WE ALL HAVE THE TOOLS to expand our yogic experience; we need only to properly access them and allow them to move through us. The myth behind each asana is the link that helps the practitioner properly understand a pose and increase the mental and spiritual benefits of yoga beyond the physical postures.
Myths of the Asanas offers the reader an opportunity to journey into this metaphoric link that exists between the yoga pose and its myths. When one engages an asana, one can explore not only the literal pose but also the depth contained in the pose’s story. This fluid linking between the ancient and the modern gives the student of yoga both a window into the profound yogic path as well as a manageable lesson to practice with.
Through storytelling, we are enabled to enter the realm of the gods for a time and live amongst them. Once we feel deeply rooted and understand the meaning of a story, it becomes us. This book reminds us of the importance of properly understanding ourselves and the world around us, for when we feel that pure joy inside, we can share it with others. In effect, Alanna Kaivalya and Arjuna van der Kooji are saying, “Inspire others to find the source of joy by living that joy.”
Engaging the asana enables the student to gain access to the principles contained in the teachings of yoga. When one enacts anjali mudra, for example, the actual feeling of reverence emerges within, and one is unknowingly linked with the respectful action that brought about the pose. Through chakrasana one discovers the energetic wheels that exist within the body. With this newfound awareness, the student has an opportunity to become familiar with the beauty of the chakra system overall and to align with the natural balance that exists at the center of our being.
Asanas themselves become animate in this book and act almost as gurus. Through the seemingly simple act of stepping into a pose, one is invited to access the profound myths and wisdom contained in them. When our practice of the pose matures and merges with our understanding of its myth, we experience the true meaning of our practice, which is peace and alignment in this very life.
January 2010