Chapter Two



WHAT? NO! Of course not,” Dae said, a deep frown creasing his forehead. “That’s not what I meant! I’d never leave you, Sean. You should know that by now.” God, sometimes Dae wondered if his shapeshifting form shouldn’t be a mule instead of a wolf; he certainly seemed to make an ass out of himself often enough. Like every time he opened his mouth lately.

Sean’s eyes were glistening, and Dae could tell he was holding on by a thread. Damn it! He hated to see Sean upset, hated more the fact that it was because of him. Dae would rather gnaw off his own hand than intentionally hurt Sean.

He held out his arms, and Sean moved into them. But Dae’s stomach clenched with guilt at the tension he felt in Sean’s muscles, at the way he stood there stiffly, not returning Dae’s embrace. “Oh, man… I’ve been a Class A shit lately, haven’t I? I’m so sorry, Sean. I should have told you about the letter as soon as I got it, but it really threw me for a loop, you know?” Dae pulled Sean flush with his body, trying to ease Sean’s hurt with physical contact, willing him to feel Dae’s contrition.

After a few moments wrapped tightly in Dae’s arms, his face buried in the crook of Dae’s neck, Sean seemed to relax. “Yeah, you have, and yes, you should have told me,” Sean said, his voice muffled against Dae’s skin. “I hate it when you close yourself off from me, Dae. What did your brother say, anyway? I didn’t read the letter and can’t imagine what he’d tell you that would get you so upset.”

“Someone knows about the pack, Sean. They’ve been attacked. Jaeger said it started with a few ugly letters, but when the pack elders refused to rise to the bait, it escalated. There were attacks on the livestock; several dozen head of sheep were killed and left for the pack to find. But then….”

“But then, what?”

“They didn’t stop at the sheep. A person was attacked next. It happened on pack territory. She was out inspecting the fences on the western border of the ranch when three men jumped her. They… well, suffice it to say that it was all the elders could do to keep the younger males from shifting and ripping every man in town apart in revenge.”

“Oh, man…. Did you know her, Dae?”

“Yeah, I did. I do. She’s my sister, Sean. My baby sister, Cherise.”

“Oh, shit, Dae. I’m so sorry,” Sean gasped.

“That’s why I have to go, Sean. Cherise never did a damn thing to hurt me. Jesus, she was only four the last time I saw her. She was such a sweet little kid,” Dae said, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat, taking a moment before speaking again. “Jaeger said she hasn’t spoken since the attack. Not a word. Not a single sound. She won’t shift, won’t eat….”

“I’m going with you,” Sean whispered, his breath warm against Dae’s throat. Dae tightened his arms around Sean, burying his nose in Sean’s soft hair.

“I appreciate the offer, but that’s not a good idea, hon.”

“I wasn’t asking permission, Dae.” Sean’s eyes were wet, but sparked with determination as they turned up to meet Dae’s. “I belong at your side, especially at a time like this. Or are you embarrassed of me? Is that it? Are you ashamed for your family to meet your human mate, Dae?”

“No!” Dae pulled away from Sean, holding him firmly by his shoulders. He stared into Sean’s eyes, flinching at the pain he’d inadvertently put there. “Listen to me, Sean. If anyone has a right to be embarrassed, it’s you. I’m the freak in this relationship, not you. Remember? Me? The overgrown Chia Pet?”

Dae felt a wave of relief wash through him at Sean’s slight smile. That smile told Dae he’d been forgiven.

“You’re not a freak. You’re just… different,” Sean said. His hand cupped Dae’s cheek, thumb stroking gently over Dae’s lips. “I happen to like different.”

“Yeah?” Dae’s voice deepened, growing husky, needy, despite his grief over Jaeger’s letter. Sean’s touch did that to him every time. He was suddenly acutely aware of the hard contours of Sean’s body being so close to his, of the warm, woody scent of his cologne, of the fullness of his mouth. Lowering his head, Dae kissed Sean, his desire to sample Sean’s flavor irresistible. “You taste….”

“Like kibble?” Sean smiled against Dae’s lips.

“Even better.” Dae chuckled, trying to deepen their kiss. He felt a modicum of relief at Sean’s gentle teasing. It eased a bit of the stress he’d been feeling since he received Jaeger’s letter and reassured him Sean had forgiven him.

“Mmm,” Sean murmured, surprising Dae by nipping his lower lip and pulling away. “Tastes good, but I’m still coming with you.”

Dae growled softly, finding himself holding air as Sean danced away. “Sean, you don’t understand—”

“It’s going to be cold up there already. Do you think I should buy us a couple of those cool Brokeback Mountain-esque sheepskin coats?” Sean slipped into his closet, and Dae could hear him rattling and rooting around minutes before suitcases came flying out through the air. He found himself dodging odd pieces of Samsonite as Sean continued to chuck bags out of the closet like some crazed airport luggage handler.

“We’ve got coats, Sean. Besides, I think—”

“We donated our winter coats to Goodwill when we moved to Florida. But that’s okay. I really didn’t want to wear real fur anyway. If I get too cold, you can shift and I can wrap you around me.” Sean poked his head out of the closet, giving Dae a cheeky grin.

“Sean,” Dae tried again, although he knew in his gut by then the battle had been lost. “It could be dangerous. I don’t know these people anymore. What if they bite first and ask questions later? I won’t have you hurt, Sean. Not to mention that we don’t know who assaulted Cherise, or how they found out about the pack to begin with, or whether they’ll attack again—”

“I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself. Besides, I’ll be with you.” A bright red duffle whizzed by Dae’s head, followed in short order by several sweatshirts and two heavy cable-knit sweaters. “Shit. This stuff smells like mothballs. We haven’t had to use any of it since we moved down here. Everything’s going to need to be washed. Not that we have very much left. We’re going to have to go shopping.”

When Sean started chucking boots out of the closet, Dae knew he’d been soundly defeated. “Fine,” he sighed, ducking a pair of heavy leather work boots as they sailed by. “But if they bite something off of you that I’ve grown fond of using, I’m going to be really pissed off.”

Sean emerged from the closet, his arms laden with odd pieces of winter clothes. Dae could barely see the top of his head over the mound of sweaters and flannels.

“We’re going to Wyoming, not the Antarctic.” Dae laughed, shaking his head. “I thought you said we didn’t have much left?”

“I remember how cold it was at the old clinic, Dae. I can only imagine what it’ll be like up in the mountains at the pack’s ranch, and most of this stuff is out of style.”

“They won’t care if we don’t look like fashion plates.”

“I care. I’m not meeting your family dressed like a Sears catalogue ad from the ’90s.”

Dae couldn’t help but feel warmed by Sean’s determination to go with him, even though he would have preferred Sean stay behind where Dae knew he’d be safe.

He took Sean’s burden from him, placing the stack of clothing on the armchair sitting near the window of their bedroom. Turning back to Sean, Dae’s lips curled into a predatory smile. “Know what I think?” he asked, his deep voice rumbling seductively.

“Dae…,” Sean protested, taking a step backward. “We’ve got things to do—”

“They can wait,” Dae said, slowly backing Sean up against the bedroom door. “The things I’ve got to do now are much, much more important than packing.” His face was only inches from Sean’s, so close that he could see the flecks of gold in his dark brown eyes.

“But we have to get ready—”

Dae cut off Sean’s words with a fiery kiss that Dae felt all the way down to his toes. It heated Dae up from the inside out, awakening his hunger for Sean’s body and touch, his body hardening instantly.

He grabbed Sean’s arms, pinning them over Sean’s head with one hand to the door. His head dipped, breathing in Sean’s scent, so warm and male, so familiar, comforting. For the first time since receiving Jaeger’s letter, Dae felt the tension ease in his shoulders. “Mine,” he breathed, his tongue flicking out to taste the skin of Sean’s throat.

“I think we’ve established that already.” Sean’s words were teasing, but his voice was husky, and his eyes were already darkening with desire.

Dae leaned against Sean. He could feel Sean’s body coming alive, hardening. He claimed Sean’s mouth, his tongue sweeping boldly, tasting deeply. As always, Sean’s taste fueled Dae’s need, and he growled deep in his chest. “Too many clothes.” He released Sean’s hands and pulled at Sean’s T-shirt, almost tearing it off Sean’s body. The sight of Sean’s lean-muscled chest made Dae salivate. He loved tasting Sean’s skin, licking the salt from it, worrying Sean’s nipples with his teeth and tongue.

He leaned down and took a long, leisurely lick, starting at just above Sean’s navel and working his way up the center of Sean’s chest. He found Sean’s nipples, rolling them between his fingers until they peaked. “Naked. Now.”

“Damn alpha,” Sean whispered. His sensual smile belied his words. Dae knew he liked it when Dae dominated him in the bedroom. Not so much in the other areas of their life, but between the sheets, Sean enjoyed being submissive, which suited Dae’s wolf nature perfectly. Dae smiled as he watched Sean hasten to kick off the rest of his clothing separating them and lie down on the bed, waiting for Dae. Sean’s cock was hard, rosy red, and bobbed as if entreating Dae to come and take a taste.

He forced himself to undress more slowly, enjoying the hungry look in Sean’s eyes as he revealed his body. He liked drawing it out, making Sean wait, and by the time he finally shucked his underwear, Sean was writhing on the bed and mewling like a kitten.

Dae stroked his erection, bringing it to full mast, although it didn’t take much. Just seeing Sean’s naked body, legs wantonly spread for him, cock ready, made him as hard as nails. He bit his lip, trying to hold back the roaring need screaming inside him, demanding he take Sean, sink himself into Sean’s body to the hilt and ride, to bite and nip and mark Sean as Dae’s own. The wolf inside howled, demanding he take his mate.

Sean seemed to be having as hard a time with control as he was. “Stop teasing me. Come on, Dae.”

Dae bared his teeth and growled as he crawled over Sean’s body and rubbed his cock along the groove between Sean’s thigh and groin. “Gonna fuck you until you can’t walk.”


“Oh, fuck yeah. Tell me what you want, Sean. I want to hear it.”

Sean licked his lips, sending another jolt of desire singing through Dae’s veins. “I want your mouth on me. I want you to suck me, Dae.”

Dae smiled and realized his heat was so high that his grin probably looked extremely feral, but he didn’t care. Tasting Sean was hardly a chore. He would gladly let Sean lead him around like a puppy on a leash if he could only keep Sean’s cock in his mouth while he was doing it. He dove for it, not wasting a moment on incidentals like licking or nipping. He took Sean in, sucking hard. The taste was familiar but no less exciting than it had been the first time Dae gave Sean a blow job. He never tired of it.

Sean arched off the bed and threaded his fingers into Dae’s hair. “Fuck!” His hips rose up, feeding Dae even more of his length. “My balls, play with my balls, Dae.”

Dae happily complied, cupping Sean’s sac in his palm. Sean’s balls were swollen and firm, dusted with dark blond hair, and made a large handful. Absolutely perfect, in Dae’s opinion, and he took a minute to mouth them, rolling the stones over his tongue.

“Fuck, Dae!”

Dae glanced up at Sean, whose eyes were black with lust. He grinned. “Is that a request?”

Sean grinned back at Dae, then slid out from under him, rolling over and scrambling up to hands and knees. He looked at Dae over his shoulder, his eyes hungry. “It was an order.”

Dae felt his mouth go dry at the sight of the hole half-hidden between Sean’s perfect asscheeks. “I thought I was giving the orders around here,” he said without any conviction at all. Right now, he’d do backflips through a flaming hoop if Sean would only let him fuck that beautiful ass first.

“Dae, stop fucking teasing me! I need you!”

Far be it from Dae to deny Sean anything Sean needed. Dae reached into the nightstand and fumbled a minute, then grabbed the lube. Luckily for him, werewolves had no need for condoms, since they couldn’t contract or spread human disease. He slicked himself quickly but thoroughly, then spent a few minutes fingering Sean’s ass, more for his own pleasure and Sean’s than for any real need to prepare Sean. Sean was used to Dae’s cock, and when he finally slipped inside, Sean’s body molded to him like a well-worn glove, snug and warm. He groaned as pleasure suffused him.

He tried to go slow, wanted to make it last, but it wasn’t meant to be. Not with Sean rocking back against him, pulling Dae inside until Sean’s downy asscheeks bumped against Dae’s thighs. “Fuck, Sean! I’m going to come!”

“Me too!” Sean’s hand was busily stroking himself under his belly. “Now!” He grunted, and the smell of sex suddenly permeated the air.

Dae breathed it in deeply, then let himself go, thrusting hard against Sean’s body a few more times as his climax rolled through him. He squeezed his eyes shut against the intensity of it, stars winking behind his closed eyelids. His cry of release was more like a howl, ringing in his ears.

When Dae was finished, head hanging low and panting for breath, Sean turned over and wrapped his arms around Dae, pulling Dae down on top of him. Dae could feel Sean’s heart pounding and felt the cooling slick of Sean’s sex between them. “Fuck, that was unbelievable.”

Sean chuckled. “Yeah. We should argue more often.”

“Nah. I’d rather skip the fight part and get directly to the sex.” He nuzzled Sean’s neck, then reluctantly stood up and padded into the bathroom for a couple of towels. When he returned, Sean was already dividing their winter clothing into piles. Keep and Toss, most likely.

He sighed and handed Sean a towel. “I’m really not going to be able to talk you out of coming with me, am I?”

“Nope.” Sean paused and glanced at Dae. “And I suggest we stop arguing about it and start getting ready. We have a lot to do before we leave, not the least of which is getting another vet to cover the practice while we’re gone.”

“I’ll call Dr. Austin. He’s offered before, if we wanted to take a vacation.” Dae pulled on his pants, then left to make the necessary phone call.

He was still worried about what he’d find when they got to the pack’s ranch, but he admitted he felt a little better knowing he wouldn’t be facing them alone. Not that he was afraid of them. Quite the contrary. He was glad Sean would be by his side to keep him from killing whoever the bastard was that raped his baby sister.