chapter 53


The party moved into the living room. Zavion could hear them playing a trivia game.

“What colors can butterflies see that humans cannot see?” Zavion heard Enzo ask.

“Colors on the ultraviolet spectrum,” said Henry.

“In what key do flies hum?”


“Which insect can indicate the temperature?”

“Crickets. They have different chirps for warm and cold.” Henry was on a roll.

It sounded like they were having fun, but Zavion stayed in the kitchen to clean up. He dried the inside of a ceramic mug with a dish towel. He stood in the middle of the room, took a deep breath, and then, very quietly, began to sing.

“This little light of mine—” His voice cracked. He wasn’t a very good singer.

I’m gonna let it shine,

Let it shine,

Let it shine,

Let it shine