

While we’re on the subject of food and those ghouls chomping on dead flesh, how about some coconut? Now the story behind this one is weird.


Take a look at this coconut shell — what do you see?

You can’t really miss those three holes, like two eyes and a small mouth, staring back at you! Almost like Halloween pumpkins. And that’s exactly what the Portuguese explorers thought when they discovered the coconut — their name for it, coco, meant ‘grinning skull’, as well as ‘bogeyman’. It was even used to frighten children, who were told that if they were naughty, the ‘coco’ would come.

Take a look at that coconut again — it’s a scary thought!  




Did you know …

… that the names of many other foods have funny stories behind them? Take a look at these P-108-02.jpg


And as we know, a lasagne was once a toilet…