
6: Tark and Zyra 

Tark and Zyra watched in dumbfounded silence as Tark and Zyra planned their next robberies. The new Tark had acquired a hellfire-spear, its tip alight with a flickering blue flame, and was intending to use it to kill a dragon and win its stash of gold. The new Zyra had stolen a Designers Paradise key from the Skinny Rich Dude who lived up the Hill, and was now intending to steal another from the Cracker.

‘Seen enough?’ asked Tee, sitting on one of the steps leading down to the basement hideout.

‘Yeah,’ said Tark at the same time that Zyra said,


‘Looks at her,’ said Zyra. ‘Looks at her face. It’s me! Except that she ain’t got no pimples. And her hair is stickin’ up like it’s meant ta.’ She turned to look at Tee. ‘And she ain’t gonna gets older, is she? She’ll be perfect forevers.’

‘For as long as she plays,’ replied Tee. ‘But she’s trapped. Trapped in patterns of behaviour and speech. Trapped in an endless, repeating quest. Trapped by rules that stop her from getting what she really wants.’

Zyra resumed her surveillance, absently running her fingers across the pimples on her cheek.

‘Is all of that really worth eternal youth?’ asked


Zyra shrugged.

The new Zyra threatened the new Tark with her knives, and then turned her back on him. He stood staring at her, a pained look in his eyes.

Tark watched himself watching Zyra, recognising the longing in his own eyes.

‘I’ve hads enough,’ said Tark. ‘Let’s gets outtahere.’

Before Tee could lead them away, the new Tark and Zyra whisked past, out of sight.

‘I is glad that’s over,’ said Tark.

‘It’s never easy the first time,’ admitted Tee, as he climbed the stairs. ‘But you get used to the idea.’

Tark and Zyra followed.

‘Can we see your replacement?’ asked Zyra, thoughtfully.

‘Ah, well -’ Tee began as he reached the exit. Heducked back down. ‘VIs,’ he breathed. Mter waiting a few seconds he slowly peered out into the ruined City.

Tark and Zyra also cautiously looked out. Thereplacements were going in opposite directions, the new Tark towards the Forest and the new Zyra deeper into the City towards the Den of Thievers. Each of them was being pursued by a VI, which, of course, neither could see.

‘Interesting,’ said Tee. He looked back at Tark and Zyra. ‘I wonder if they were expecting us to visit your replacements?’

Tark and Zyra had no opportunity to comment, for at that moment, Tee’s communicator beeped. He took it out and flipped it open.

‘Yes?’ he said.

‘Dad?’ A female voice crackled breathlessly from the little speaker. ‘Stine and I are under attack ...’ The voice faded away into a hissing crackle, and then slowly became audible again. ‘... whole bunch of VIs.’

‘Where are you?’ Tee shook the communicator and shouted into it. ‘Tell me where you are.’

‘... power station.’ The communicator went dead.

‘On my way,’ said Tee, snapping the communicator closed. ‘Change of plans.’ He looked around to make sure that the VIs were far enough away, then took off through the rubble.

‘Hey, whats about us?’ called Zyra, staring after the departing figure.

‘We betta follows,’ said Tark, making a move.

‘Wait,’ said Zyra. ‘Maybe we is betta off on our owns.’

‘I don’t think so.’ There was a certainty in Tark’s expression. ‘We needs ta go now, or we is gonna lose him.’

Zyra quickly weighed up the options. ‘Okay.’ They took off after Tee.