Fresh from laughing our way down the switchback street, we embarked on the next part of our tour.
“Let’s see,” I said, consulting my brief list, “what’s next? Chocolate, cable cars, or bridge?”
Breck and Auntie Lil barely glanced at each other and said in unison: “Chocolate!”
“No argument here,” I grinned.
Breck proved to be an excellent tour guide on the way to Fisherman’s Wharf, the famous site of the famous chocolatier, pointing out places of interest along the way.
“You know a lot about your adopted city, Breck,” said Auntie Lil.
“Well, I’m a restless guy,” he answered. “When I first moved here, I didn’t know very many people other than Maggie, so I just went out exploring when I had any time off and she was busy. I didn’t have a car, so I walked a lot. You’d be surprised how much of a city you discover on foot.”
He looked at me pointedly.
“A-GAIN,” I felt it necessary to reiterate, “just because I don’t climb MOUNtains doesn’t mean I don’t WALK.”
“I didn’t say anything about you,” he smiled.
“Annalise, can’t you see he’s trying to goad you!” Auntie Lil laughed. “And he’s doing a good job of it!”
Humph. What was it about this russet-haired man that got to me?
Maybe it was because he reminded me of Rory who had that same red head and freckles. Oh no! I forgot to let Rory know what was up. I glanced at my watch. She would probably have expected a call during our layover. This extended layover would be big news. I pulled out my phone and texted her.
Stuck in San Fran for extended layover.
Auntie L and I on massive adventure.
Her response was immediate.
OMG!! Call me with details.
Can’t. Tour guide is part of adventure.
Seriously? Tall, handsome stranger?
I glanced up at Breck in the front seat chatting with Auntie Lil about the Great Fire of 1908. I smiled as I typed.
Hmm. Kinda.
WHAT!!! I need photo and details immediately.
In due time.
Send ASAP.
“What are you doing back there?” asked Auntie Lil. “There’s a lot of beeping.”
“Oh, just texting Rory about our slight delay.”
“And me?” Breck asked. “You haven’t left me out, right? Who is this Rory? Is he the jealous type?”
“SHE is my best friend, and, yes I did mention you vaguely.” I closed my texting app so he couldn’t accidentally see my last text. What a flirt!
We were at a stoplight, and he grabbed my phone and took a flattering photo of himself.
“Hey!” I grabbed it back.
“Just wanted you to have a picture to send her.”
“Oh, as if,” I reverted to high school slang, but I surreptitiously texted the selfie to Rory nonetheless.
Her response was immediate.
“Very nice! Who is he?
What does he do? How did
you meet? Very exciting!”
I could barely keep from laughing as I responded.
“Rory! This is a longer discussion
than warrants a text! When I
get a private minute, I’ll call
you, but until then, chill out.”
“Don’t forget.”
I looked up to see that the car had stopped and Breck and Auntie Lil were waiting for me.
“Let’s go, then,” I tucked my phone into my bag and jumped out of the jeep.
I knew that Ghirardelli Square was a revamped industrial site, but I wasn’t aware that it was the first such project in the United States. It takes up an entire city block and is filled with shops and restaurants.
We took a brochure from the information desk and began to casually stroll through the area, stopping every now and then to duck into a shop that caught our fancy. Finally, we reached the flagship shop, the Ghirardelli Chocolate Shop.
“If we’re going to have an early dinner, do we really want to have sundaes?” I wondered aloud, but quickly amended my statement. “What am I saying! We’re on vacation. This isn’t a rehearsal for being in San Francisco—it’s actually being here.”
“Hey! I like that!” Breck smiled. “I’m going to adopt that as my personal motto.”
“Feel free,” I said. “You’ll have to give credit to Auntie Lil, though. She’s the one who taught it to me.”
He turned and looped an arm through Auntie Lil’s on one side and mine on the other as we entered the shop with a purpose.
We managed to keep ourselves to one banana split to share, and we were truly enjoying it when my phone rang insistently. I saw that it was Rory and sighed. I guessed I needed to fill her in on what was going on before she sent a detective to spy on us.
“Hey, Rory,” I said as I walked away from the table, leaving Auntie Lil and Breck in a spirited discussion of Gonzaga basketball.
“So spill the beans on what is going on.”
“I’m not sure what was going on with the plane or why we needed to leave it, but we needed to wait for another one. I, for one, am happy they would rather be safe about the situation. Very prudent, if you ask me.”
“And ...?”
“And? Oh ...” I continued, knowing that Rory wasn’t really interested in the aviation particulars. “They gave us each restaurant vouchers. Very generous.”
“Restaurant vouchers. Very nice. And ...?” Her impatience was beginning to bubble up.
“And what, Rory?”
“Ooooh. You know, you are very lucky I’m not there to punch you. You are so exasperating. You know I want to know about the hunky tour guide. How on earth did THAT happen?”
I burst into laughter and told her the story of how we met Breck’s sister and what followed.
“Wow? That’s all you got?” My forehead wrinkled.
“Well, I think it’s definitely a ‘meet cute’ kind of situation worthy of a Sunday afternoon movie. I’m thinking it through, that’s all. If he’s in San Francisco, that’s not really that far from Denver, and—”
“And nothing, Rory. You know as well as I do that long distance doesn’t work. Besides, since when have you treated life like a bad Reese Witherspoon movie?”
“Just giving you grief, my dear,” she said, and I knew she sported an impish grin on her face whether I could see her or not. “Relax. This just sounds like a fun afternoon spent with a definitely adorable guy. We don’t need to shop for china patterns just yet.”
“Exactly. Besides he couldn’t be less my type.”
“Explain, please.”
“First of all, outdoorsy.”
“Ha! What do you mean ‘first of all’? With you, I would think that is the number one deal breaker.”
Hmph. To hear her comments and Auntie Lil’s, you’d think I never ventured forth from my house unless I was shaded by giant umbrellas and carried to my luxury automobile.
“Annalise? Are you still there? Say something.”
“Am I really that princess-like?” I asked, fearful of the answer that my straightforward friend would provide.
She laughed heartily.
“No, you goof, but it’s just fun to tease you about it. Heavens, you know my idea of a good time certainly isn’t climbing Pikes Peak.”
“But you ski and snowboard. And I sit in the lodge and read and wait by the warm fire.”
“So? Everyone’s different. Besides, I don’t LIVE to ski and snowboard like some of our friends.”
“You’re right,” I offered. “In any case, along with being so outdoorsy, this guy seems kind of aimless in that skater boy kind of way.”
“Didn’t you tell me he had a job as a web designer?”
“Oh, Rory, you know high-tech job descriptions. That could be anything.”
“Okay, but I still haven’t heard anything to rule him out, again other than geography.”
I felt that the conversation was getting too intense, so I needed to draw it back a little.
“Well, Rory, he’d be perfect, but you know I just couldn’t be with a ... redhead!”
“Why I oughtta ...!” she laughed, and I pictured her ruffling her own red curls. You’d be lucky to have an adorable ginger-haired man.”
We laughed together.
“Oh Rory, I wish you were on this trip.”
“I know. But I know Auntie Lil is a hoot and a great traveling companion.”
“Definitely. And remember, this trip isn’t about finding romance for me. It’s about keeping her company.”
“Sure, sure, but a little romance on the side couldn’t hurt, whether it’s a tall redhead or some other man.”
“Rory! No redheads, blonds, or even brunets!”
But after we finished our call, my mind flashed to the handsome, dark-haired stranger I’d encountered in the bookstore. I shook my head as I returned to the table. Thanks a lot, Rory, for putting ridiculous romantic thoughts into my head.
“How is the irrepressible Rory?” asked Auntie Lil as I slid back into our booth.
“Fine, fine,” I replied absently, noting that our communal banana split dish was scraped clean. Oh well. You snooze you lose, as my brother would say.
“You should meet Annalise’s friend,” Auntie Lil said to Breck. “The most adorable girl. Very energetic. Say ... her hair is a perfect color match for yours!”
“Really?” he drawled as he leaned back in his seat. “I like her already.”
Hey! Wait a minute! Rory wasn’t even here, and already I felt in danger of losing a guy to her. How many times in college when we were out did guys chat me up just to get to her? Or, when we were together, how often was I in a conversation with a promising candidate only to notice that his eye was focused somewhere over my shoulder in her vicinity?
Oh, Annalise, I chuckled to myself finally. Rory was never the type to steal a boyfriend. And besides, I had no claim on Ponytail Pete here other than as a tour guide. I really did have to work on my habit of overthinking things!
“Well, you would. Everyone does. The bigger question is whether she would like YOU.” I hid a smile.
Gotcha! Take that, ego!
“Of course she would like him, Annalise! He’s adorable,” put in Auntie Lil.
Breck grinned and put his arm around her.
Thanks a lot, Auntie. Humph. Wasn’t it time to shift the conversation?
“Annnnyway ...” I started, “enough chitchat about a nonexistent meeting! What’s next on our agenda? We only have so much time before we have to get back to the airport, remember?”
“You’re right, kiddo.” Breck ushered us out of the booth.
“Let’s find a cable car to ride,” suggested Auntie Lil.
“We can actually leave the car parked where it is and walk a few blocks to do that,” Breck nodded.
When we left the shop, the weather was breezy and bright. Just the right atmosphere for a stroll on the streets of San Francisco. As we reach the nearest cable car stop, a car was arriving, and we hopped on. It was nearly full, so we opted to stand and lean out the window as it continued on its route.
When the iconic bell rang, Auntie Lil grinned like a kindergartener, and I knew what was coming next.
“Here it comes,” I nudged Breck.
“What?” he asked.
“Wait and see.” I inclined my head toward my sassy aunt a split second before her crystal-clear voice began:
“I left my hearrrrt ... in San Frannnn-cisco!”
I knew it! She would never have been able to resist singing the unofficial anthem of the city by the bay! I looked around at the other passengers as she continued. Some pretended to ignore her, but a good portion of them listened with smiles on their faces or even joined in. I turned to Breck, who was belting out the song!
I took a second to take a mental snapshot of the moment. My aunt had a way of making the ordinary so very extraordinary. She’s the most amazing woman, and I am so blessed that I had the opportunity to join her on this trip! Breck caught my eye and leaned over.
“Hey! Why aren’t you singing? Don’t you know the song?”
“Of course!” I joined in.
By the time we finished the tune, all the passengers were laughing and singing. Folks waved and nodded as they exited. Since we were going round-trip, we met an entirely new group of people on the way back to Fisherman’s Wharf.
At our stop, we hopped off and jauntily returned to Breck’s jeep.
“So, ladies,” Breck said as he checked his watch, “early dinner?”
“I know we just had ice cream, but dinner sounds fabulous!” Auntie Lil agreed.
I checked the address for the recommended restaurant, and we were on our way.