Like Spin Cycle, this book could not have been written without a lot of support and assistance. For these I send extra-special thanks to my terrific daughters, Jaime and Caitlin, who provide such inspiration and actually are CJ, just split into two (scary but true); to my mother, Lottie Evans, who also happens to be my personal librarian and is not, I repeat – NOT – the mother in this book; to my aunts, Ilse Planinsek and Mimi Krzizek, for their pride and support; to Debbie McBride for lessons in the Irish; to Tom De Lisle for a very funny story; to my sister Tricia Woodroffe, who makes an incredible 24-hour sounding board; to David Woodroffe, for being tall and Nordic-looking; and to Christopher Woodroffe, who would make a great PR executive.
And thanks also must go to about a million people whose support is shown in small but really important ways. People like Evan Woodroffe, Julia Palmer, Robyn Baum-garth, Jan Maroney, Mary Ann Ballard, Denise Hadden, Mandy De Steiger, Nadine Ruddock, Caron Halliday, Lyn McLindin, Robyn Evans, Trea and John Lance, Barb and Mick Tapper, Sara Woodroffe, and many, many more. Thank you.
And I can’t forget Dr Maryanne Dever, Dr Jane Maree Maher and Dr Jo Lindsay, whose support and guidance elsewhere is the only reason I have a bit of time for fiction.
Lastly, an enormous, enormous thanks again to my agent, Fran Bryson, for making this happen, and to both my editors, Cate Paterson and Chrissa Favaloro, for making it happen so well.