George paced his room, so angry with his father for not believing and trusting him. So angry with himself for telling everyone about the boathouse. So angry at the world.
Is this what it feels like to be a normal teenager? He was normally such a laid back kid, but now he was worried, sad, and angry all the time. The worst George ever had to deal with was putting up with Jake every now and then. Right now, he’d give anything for a regular day like that.
Why did he have to go and tell everyone about the boathouse? Not just tonight, but from the beginning. If he had just kept his mouth shut, none of this would have happened. To make matters worse, tonight, he decided to blab to the police of all people. Leave it to George, Mr. Honesty.
He sat on the bed staring at the wall. Out of nowhere, George felt very strange, as if all the blood from his body had rushed to his head and he was about to pass out.
Suddenly, in the middle of his angry “guilt” trip, George felt an overwhelming sense that something was wrong. Very wrong. Somewhere, something had happened to Eddie.
Eddie, what’s going on?
George felt a rush of panic and fear, and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. He was more worried about Eddie at that exact moment than he’d been the entire time. He hated not knowing what was happening to his brother. George really needed Eddie to come to him in a dream tonight.
He knew he had to get back to his room before his mother found him in the bathroom. He didn’t want his mother thinking he was sick, or worse, thinking he was sick because he lied to the cops. George checked the hallway before heading back to his room, and then hopped into bed. He only hoped that tonight he would be successful connecting with Eddie. He had to know that he was okay.