squid salad with oregano, 90
popcorn chickpeas, 12
porcini mushrooms:
in mushroom marjoram bread pudding, 199
see also Boletus edulis
butt, in spicy verbena meatballs, 36–37
loin roasted in green sauce, 144–45
shoulder, braised, with pears and thyme, 147–48
in black olive roast chicken, 124–25
gratin, savory, 201
salt-roasted, 203
pound cake, lavender, 242–43
in jump-in-the-mouths, 17
melon with lime and cilantro, 20
provençal herb marinade, 135
Provence lavender, 173
prunes, in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
Purple Ruffles basil, 122
purple sage, 146
quince, in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
radish, green bean, and basil salad, 74
in berry rose sangría, 42
in lemon verbena gel, 220
red bell peppers:
in corn, orzo, and basil salad, 76
in sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
in spicy cilantro slaw, 77
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
Red Rubin basil, 122
red shiso, 88
rémoulade sauce, 142
for side of salmon slow-roasted in dill, 141
rhubarb mint cobbler, 226–27
bowls, tuna, 110–11
in chervil avgolemono, 55
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
rice paper rounds, for simpler summer rolls, 18
in fettuccine fines herbes, 96
in goat cheese handkerchiefs with tart cherries and sage, 153–54
in herb garden lasagna, 132–33
roasted cauliflower with apple and dill, 192
roasted oysters with sorrel sauce, 31
roasted peaches filled with almond and tarragon, 231
rolls, simpler summer, 18
root ribbons with sage, 189
rose geranium, 229
in berry rose sangría, 42
strawberry ice cream, 224
rosemary, 14
in black olive roast chicken, 124–25
gin tonic, 41
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
lemon chicken, 119
-lemon hanger steak, grilled, 128
mussel skewers, 33
onion focaccia, 211
pear upside-down cake, 238–39
in popcorn chickpeas, 13
in smoked paprika marinade, 136
warm, almond cakes, 240–41
in warm figs filled with goat cheese and bacon, 22
warm maple, banana splits, 234
rosemary branches, 14
for rosemary mussel skewers, 33
for spicy verbena meatballs, 36–37
rosé wine, in berry rose sangría, 42
rum, white, in lavender mai tai, 50
Russian tarragon, 114
rye-thyme cheese straws, 15
saffron, in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
sage, 146
-chestnut soup, 64
in Cuban adobo marinade, 135
-feta cornbread, 207
-garlic butter, shrimp in, 160
goat cheese handkerchiefs with tart cherries and, 153–54
in herbed bow ties and tuna, 99
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
in jump-in-the-mouths, 17
in mashed winter squash with bay butter, 195
in oven-braised forest mushrooms, 196
-poached cherries, winter greens with, 84
in pork loin roasted in green sauce, 144–45
root ribbons with, 189
rush, 48
in smoky tomato-bean soup, 69
cherry tomato, melon, and mint, 73
corn, orzo, and basil, 76
dilled celery, Asian pear, and hazelnut, 83
green bean, basil, and radish, 74
spicy cilantro slaw, 77
squid and piquillo pepper, with oregano, 90
winter greens with sage-poached cherries, 84
side of, slow-roasted in dill, 141
slow-roasted, with spring herb sauce, 155–56
stuffed eggs, smoked, 28
salt, types of, 13
saltimbocca, 17
salt-roasted potatoes, 203
savory, 200
potato gratin, 201
in provençal herb marinade, 135
sea scallops on summer succotash, 162–63
shiso, 88
crab cocktail, 87
in essence of corn soup, 57
and green apple ice, 219
in tuna rice bowls, 110–11
in garlic-sage butter, 160
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
silver thyme, 167
simpler summer rolls, 18
skillet breads, herbed, 208–9
slaw, cilantro, spicy, 77
slow-roasted salmon with spring herb sauce, 155–56
smoked paprika marinade, 136
smoked salmon stuffed eggs, 28
smoked trout toasts, 27
smoky tomato-bean soup, 69
soft-leafed herbs, in slow-roasted salmon with spring herb sauce, 155–56
sole with wilted herbs, 109
sorrel, 32
planting and care of, 32
sauce, roasted oysters with, 31
spinach lovage, 184
soufflé, herbed skillet, 95
asparagus and lemon thyme, 65
bay-scented chestnut, 63–64
chervil avgolemono, 55
chestnut-sage, 64
essence of corn, 56–57
fennel blossom, 59
hazelnut, parsley, and mint, 60
parsley and mint, 60
tarragon oyster stew, 168
walnut, parsley, and mint, 60
Spanish lavender, 173
Spanish paprika (pimentón), 69
sparkling water, in basil lime fizz, 45
spearmint, 227, 249
aïoli, 34
in cherry tomato, melon, and mint salad, 73
in clams with mint, chiles, and bacon, 105
in lamb chops with parsley, mint, and olive sauté, 176–77
in messy lamb shoulder chops with four herbs, 127
in minted lentil and goat cheese strudel, 25–26
in parsley and mint soup, 60
in prosciutto melon with lime and, 20
in rhubarb mint cobbler, 226–27
in simpler summer rolls, 18
in spicy verbena meatballs, 36–37
spinach lovage, 184
in tuna rice bowls, 110–11
Spicy Bush basil, 122
spicy cilantro slaw, 77
Spicy Globe basil, 122
spicy verbena meatballs, 36–37
spike lavender, 173
spinach, 32
in halibut in carrot-cilantro broth, 159
lovage gratin, 184
mashed winter, with bay butter, 195
zucchini basil gratin, 183
and piquillo pepper salad with oregano, 90
in verdant seafood paella, 137–38
Sriracha, in spicy cilantro slaw, 77
star anise pods, in cinnamon basil chicken, 120–21
steak, hanger, grilled lemon-rosemary, 128
steamed mussels with lovage, 106
stew, tarragon oyster, 168
in berry rose sangría, 42
rose geranium ice cream, 224
succotash, summer, sea scallops on, 162–63
summer rolls, simpler, 18
summer savory, 200
sweet marjoram, 102
sweet onions, lavender-rubbed duck breast with apricots and, 171–72
tarragon, 114
and asparagus soup, 65
in avgolemono, 55
chicken breasts with buttered leeks, 113
and crab flan with shaved mushrooms, 165–66
in fettuccine fines herbes, 96
ice with melon balls, 216
oyster stew, 168
radish, and green bean salad, 74
in rémoulade sauce, 142
roasted peaches filled with almond and, 231
sauce, asparagus in frothy, 180
in smoked salmon stuffed eggs, 28
tart, chocolate peppermint, 247–48
tart cherries, in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
tea, greeting, 40
Thai basil, 122
thyme, 167
in bay-scented chestnut soup, 63–64
in black olive roast chicken, 124–25
braised pork shoulder with pears and, 147–48
in branch dressing, 78
figs, orange, with muscat sabayon, 232–33
in messy lamb shoulder chops with four herbs, 127
in minted lentil and goat cheese strudel, 25–26
and olive oil bath, beef tenderloin poached in, 175
in oven-braised forest mushrooms, 196
potato gratin, 201
in provençal herb marinade, 135
in rye-thyme cheese straws, 15
in salt-roasted potatoes, 203
in tomato bread, 191
in warm figs filled with goat cheese and bacon, 22
see also lemon thyme
toasts, smoked trout, 27
-bean, soup, smoky, 69
bread, 191
in cinnamon basil chicken, 120–21
in herb garden lasagna, 132–33
in steamed mussels with lovage, 106
see also cherry tomato(es)
tonic, rosemary gin, 41
trout toasts, smoked, 27
and herbed bow ties, 99
rice bowls, 110–11
Tuscan Blue rosemary, 14
ultimate lemon drop, 47
umbels, 185–88
upside-down cake, pear rosemary, 238–39
vanilla bean:
in braised pork shoulder with pears and thyme, 147–48
in herbed winter fruit compote, 237
herbed fresh, pickle, 80
in root ribbons with sage, 189
see also specific vegetables
verbena meatballs, spicy, 36–37
verdant seafood paella, 137–38
vodka, citrus-flavored, in ultimate lemon drop, 47
parsley, and mint soup, 60
pesto, penne with eggplant and, 103
in warm maple rosemary banana splits, 234
walnut oil, in parsley, mint, and walnut soup, 60
warm figs filled with goat cheese and bacon, 22
warm lavender almond cakes, 240–41
warm maple rosemary banana splits, 234
watermelon and blueberries in cinnamon basil syrup, 223
winter greens with sage-poached cherries, 84
winter savory, 200
winter squash, mashed, with bay butter, 195
yogurt, in spicy verbena meatballs, 36–37
zucchini basil gratin, 183