I want to thank Neville Collins and Gene Thompson for their stories and advice; Linda Alicea of Middlebrook Farm and Tony Battaglia of Claiborne Farm for their stories and willingness to work with me on this endeavor; and Tony Battaglia and others at Claiborne Farm for their stories. Thanks to Jimmy Williams at Keeneland Race Course for granting me permission to photograph Keeneland; Helen Alexander, owner of Middlebrook Farm, for allowing me to photograph horses on her farm; Edward Stephens, manager of Elmendorf Farm, for his pictures and the history of Elmendorf; the people at Old Friends Dream Chase Farm for their time and stories about their horses; Karen Pulliam for the evenings and occasional weekends she helped me with formatting pictures; and many others who shared their stories. A special thanks to equine photographer James Archambeault for his graciousness in allowing me to use his work and the valuable time and advice he shared and C. Morgan-Cornett of Versailles, Kentucky, for her photo contributions and her knowledge of horses. I must thank Ann Hayes and Anne Peters of Three Chimneys Farm for their valuable assistance and photographs and the people at the Lexington History Museum—without their knowledge and assistance I couldn’t have gotten a lot of the information I am sharing with you. I thank the people of the Keeneland Library, the Kentucky Horse Park, and the wonderful people all over this country and Canada who provided me with stories, photographs, and lots of good wishes. Thank you to Heather Watson; without her assistance, this book would not have made it to publication. I thank my children—Mark Thompson, Stacey Sindelar, and Matthew Thompson; I taught them to do their best and finish what they started. They were my reason for finishing. I thank all of you.

Copyright permission was verbally granted by James Archambeault for his work.