To all of my The Whole Cook readers, I cannot thank you enough for following along on this journey with me. I appreciate every kind comment and message you’ve sent, all of your encouragement, and your never-ending prodding to write a cookbook. I heard you! Look, I wrote a cookbook! I often refer to you as my friends and that’s truly how I see you. I still cannot believe how far this little blog has come, and I sincerely thank you for trusting me with your meals. I made this cookbook for you.
To David, this cookbook would not be possible without you. You have listened to all my worries, fears, and outbursts of joy during this process. You believed in me and prodded me forward when I was overwhelmed. You ate reheated dinners (because I cook early in the day so the light will be best for photographs) with only minimal grumbling. You gave me the time and space to create this passion project, and I thank you so much for it. Also, a big thank you for the many occasions you let me escape to a coffee shop when I reached my breaking point. This cookbook wouldn’t exist without you and caffeine.
To Wyatt and Maddie, I love you so incredibly much. Thank you for inspiring me to explore a healthier way of eating. Thank you for making me laugh daily. Thank you for all the hugs and kisses. Thank you for making me feel like the most special mom in all the world. I know God blessed me when He made me your mother, and I’m grateful every day for that privilege.
To my mom and dad, thank you for being my biggest cheerleaders all of my life. One of the greatest things you did as parents (and it’s a very long list of great things) is make me feel that I could do anything I set my mind to. You always believed in me, and I aspire to show my own children that same encouragement.
To Jessie, my best friend and sister, thank you for talking me off the ledges. You’re my favorite person to talk to about anything and everything. You always have the best ideas and insight. I love you so much.
To Vickey, the very best of all mother-in-laws. Thank you for flying to Arkansas and cooking with me for ten days as I was in the middle of my cookbook panic. Thank you for washing dishes, bouncing ideas around with me, and being such a fun cooking partner. I am so fortunate to call you family and love all of our time together!
To my Grandma Bessie, thank you for creating such fun childhood memories of being with you in the kitchen. Thank you for rushing out to buy shrimp that one Christmas Eve years ago when it’s all I wanted and then using a blow dryer to thaw them when you discovered the grocery store only had frozen. I’m pretty sure most grandmothers wouldn’t go to such trouble. I love you and wish we lived closer!
To my Grandma Jane, the one who called me “little bird” when I was small because I’d stand in her kitchen with my mouth open waiting for her to drop food in. She is no longer with us, but I know with certainty that if she were she’d be so proud of this cookbook. She would be sitting at my kitchen counter peeling carrots for me and saying, “Oh, Chrissy, I wish I could help more,” even though she was of course always helpful. I love you, Grandma. I know you knew it when you were here, but I’ll keep saying it even though you’re gone. I’ll see you again one day.