Please find enclosed our family story.
We are having a really hard time and need strong and honest support for the right reasons. I hope you can help.
The issue of native title seems to frighten so many people so much so that the only people that seem to be benefiting are not the one’s who rightfully should be. As a young Goori Dubai, I can not stand any longer and let my grandmothers’ law be manipulated and silenced for the benefit of others rather than the traditional custodians under their laws and culture. I feel strength in the ability to draw from two worlds, whilst continuing to connect to my Land and the integrity of our laws and beliefs.
Aboriginal law has been around since time began and has never changed, and it is up to this generation to uphold their position in tradition and culture in their beliefs. We ask you to recognise and have the respect of our Indigenous beliefs. This government we have today and their laws that are in place seem to only benefit the economy more so than us, Malera people. It seems they can’t make their minds up on any issues that is relating to the wellbeing of Aboriginal peoples in this land. It always seem to be in the favour of White Australia.
At this point I ask for support in terms of sharing the knowledge of the story of Malera in the circles in which you are a part of. If one person understands than that is victory in itself. If those that understand unite for that common goal, than the victory can only grow like the people themselves. The victory I am talking about is about basic understanding which can be developed on individual and systematic basis in achieving far greater recognition for Australia’s Indigenous people, their role and their place in this country Australia and the far greater world. Which is linked and denied once again.
There has been enough robberies without any convictions. The time has come for us young one’s to tell our grandmothers’ and grandfathers’ stories and set the record straight. Not only are we empowered and armed with our identity and connection to the land, but now we have been educated to fight this battle on another field.
The millennium offers us a fresh start, may we Australians go towards it with honour in aim of healing its past. As a granddaughter, I say, ‘You can’t bury the living, it doesn’t matter if you have ten points, seventy-five or twenty.’
Regards to a better understanding.
Kathy and her family are the direct bloodline and hold unbroken ‘living’ connection to their country. They are custodians for the Timbarra plateau (near Tenterfield). The un-settlement of this country which began 210 years ago has not extinguished the Malera people. They still hold strong their language culture and gold dreaming stories that connect them to the plateau. Kathy and her family arc fighting Ross Mining through the native title courts for their land and their sacred sites. ‘We have lost enough without losing any more. The creeks are like the blood through our veins. We are a spirit people.’
Our bloodlines are our connection to our land. To attempt to mine Malera land is genocide, an attempt to kill our spirit. We are fighting for the survival of the Malera. It is sacred to us.
Kathy has been nominated by the Pacific Concerns Resource Centre for an International 100 Heroines Award.