The key to cooking meat fearlessly is having a dependable butcher, or a reliable supermarket where quality meat can be found. The second most important element in meat cookery is selecting the proper cut for the dish you are going to prepare. There is an infinite variety of beef, veal, pork, and lamb steaks and roasts, chops and racks, plus boneless meat whole and rolled or stuffed, cut into scallops, ground, butterflied, or cut into small pieces.
Selecting the right meat dish to serve should be determined by who and how many you are entertaining, the preparation time, serving circumstances, and the other dishes in the meal. It’s a good idea to order the cut of meat required from the butcher in advance, or be flexible when shopping in the supermarket. If you plan a menu including lamb chops and there are no lamb chops available (or none of good quality), consider a menu change, and select the fine looking leg of lamb that is available, or another cut, or even a different meat.
Meat will always remain a favorite and dependable choice as the centerpiece of any meal.