To the various authorities of the Russian archives:
Larisa Alexandrovna Rogovaya, GARF, State Archive of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Ivanovich Korotaev (RGVA, Russian State Military Archives)
Oleg Konstantinovich Matveev (COS, Press relations centre, FSB)
To the scientists who have brought us their skills and illumination throughout the investigation:
Raphaël Weil, Joël Poupon, Patrick Rainsard.
To Philippe Charlier and his constant enthusiasm, without whom we couldn’t have taken to its conclusion the scientific inquiry into the teeth attributed to Hitler.
Special thanks to :
Olivier Wlodarczyk and the whole Ego team who have always believed in this crazy investigation
Alexander Orlov (of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for his valuable support.
To our inexhaustible translators:
Tatiana Shutova for Russian and Ulrike Zander and Aymeric Le Delliou for German.
Thanks from Lana Parshina:
To Lyudmila Vasilievna Dvoynikh and Natalia Petrovna Parshina.
Thanks from Jean-Christophe Brisard:
To Céline Lison for her pertinent rereadings.
To Claude Quétel who, thanks to his memories, made me want to throw myself into this adventure.