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Spencer awoke to the feel of a lush female body draped languidly over his. He smiled, smugly remembering just how much he (and as a result, she) had enjoyed her wedding presents. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one who paid attention and picked up on subtle clues.
She moaned softly when he rolled her to the side, but didn’t wake. Unable to help himself, he stroked along her curves, delighted when her body responded, even in exhausted slumber. Kayla might have thought that transforming the living area into a playroom was his gift, but she was the real gift. She had given herself freely and unconditionally to him last night, and he couldn’t imagine anything that could or would have meant more to him than that.
Though he was sorely tempted to continue “playing with his gift”, Kayla had earned herself a rest. He would allow her to sleep in, provide her with a succulent feast, and spend the rest of the day pampering her.
Spencer picked up his phone to place an order for breakfast, unsurprised to find several messages awaiting his attention. One in particular had him smiling. “What do you want us to do with them, sir?”
He’d almost forgotten about their would-be party crashers. The irony that his father and Kayla’s mother had spent the evening in a playroom quite similar to the one Kayla had created here was not lost on him. He was quite certain that he and Kayla had enjoyed their time a whole lot more than their parents had.
Spencer hit the call button and spoke quietly to Dominic. “Where are they now?”
“They’ve been provided with separate rooms in the VIP tower as you requested, sir.”
“Excellent. Comp them whatever they want, but they are not to leave the resort until I speak with each of them. Separately, of course.”
Soft, tanned arms reached around his waist, the warmth of a lush, naked female body pressed against his back. “On your phone already. Does this mean we’re going back to reality today?”
Spencer turned and gathered her in his arms and kissed her forehead. “Just briefly. Then I’m coming right back here and picking up where we left off.”
Kayla reached between them and cupped him lovingly, adding a few caresses to his quickly stiffening member. “How about we pick up now?”
“You’re insatiable.” Spencer growled and lifted her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist.
“Yes, but you knew that before you married me,” she replied, impaling herself on him in a smooth, slow glide.
“So I did.”
Spencer made slow, sweet love to his wife, worshipping her to the best of his ability. Only afterward, when they were in the shower together, did she bring up the earlier phone call. “So who is important enough to interrupt our honeymoon for? Did something happen last night?”
“Yes, but not like you’re thinking,” he said, wishing their parents hadn’t put him in this position. Now that the wedding was over, however, Kayla needed to hear the truth. “Our parents decided to crash the wedding, probably with the intent of putting a stop to it.”
“Our parents?” she echoed carefully. “As in, your father and my mother?”
He nodded. “Yes. Security intercepted them at the airport and kept them in the dungeon room until after we left last night to keep them from causing any trouble.”
“The dungeon room?” she laughed. “I’ll bet they loved that. Serves them right, though. Is that the phone call Ingrid got right before the ceremony?”
“I knew it! I knew something had happened.”
“Ingrid had everything under control. By the time I was summoned, they were already in isolation.”
“Wait. You knew and you didn’t tell me?”
Spencer hesitated, unable to decipher Kayla’s expression or her tone of voice. His first instinct was to distract, possibly manipulate the facts to make it sound better. If he had been dealing with anyone else, he would have. But he didn’t want to lie to Kayla. She was more than just his wife on paper; she was a kindred spirit that had crawled deep inside his heart and soul.
“Yes,” he confirmed. “I knew and I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want anything to ruin the day for you.”
She stared up at him, blinking once, then twice. Then her features softened and she smiled. “You are the most considerate, thoughtful man I have ever met.”
He chuckled, relieved and a little surprised. “Not many people would agree with you.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks. Treat me right and we’re good.”
“That’s one of the things I love most about you.” Spencer turned off the shower and grabbed an oversized bath towel, drying Kayla before himself. He started at the top and worked down, taking a brief moment to kiss her breasts before going down on his knees and providing extra TLC to her sweet core.
One of her legs lifted to his shoulder as her hands tangled in his wet hair, demanding and encouraging at the same time.
“I want to go with you,” she said breathlessly a few minutes later as she ran her soapy hands over his torso and worked her way downward.
“Are you certain?”
“Absolutely. We need to present a united front and that will send a powerful message: Nobody fucks with us.”
Spencer had never had someone by his side when facing off against his father, but he had to admit, he liked the idea. “All right, united front it is.”
Then she took him in her mouth and everything else fled his mind.