Why do authors so often leave husbands till the end of these sections? In my book, he’s first:
With thanks to my dearest one, Jonathon Leifer, for EVERYTHING—that includes Latin translations and chocolate deliveries during this process.
Every writer should be so lucky to have such an angel-of-a-sister as Patti Sullivan, my first draft reader whose smart editing and encouragement were invaluable. Thanks to all my family, whose loving support I feel across the miles and from those in Paradiso. Particularly for help in the research process, I thank my father, Robert Van Benthuysen, who showed me by example what that’s all about.
At the Italian Government Tourist Board in Los Angeles, Emanuela Boni has been a blessing and a joy to work with. For her assistance, along with that of the wonderful people in the L.A. office and the Italian Government Tourist Board in New York (the kind-hearted Marzia Bortolin and Riccardo Strano), I give my heartfelt thanks.
To each of you who’s traveled with me somewhere along this journey to write this book, I raise a glass, with everlasting gratitude for what you’ve done to help make it happen: Gioia Acon, Maxine Albert, Sheila Balter, Irma Becerra, Risa Bell, Alessandra Bolzagni, Baronessa Cecilia Bellelli, Joann Biondi, Lauren Birmingham, Liz Brewster, Tita Cahn, Sheryl Cancelleri, Elena Cappalini, Iris Carulli, Sara Chamberlin, Erin Champion, Maria Laura Chiacchio, Jill Clark, Paul and Suzanne Codiga, Rosanne Cofoid, Carol Coviello-Malzone, Sandy Cutrone, Cornelia Danielson, the D’Aquilas, Bruno Dascanio, Betsy deFries, Susan Engbrecht, Robin Epstein, Eurofly, Maureen B. Fant, Babs Fasano, Cydney Fowler, Elizabeth Garat, Gina Garner, Deb Gaughan, Julie Genovesi, Dorris Goodrich, Marlene Grimaldi, Valentina Grossi Orzalesi, Inge Hansen, Heather Hanson, Anne Heck, Karen Herbst, Julia Bolton Holloway, Marina Innocenzi, Barbara Kossy, Hope Levy, Maddine Insalaco, Chiara Lima, Maria Lisella, Jo Ann Locktov, Lauren Maher, Joe Maniscalco, Lori Mayfield, Megan McDonnell, Nan McElroy, Petulia Melideo, Freya Middleton, Joanne Morgante, Mario and Lexi Marmorstein, Kathy McCabe, Mona Lou McConnaughey, Yan Moati, Vittorio Muolo, Ekta Nadeau, Rachel Newman, Rachel Norman, Wendy O’Dea, Sandy and Jessica Osceola, Kristin Overn, Tom Paris, Tania Pascuzzi, Lisa Pieracini, Veronica Puleo, June Rogovin, Meredith Rolley, Phil and Monica Rosenthal, Sirpa Salenius, Voni Schaff, Jessie Sholl, Erin Shachory, Arthur Schwartz, Bryna Skuro, Jean Sondhi, Fiorella Squillante, Kristin Stasiowski, Jessica Stewart, Adrienne Storey, Bill and Patty Sutherland, Alexa Taylor, Anna Lisa Tempestini, Elfride and Bob Vaughan, Monica Vidoni, Tina Villano Chase, Joe Vinson, Margaret Vos, Wendy Walsh, Florence Welborn, and Louise Wright.
I’m thankful for the women who paved the way: Patricia Schultz with 1000 Places to See Before You Die, and Stephanie Elizondo Griest, with 100 Places Every Woman Should Go. And for all the writers out there who’ve guided me in my travels and writing about Italy.
I am especially grateful for James O’Reilly and Larry Habegger of Travelers’ Tales, not only for this book, but for being editors who keep us travelers inspired with their essay series. Heartfelt thanks also to Susan Brady, the magician of production over there. And mille grazie to Whitney Hickey, my extraordinary intern, for wonderful assistance.
Thanks to Saint Anthony, who has helped me find words.
Always, I thank the people of Italy who have welcomed me with their open hearts.