Chapter Twenty-Seven

Every bone, muscle, and nerve in Scott’s body called for his mate. His wolf howled, but he had to ignore it and push it down, deep down inside.

Ted’s wounds reminded Scott his mate needed attention.

“Let me help you. Come over here and sit down.” Scott pointed to the couch.

Ted nodded and sat. He leaned back, closed his eyes, and exhaled.

“Raise your shirt. Let me check your ribs.” Ted did as asked, and Scott ran his fingers along Ted’s side. When Ted winced, he pressed, checking for movement, but they seemed intact. “Don’t think anything is broken. You’re going to be sore for a while.”

“That’s good. I really don’t want to deal with broken ribs. Had them before and it was a pain in the ass.” Ted chuckled, and groaned. “Damn, it hurts to laugh.” Ted dropped his shirt.

“Right. Don’t make you laugh.” Scott took Ted’s face in his hands, tilting it back and forth. “I need to clean you up. Got a first aid kit? Bandages?”

“The medkit is in the bathroom, under the sink.”

Scott found the bathroom, went in, and rooted around. What hadn’t Ted put there? It was filled with all sorts of crap, and the medkit was at the bottom of it.

Guess that meant Ted didn’t need it often, and that was a good thing. The idea of him being hurt like tonight set Scott’s blood on fire. Protectiveness swelled in his wolf, and his growl echoed off the tiled walls of the small bathroom.

He grabbed the kit and went back to Ted, who still sat on the couch with his eyes closed.

Scott opened the kit. Bandages. Ointment. Swabs. Rubbing alcohol. Cotton balls.

He held a cotton ball to the open alcohol container and shook it. Then he kneeled between Ted’s knees, nudging them apart with his body.

Ted moaned, but Scott didn’t know if it was from pain or something else. Scott leaned in and dabbed the pad to Ted’s cheek, cleaning blood as he went.

Despite a few winces and hisses, Ted remained silent as Scott worked.

His wolf wanted to lick, wanted to feel Ted’s skin and wounds under his tongue, to soothe and heal them.

Scott tossed the bloodied cotton pad away and got a fresh one, to work on Ted’s split lip. As he cleaned it, he leaned even closer, inhaling, his wolf rolling in happiness at the scent of this man, close and safe.

He threw away the used pad and then touched Ted’s lip with his finger.

“Hurts?” he asked.

“No.” Ted’s breath puffed over Scott’s face, but Scott’s gaze stayed on those lips, the ones he longed to kiss.

Ted opened his eyes and sighed.

Scott gave in.

He pressed his mouth to Ted’s softly, so not to hurt his mate. As he pulled away, Ted grabbed the back of Scott’s neck and pulled him back down.

Ted opened for Scott, and he sank into the warmth and taste of his mate. Ted massaged his neck, his tongue licking at Scott’s mouth, his teeth and lips.

Scott moved closer and grabbed Ted’s hips to pull them to him. Ted spread his legs wide, accepting Scott’s body, and groaned.

God, it was so good to taste his man. Just the act of kissing got Scott hard, and he knew he’d have to use all his strength to keep from fucking Ted right here and now.

His wolf howled, dancing in circles.

Scott rubbed his cock against Ted’s, and his excitement grew with each buck of Ted’s body toward his.

He ran his hand over Ted’s belly, testing the bruised body of his lover. Hurting Ted wasn’t what he wanted to do, not after almost losing him.

Ted’s head fell back, leaving the column of his throat exposed. Scott licked up it, loving the way Ted’s sweat tasted.

“Scott, what are we doing?” Ted whispered. “The damn spell was supposed to be broken. This isn’t supposed to be happening.”

“You’re my mate. Fuck the spell. My mother is a crazy old woman. We can’t fight this, babe. I can’t fight it. You’re mine, end of story.” Scott growled just to make his point, then nipped Ted’s earlobe.

Ted arched into him, grinding his cock into Scott. “I can’t do this, Scott. I can’t fall in love with another straight man. You don’t understand.”

“I don’t have to. All I know is my wolf wants you, and I want you.”

“Sure, for this.” Ted pushed Scott away, far enough to look him in the eyes. “But what about love? What about a loving relationship, a life together?”

Scott exhaled. “What about it?”

“I want more than just hot sex.”

“Incredibly hot sex.” Scott raised an eyebrow at him.

“Right. I need more.”

“More? Like a man who’d be willing to fight his entire pack for the right to keep you? A man who’d track you down and come to your rescue when you’re in danger? A man who’d spend his life looking at you like this?” Scott stared at Ted, trying to put all his desire into the gaze.

“A man who’d love me?” Ted whispered.

Scott didn’t have an answer for that one, or at least he couldn’t form the words. Not now. Maybe not ever. How could he love Ted? Desire him, claim him, lust for him, but love him? Not even Scott knew whether this was love or the werewolf’s desire for his mate.

Scott rested his head against Ted. “I don’t know what to say.” At least he could be honest. “I don’t know if this is love. I’ve never been in love before, babe.”

“Well, I have, and for me, this comes too damn close to it.” Ted pushed Scott away and stood. “I think you’d better leave.”

“Leave?” Scott frowned.

“Before I get hurt.”

“Oh.” Scott bit his lip. “I can’t leave you. I have to bring you back with me. To St. Jerome. To the pack.”

“Uh-uh. No fucking way. I’m not your mate. I won’t be your mate. I won’t tie you to me or myself to you. I can’t live that life, Scott. I won’t.” Ted’s eyes watered, and Scott knew the man was on the verge of breaking down.

Ted stalked to the door, but Scott jumped up and crossed the room in two strides. He slammed his hand on the door, keeping Ted from opening it.

“Listen to me. You are my mate. I know you can feel it. I know you know it. I need you, Ted, and you need me.”

“No, I don’t.” Ted shook his head. “Get out.”

“I’m not going anywhere but to that bedroom in there.” He pointed to the door he figured was it. “With you.”

“What?” Ted couldn’t believe it. “I just told you how I felt.”

“I’m claiming my mate tonight, Ted.”

Ted’s mouth dropped open. That was a mistake. Scott swooped down on him, plastering their mouths together, dominating the kiss with his lips and tongue, Ted’s body with his hands.

Ted’s knees wavered, and he couldn’t help burying his hands in Scott’s shirt to hold on for dear life. No one had ever kissed him like this, and fuck if he wasn’t a sucker for a kiss. His cock stiffened painfully in his already tight jeans.

God, he wanted Scott. He’d felt it the first time he’d seen him in the restaurant. He’d known it would come to this. Letting Scott take him.

Scott didn’t wait for an answer, but swept Ted up over his shoulder and carried him to the bedroom. Damn the man was strong, but that was probably the wolf.

He was beginning to really like the wolf.

No, he had to stop thinking like that. And he would, as soon as Scott let him go.

Scott carefully lowered him onto the bed and began stripping off his clothes.

“You want me to undress you, or do you want to do it yourself? Either way, you’re getting naked.” Scott growled.

Ted laughed. “You really are an alpha, aren’t you?”

“Damn straight. And I want my alpha mate.” Scott’s gaze pinned Ted to the bed, unable to move. Well, mostly unwilling to move.

And at that moment, Ted knew he wanted his mate. His heart and soul cried out for Scott, despite knowing Scott would never love him. He was damned, that was all there was to it.

Scott’s shirt dropped to the floor, and Ted’s mouth went dry.

“Fuck.” Ted licked his lips, his tongue touching the split and tasting blood. It must have come open while Scott kissed him.

To describe Scott as ripped didn’t do him justice. He was the finest man Ted had ever seen with his own eyes, and that was saying a lot. If Scott’s legs and ass were as fine, what the hell did love matter?

Which was a totally shallow and debased thought, but Ted couldn’t stop thinking it.

Not with Scott standing there, the long outline of his cock bulging in his jeans, with the blond trail of hair leading to it. His furred chest was a man’s chest, not like the twinks Ted usually fucked. Everything about Scott turned Ted on, no doubt about that.

It was futile to resist. Scott was going to fuck him or claim him, and Ted wasn’t going to do a damn thing to stop him.

Ted worked open the buttons on his shirt.


Scott never let his gaze stray from his mate. Even as he toed off his boots, unzipped his jeans, shoved them down with his briefs, and stepped out of them.

Naked, he stood not in front of another man, but in front of his mate. The one person in the world meant for him. And that turned him on like nothing else had ever done.

His cock rose and touched his belly, leaving drops of precum on his skin. He took his dick in hand and stroked it as Ted watched, hands frozen on the buttons of his shirt.

“You’re moving too slow, babe.” Scott climbed onto the bed next to Ted and pulled off his shoes and socks. Then he took over, working free the button on Ted’s jeans.

When he stripped them from Ted, it was all Scott could do to keep from falling on him and feasting. Ted’s body wasn’t slight; he had muscles where a man should have them, well-developed arms, thick thighs, and a well-defined stomach. Ted wasn’t one of those twinks Scott had seen at the bar.

Ted was all man.

Ho-ly shit. He was going to fuck a man.

And that should have freaked him out, but it didn’t. His wolf howled in gratitude at the chance to finally claim his mate.


“I never get fucked, Scott. Never.” Ted tried to explain.

“Never? Not even once?” Scott grinned at him.

“Not anymore.” Ted swallowed.

“Well, I’ve definitely never been fucked, and I think this would work better if I went first. Besides, I have to claim you.”

“But at some point, will I get to claim you?” Ted asked. For a man like Scott, even if he was a werewolf, being taken by another man had a very different connotation. One that went with the music from Deliverance.

Scott leaned over Ted, licking his lips. “I can’t tell you yes, babe. I just don’t know. But I do know, it didn’t freak me out when you asked. That’s gotta be worth something, right?” Scott’s brows furrowed.

For now, that’s probably the best Ted could hope for, although a slim hope. Perhaps in time, Scott would want Ted like Ted wanted him.

“Now, how do I do this and not hurt you?” Scott sat on his knees and ran his fingers over Ted’s belly. He ended by grabbing Ted’s stiff cock and stroking it.

Ted arched up into the touch. “Oh God, just like that.” He pulled on his balls to keep from shooting; it was so fucking hot to see Scott doing that to him.

“I’ve never touched another man like this, Ted.” The waver in Scott’s voice reminded Ted that he wasn’t the only one having a “first.”

“Do you like it?”

“Fuck, yeah. I’m touching your dick, and that’s so hot. It shouldn’t be, but damn it’s making me so hard.” Scott’s chest rose and fell with each breath he took, and his blue eyes darkened with arousal.

“It feels good. You’re doing it just right.” Ted groaned. Perfection. “In my drawer, there’s lube and some condoms.”

“Condoms?” Scott frowned. “I don’t want to use a condom.”

“We should until we’ve been tested. Look, I’ve been pretty sexually active, but always safe. Still, it’s best to be really sure.” Ted’s face burned as he admitted his past to Scott.

“Like those twinks in the bar?” Scott worked Ted’s cock a little faster and harder. Ted pumped into his grip.


“What did you do to them? Fuck them?” Scott relentlessly stroked him, and he added rubbing his thumb over the slit to tease it.

“Shit.” Ted swallowed. “I fucked a few. Mostly let them suck me off.”

“Like you sucked me?” Scott’s voice deepened.

“Yeah. Did you like it?” Ted asked.

“Fuck yeah. Best blowjob ever.” Scott reached down and fondled Ted’s balls, rolling them around in his sac.

It was so good, being touched by Scott. Being fucked by him would probably blow his mind and short-circuit his brain.

Scott leaned over and opened the drawer. He tossed a condom and the lube on the bed. “I got the condom part, but how does the lube work? I put it on the condom?”

“Man, you really haven’t had gay sex before, have you?” Ted chuckled.

“I told you. Straight as an arrow.”

“And you’re sure about doing this?” Ted worried about the regrets Scott would have later, then shoved them away.

“Yeah. Can’t seem to stop myself. Don’t want to stop myself. Babe, wanna fuck you so bad my dick hurts.” Scott ripped open the condom and rolled it on.

Ted took the lube, popped the top, and squirted some on his fingers, then pulled his balls to the side. His slick-covered fingers found that tight pucker, and he pushed inside.

He hissed. “Been a while for me.”

“Will it hurt?” Scott seemed genuinely worried.

“At first. Then, if we do this right, I’m going to fucking fly.”

“Do it right?”

“Yeah,” Ted gasped as he worked his fingers deeper. He scraped over his gland and arched into the pleasure. “Right there, baby, that’s the target—my prostate. Hit that with your big dick, and I’ll go into orbit. Promise.”

Scott’s eyebrows shot up. “No shit.”

“No shit.”

“I did not know that.”

“Well, now you do, and you’ll have to remember it if you want to keep me happy, wolf.” Ted smirked as he added more lube.

“Wolf?” Scott shuddered. “Fucking love hearing you say that.” He rubbed some lube on the condom. “Like this?”


“Ready, ’cuz babe, I need inside you now.” Scott groaned and bit his lip, looking wild-eyed and desperate.

“Now.” Ted removed his fingers, and Scott crawled forward on his knees, positioning his cock at Ted’s entrance.

“God, I need you, babe.” Scott pushed the flared head in, and Ted bucked into it, wrapping his legs around Scott’s waist. Scott’s prick slipped inside, and Ted grimaced.

“Damn you’re big.” Ted gasped as Scott moved deeper.

“I’ll go slow.”

“I’ll let you know when you can fuck me hard, wolf.”


Scott shuddered every time Ted called him that. His wolf howled with pleasure. The pressure surrounding his cock wasn’t like being in a pussy. That was tight, but this was tighter than any handjob he’d ever given himself. And hot. Fuck, even through the condom he could feel the heat of Ted’s body taking him in.

And that just turned him on. Fuck. It shouldn’t. God knew it shouldn’t, but it did.

He closed his eyes and pushed in, this time sliding until his body met Ted’s.

“You’re in, wolf.”

“Oh fuck. Ho-ly shit.”

“Now, open your eyes and fuck me.” Ted slapped Scott’s ass, then kneaded the firm round globe.

Scott opened his eyes, found Ted’s, and let his wolf run free to mate.