I would like to sincerely thank the staff and students at the Writing and Society Research Centre at Western Sydney University for their support in writing this book. I would particularly like to thank Gail Jones and Ivor Indyk who both supervised my PhD thesis, where much of the research and writing of this book was undertaken. Ivor, thank you in addition for taking this book all the way through to its publication and for continuing to teach me so much about writing.
I would also like to acknowledge the continued support that I have received from Parramatta Council. Undertaking a residency at the Parramatta Artists Studios for two years during the writing of this book has provided me with both the physical and mental space I needed to finish it as well as the privilege of working alongside so many inspiring artists. I would particularly like to thank the coordinator, Sophia Kouyoumdjian, for her unwavering support and commitment to both myself and the arts in my community.
Thank you to my husband, Michael, for always encouraging my writing and to our son, Zain, who would prefer I play with him. Thank you to my parents and to my brother for their support over a lifetime.