
You lovely looker on and by and by and.

One-eyed Cupid, locked, cocks, and shot

Zeno’s arrow at Zeuxis’ grapes.

Shaft straight. The pointed

parabola arced its homeward hoops on its

wondering way through loop and loop

towards my eye’s apple; its

projectory now arches down to heel to hit

or miss, may kiss the head or glance off

on bow bend or twisted thread.

My flighted hope: that bird cracks glass, and tumblers

beakers break on painted grapes

on picture plane or bounce back

deflected, as mote on float

reflected. Map the rebound ’cause

I am sore astound and all amazed,

while flecks dart and seeds quiver

quiver while the heavy freighted interim


by half by half by half.

Split hairs or ends or seconds now sub-divide

by half and half, as hare’s breath

on tortoise’s collar falls and arrow

tip elbows each atom aside

to side or sneaks contracted

kiss, a peak, a contact passing

charge in the charge in the change

from Z to thee kinetic.


Keep lovely looking on and over

looking keep looking till

your lead tip punctures what, back then, was

walnut, poppy, hemp, pine and olive; then

a resinous gloss, of Paris Green,

of arsenic, of mercuric sulphide;

then, later, oglio cotto, honeyed

lead oxide; then beeswax;

now, bladder-pod, ironweed, calendula,

sandmat, in slow drying strata

of alpha-linolenic, brittle as it brakes,

of crisp linoleic, of still wet oleic acid, still wet.


So keep on lovely looking on,

no overlook, from then to now, as now

the paste-board splits

and peck hits home and

dry eye and true to touch

and each grape breaks and

tortoise tumbles down hap with hare

and tip touches now, and now, and when

and then just so, soothed through

freeze frame and bending glass,

each hot pigment shot and then

and then, keep lovely looking till.

So glancing blown by,

so palpably hit away, so

keep so lovely looking still

keep lovely looking till

until each hungry bird

has flown and had his fill.