Chapter Fifteen

It didn’t bother Ric that he’d come immediately like an untried seventeen-year-old. Dafydd lay sprawled on top of him, cuddling and murmuring with contentment. That was all that mattered. His lover had found his pleasure and that act alone had sent an already-crazed Ric over the edge. He was grateful, even, that Dafydd had caused the abrupt climax, because up until that moment, Ric had feared he’d lose control first and spoil what amounted to Dafydd’s first sexual experience. Simultaneous orgasm, no matter how quick, was surely a good omen of their compatibility.

I did this. Is it possible to be too happy?

Now, he was looking for trouble. He needed to stay in the moment, appreciate how far Dafydd had come. And it wasn’t only Ric who could claim success. If not for Dafydd’s determination to overcome his brutal past, they wouldn’t be there. They wouldn’t be anywhere. The Welshman had shown tremendous courage. It was awe-inspiring.

He ran his hand down Dafydd’s head, feathering the silky strands through his fingers. “You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen and I love you more than I can say. You don’t have to say anything back,” he added quickly. “I just needed to reiterate my feelings after what we’ve shared.”

Dafydd snuggled closer, even though there wasn’t an inch of space between them. “I like hearing those words, especially after what we did tonight.” He paused. “I can’t tell you how I feel beyond happy and appreciated and…hopeful. You’ve given them all to me, Ric.”

“Those are excellent starts, as far as I’m concerned.”

Dafydd pushed away a little to look at him. “I can’t imagine my life without you, and for sure, I want you here with me and Idris—not only as a visitor, but as my partner.” He put his head down again. “I’m not sure I know what love feels like, so I’m loathe to say the words. But if that’s not the right way to describe my feelings right now, well, then I don’t know how I could want you more.”

“It’s okay,” Ric was quick to reassure. “So long as you want me in your life, there’s no need to put a label on it.”

“That’s good, then. You’re very patient…and tight. God, mun, I couldn’t stop from coming to end my life!”

Ric laughed. “That’s okay. We were both really primed.”

“And whose fault was that?” Dafydd rose once more to frown at him. “Can we do it again?”

Ric’s dick and hole both twitched at the idea. “Absolutely. Give me about twenty minutes. I’m not as young as I used to be.”

“You’re an infant compared to me,” Dafydd reminded him, which only led to an awkward silence because of why that was so. “It’s not all bad, you know, what his blood did to me,” he offered. “Only, now that I’m not drinking any, Harry thinks I’ll age naturally.”

Ric had supposed that, yet felt lighter hearing Dafydd confirm it. “Does that bother you? I only ask because it’s nice to know we’ll grow old together. It would be very human of us.”

Dafydd smiled. “It would, wouldn’t it?” His expression turned a bit coquettish. “Is it all right for me to top or do you want to switch?”

Ric noted the uncertainty in his lover’s eyes. “Whatever you want, baby. I’m yours any way you’ll have me. There’s no hurry or pressure to do anything else.”

“Good, except I don’t want you to think I’m a selfish boy.”

Ric didn’t understand what he meant until Dafydd slithered down and latched on to a nipple. Then Ric didn’t think at all.


* * * *


Ric woke the next morning, sore and groggy from sleeping little and late. The sliver of bright light through the seam in the curtains told him it was well into the morning. He sat, stretched and stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. Dafydd was nowhere to be seen, although that didn’t worry him. He assumed he was with Idris and that they were both either with Lucien or still in the kitchen to give Ric a chance to lie in.

A quick shower later, he went to find them, and when they weren’t on the upper floor, he headed to the kitchen. The sight of the two of them hanging at the family table with Val and some of the boys made him stop in his tracks. He had to simply look. It was all perfectly ordinary, and yet for him, it was a minor miracle. A fierce protective feeling welled up inside him. He knew in that moment he would kill to keep them safe.

Dafydd laughed at something, another amazing event, and gave Idris more food on his highchair tray. But when Dafydd glanced over and saw Ric, his broad smile was the best thing that had ever happened to Ric. It told him he was welcome, and more, wanted. It might be too soon for Dafydd to use the word ‘love’, but as Dafydd had said himself, the feelings were there regardless. Ric hurried to join them.

“Good morning.” He chanced a quick kiss and was delighted when Dafydd made him linger.

“The food’s a bit cold,” Dafydd said with a cock of his head at the spread.

“I don’t care in the least.” Leaning in, he whispered, “How do you feel?”

“Brilliant. You?”

“Well fucked.”

Across the table, Mackie giggled.

“That’s another stroke of the cane for tonight, boy,” Val intoned beside him.

Mackie huffed at his husband. “For what?”


“I was not! It’s not my fault you gave me superhero hearing. It’s like he’s shouting.”

“Hive members learn to mind their own business and give others privacy, regardless of what they actually see, hear or smell. You need to learn that lesson, along with a few others.”

Mackie crossed his arms. “Huh, so you say.”

“Yup. That’s what makes me the Master.”

Ric might have been alarmed at his words causing Mackie pain, except there was a wicked gleam in boy’s eyes that reassured him those lessons were enjoyed by both of them.

“Well, this isn’t a hive,” Mackie tossed back, apparently willing to risk another stroke.

Val sipped at his coffee before saying, “Close enough.”

He’s right, Ric thought as he went to fix a plate for himself. Being with these men and their boys was like living in a family, albeit a weird one. As he sat to join them, he felt welcomed and included. In only a few short months, his life had changed radically—and for the better. With most of his biological family scattered back in South America, it was nice to have a strong bond with people here in his adopted home, even if many of them were from another world.

When Ric was done eating and enjoying his own coffee, Dafydd leaned in, a bit of worry in his eyes. “Can I ask a favor?”

Somewhat alarmed, Ric shot back, “Anything, baby. What do you need?”

Dafydd gestured with his head and stood. “Will you watch Idris for me, Mackie? I want to talk to Ric outside of the range of your big ears.” He threw in a grin to show he was teasing. That he felt comfortable both asking for help and poking at Mackie’s sensitive hearing were two more signs that he was improving rapidly.

Mackie took the ribbing good-naturedly by rolling his eyes. “Sure. Go ahead and spoil my fun.”

Ric followed Dafydd to the far end of the room where the kitchen staff were both making noise and too far away to hear the conversation. “Is something wrong?”

“No.” Dafydd put doubt in his answer by twisting his fingers together and looking at the floor. “It’s only that there’s something I want to do—must do, in order to move past everything.”

Putting his hands on Dafydd’s shoulders, Ric said, “Tell me. I’ll help you however you need me to.”

Dafydd peeked up at him. “I want to go see Petru—now, this morning.”

Ric almost recoiled at the unexpected request. “Why?”

“I need to stare down the monster, to know that I can.” His shoulders slumped. “I know it’s nothing like facing Dracul, but it’s a start. If I don’t, I worry that it will all haunt me for the rest of my life. I can still see them in my mind’s eye as they were when I was helpless. Confronting Petru when he’s without power will hopefully give me some of my own back.”

Ric considered the rationale and it did have merit, psychologically speaking. “Okay, although I don’t want you facing him alone. I’m going with you.”

Dafydd smiled. “I was hoping you would. Will you also come with me when I ask Alex?”

“Of course, baby. I think we should start with Val, though. He’s in charge of security. Perhaps his permission and help are all we need. Come on.”

He took Dafydd by the hand and returned to the table to stand behind Val. He cleared his throat, and the man looked at them.

When Dafydd remained silent, Ric spoke up for the both of them. “Val, Dafydd would like to go see Petru.”

Val stared at them unblinking. He said nothing, although beside him, Mackie murmured something like ‘holy crap’.

Val shifted his gaze to look only at Ric. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“Doesn’t matter. Dafydd does.”

“Uh-huh.” Val pushed back and stood. “Not my call, guys. We need to speak with Alex.”

So, they all trooped down to the boss’ office and went through the process all over again. With Quinn lounging on his lap, the man took a minute to mull the request over. Standing in front of the desk, Ric felt like an errant school boy. But he worked to hide it because Dafydd needed him to be strong.

“I must say, gentlemen, this request has caught me by surprise.” He eyed Ric much as Val had. “I assume you’ll be accompanying him?”

“Yes, sir.”

Alex waved his hand. “Well, there’s no obvious reason to refuse. The fucker is naked, chained and locked in tight as a tick. Have at him, I suppose. Val, you’ll go in, as well. There’s no sense in taking chances.”

“Will do.”

That seemed to be that, except that there was one more issue for Ric. While Dafydd went to rescue Mackie from childcare duty by securing Idris upstairs again with Lucien, Ric and Val waited at the locked door that led to the basement. As soon as Dafydd disappeared, Ric turned to the bouncer.

“Quick, before he gets back, bring me a gun. Please,” he tacked on when he realized whom he was ordering about.

“You can’t kill Petru, Doc. Unless and until we can confirm that Dracul is dead, we need him breathing. Plus, Alex gave his word we wouldn’t. It wasn’t the call I would have made, but then, I’m not the captain.”

“I don’t intend to shoot him so long as he doesn’t try to hurt Dafydd.”

“It’s my job to protect you both.”

Ric got right into the guy’s face, worry for Dafydd making him bold. The size difference between them, since he had to stand on his toes to have a face-off, would have been comical if not for the deadly seriousness of the situation.

“No, sir, it’s not. I’m responsible for Dafydd from now on.”

He wasn’t sure what showed in his expression, but Val simply nodded and disappeared a few seconds later down the stairs. He returned almost as quickly and handed Ric a small nine-millimeter.

“You know how to use this, yes?”

Ric took it, checked that the safety was on then made sure the clip was full before tucking it under his shirt and into his waistband. He didn’t want Dafydd to see it. This was something his lover didn’t need to know about.

“Yes. Duncan taught me in Scotland. I didn’t think then that I could use it. I hadn’t met Dafydd yet.”

That was all the explanation he gave, and Val seemed to accept that as sufficient. By the time Dafydd returned, the evidence of what they’d been up to was well-hidden.

Ric held out his hand. “All set?”

Dafydd took it and nodded. “Yes, let’s go.”

Val went first and they followed, the stairs just barely wide enough for them to walk side-by-side. At the bottom, Val opened a door and led them through a room laden with the kind of firepower that made Ric’s gun seem like a slingshot. At the far end, there was another door. For this, Val had to turn a tumbler, as if there were a giant vault on the other side. Instead, when he pulled it open, a brightly lit, windowless room greeted them.

It was a prison cell. That was obvious, and it was a bare-bones one at that. It contained only a wall-mounted shelf with a thin plastic pallet for sleeping, a sink and a toilet. Lounging on the bed was, as promised, a nude Petru, who was also shackled by both wrists to the wall behind him. Ric estimated there was sufficient chain to make it to the necessary facilities but no chance to reach the door or any visitors. In a war that had led to fatalities on both sides, Alex had nonetheless provided adequately for a prisoner, testament to the kind of honorable man he was.

Petru slowly raised his gaze from the book he was reading to stare at them. That one creature comfort was another sign of the decency of Alex and his crew. Petru smiled like the Cheshire Cat, arrogant even in his captivity. Ric had a sudden impulse to wipe the look off his face. That instinct doubled when he felt a tremor in Dafydd’s hand.

“You don’t have to do any more than this,” he murmured.

Squaring his shoulders, Dafydd stepped forward. “I want to.”

Letting go of Ric, the former slave walked boldly, if slowly, toward one of the foul creatures who had tortured him for centuries. Petru watched the approach, putting down his book and swinging his legs to stand as he did so. The chain links rattled with every movement. Ric surged forward at the same time. He didn’t care how diligent Val had been with those restraints. He wasn’t going to take any chances with his lover.

“This is unexpected, I must say,” Petru drawled.

“Your opinion wasn’t requested, asshole,” Val shot back.

Dafydd surprised him by holding up his hand. “It’s okay. Let him say what he wants. His words can’t hurt me. Nothing about him will ever touch me again.” If there was a slight quaver to the boy’s voice, it didn’t detract from his firm stance and courageous words.

Petru spread his arms out. “Lo, how the mighty have fallen, heh?”

“You flatter yourself, mun,” Dafydd retorted. “You were never that, merely the mud under Dracul’s boots.”

The insult didn’t appear to faze the man. “And here I’d thought that was you all this time.” He tsked. “I admit I underestimated you, although not as much as Dracul did. You always were a willful cunt.”

Ric bared his teeth at the casual insult and would have marched into the cell if Val hadn’t blocked him with his arm.

Petru’s gaze shifted past Dafydd and onto Ric. “Is this your new Master? Huh, looks more like a slut to me. I bet you like taking it up the ass, hmm?” The question was aimed squarely at Ric.

He was happy to reply. “Every chance I get, shithead. You should try it. The pleasure of it might improve your disposition.” As come-backs went, it wasn’t much, but the statement was more for Dafydd’s benefit than Petru’s. He wanted his lover to understand that being penetrated didn’t make anyone less of a man.

Petru merely shrugged. Life with Dracul must have trained him to let things roll off his back. It wasn’t worth the breath to speak with him. “You know,” he continued, looking once more at Dafydd, “I warned him those first few months when you fought him and tried to run away that he should kill you and find a more biddable toy to play with. Of course, he didn’t listen to me.”

Ah, and there was the bitterness, finally.

“And what happened? You brought the whole fucking thing down on our heads. After a thousand years of battling our own kind, worthy opponents on this miserable planet, we were destroyed by a mere human.” He shook his head. “I’d tip my hat to you, if I were permitted to have one.”

“You’re lucky to have what you do,” Dafydd scoffed. “It’s better than what I was often given and without the threat of death hanging over your head.”

The man went back to sitting on his pitiful bed. “Is this all? Have you finished gloating?”

Dafydd shook his head. “That’s not what I’m here for. I only wanted to see for myself that you truly are nothing. And even if you remained powerful and even if Dracul is really still alive, I’m not afraid.”

Dafydd caused Ric’s heart to leap by taking a step closer. “I killed Cadoc. Did you know that? My own son. I had to. That’s the kind of monster Dracul made of me and him both. I’ll kill Dracul, too, and you, if it comes to that.”

“Feel free. Dispose of Dracul, I mean.” Petru leaned back against the wall. “I don’t care, and in fact, I welcome it. That’s what I’m doing here. I’ve had it up to here with his ridiculous ambitions.”

“No. That’s a lie. You want Andri back.” That statement got the first real rise out of Petru. He sat up again. “You’ll never have him,” Dafydd dug in deeper. “He won’t want you again, not after being Dracul’s slave. To go back to being a boy for anyone less than the Master of Masters? A step down from occupying the top spot?” Dafydd shook his head slowly. “Never. He always wanted Dracul to notice him so he could trade up from your paltry bed. It’s what he was angling for all along, and you were too stupid to see it.” He scoffed. “I hope you live a very long life knowing that you were always second best—in everything.”

With that, Dafydd wheeled around and marched away from the cell.

Ric puffed up with pride. His boy was not only strong, he had a killer instinct that would serve him well in his recovery and the rest of his life.

He caught Dafydd’s hand. “Go on up, please, and wait for me at Lucien’s. Then we can get Idris ready for our outing. I won’t be but a moment.”

Dafydd narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure? What’s this about?”

Ric gave him a peck on the lips. “Nothing, baby. I just want to help Val lock this asshole back up. Okay? Oh, and you are not a monster.” He’d hated hearing his lover speak of himself in those terms, even if it were only for effect, which he didn’t think it was. It was important that Dafydd start to feel good about himself.

Dafydd gave him a wan smile. “I can believe that when I’m with you—and that I’m not broken, either.”

“You are certainly not that. Didn’t last night prove it?” he added in an extra-low voice. He flashed his eyes as he said it, in the hopes of making a clear invitation.

Dafydd rolled his eyes. “Perhaps I’m the one who has created a monster.” To be able to joke after such a fierce confrontation was the best possible sign. “All right, then, I’ll meet you upstairs.”

Ric waited until he heard Dafydd walk all the way back up before heading into the cell. He pulled out his gun and, flicking off the safety catch, pointed it two-handed at Petru. That got another rise out of the man. Petru stiffened, although he didn’t cower.

“Jesus, fuck, Doc,” Val murmured.

“I’m not going to kill him,” he reassured the man, worried that he’d yank him away. “Not yet,” he amended.

Adjusting his grip and stance, he worked to ease his breathing. “Listen up, you fucker. I don’t care what you say about helping out and going away nicely after we put Dracul down for good. If you ever so much as look at Dafydd again, I will kill you.”

Petru opened his mouth.

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear your voice. I’m a doctor. Did you know that? First, do no harm. That’s what we swear as medical students to become full physicians. And I’ve lived by that oath my entire career and will continue to do so, except in this one instance.”

His heart was beating jackrabbit fast, something the alien could undoubtedly detect. No problem. Yeah, he was scared, but he was also serious. “I know how to draw it out. Death, that is. I will kill you by inches. I’ll blow bits of you into dust until there is nothing left.” Ric took one more step closer and drilled a hole into the alien with his stare. “Do you believe me? Do you, motherfucker!”

He had the satisfaction of seeing the man startle. “Yes, I rather do. Fortunately, I have no interest in doing anything that would incur your wrath. The boy says I’m nothing to him.” Petru shrugged. “I feel the same. He was, and always will be, of no consequence.”

Ric barked out a laugh. “See? That right there… That’s what fucked you over. By your own admission, you underestimated him. You should have known that he’s everything.”

Lowering his weapon, he backed out then turned away. He re-engaged the safety and handed the gun over to Val as he passed him. Petru didn’t warrant so much as a backward glance. Ric waited for Val at the top of the stairs, where Val relocked the entrance to the basement.

“Congratulations, Doc. You made a lasting impression on one of the most dangerous creatures on this planet and managed to scare the pants off me.”

Ric raised his shaking hands. “Thanks, but we both know that’s a lie.”

“Nope. I know you meant what you said and so does Petru, and that’s fucking terrifying.” He clapped a hand on Ric’s shoulder. “Good job. I would have done the same. Now, don’t keep your boy waiting. Mackie swears by the aquarium. You and your family will have a great time.”

“Thanks, Val. I’m going to do just that.”

And he did, spending a glorious day with his lover and their child, the first of what he knew would be many.