Thanks go to Helen Abbott, Clita Illene Allen, Ellie and Jack Ashworth, Mary and Dick Auletta, Frances and Stanley Bangel, Jeff Barr and his mother the late Lili Barr, Emilie Bartok, Jane, Melanie, Wendy, and Larry Cohen, Nancy Dussault, Kitty Freydberg, Bobbe and Donn Hart, Norman Hodgson, Emily and Edward McCormack, Cathy O’Neill and Richard Reeves, Phyllis and Robbie Robinson, Vicki, Nicholas, and Charles Sopkin, Diane Terman, Ann and C. C. Wong and Mrs. M. T. Wong, who either contributed recipes or their discriminating palates during the writing of this book.
Special thanks, as always, to Tully Plesser and Esther Newberg, and to my editors, Kathleen Moloney and Rosalyn T. Badalamenti, who were encouraging, supportive, and incredibly patient.