advertising, prepaid contracts for, 217
Agosto, Joe, 225–26, 235–36, 249, 252, 256, 257, 260, 261, 264, 265, 267, 319
conviction and death of, 337–38
Airey, Shea, 266
Aiuppa, Joseph “Joey Doves,” 37, 43, 111, 249, 252, 267, 287, 306, 312–13, 319, 336, 338, 346
jail term of, 339
Alderisio, Philip “Milwaukee Phil,” 37, 40, 41, 51, 65, 104, 106
Alex, Gussie, 33
Amalgamated Insurance, 210
Ambassador Hotel, 132
American Housing, 120–21
American Stock Exchange, 247
Angelini, Donald “the Wizard of Odds,” 48
Angel-Kaplan sports service, 30, 48
Anthony Stuart Ltd., 113
Antwerp, 51–52
Argent (Allen R. Glick Enterprises) Corporation, 131, 176, 185, 186, 194, 206, 229, 249, 253, 254, 256, 265, 329, 340
casinos owned by, see Fremont; Hacienda; Stardust
Glick’s private use of funds from, 247–48
investigation of skimming at, 213–16
Austin, Tex., 122, 123, 248, 343
auxiliary banks, 178–79, 214–15, 265
Avants, Beecher, 180, 181–82, 183, 233
bagmen, 61
Baken, Rick, 153–54
Balistrieri, Frank, 136, 210, 252, 267, 319, 338
Edward Buccieri’s murder ordered by, 182
Glick’s Teamster pension fund loans and, 126–31, 132, 138–39, 140
Glick warned by, 205–6
mob position of, 128
Rand’s murder ordered by, 185–86
Rosenthal’s promotion ordered by, 132–33
as suspect in Rosenthal’s car bombing, 328–29
Balistrieri, Joe, 127, 136, 319, 329, 339
Glick’s option agreement with, 129–30, 131, 138, 338
Balistrieri, John, 127, 136, 319, 329, 339
Glick’s option agreement with, 129–30, 131, 138, 338
Bally’s, 158
bank messengers, robbing of, 36
Bank of Nevada, 113
Baron, Al, 121–22, 125, 126, 180
basketball, see college basketball
Bates (Hicks’s friend), 85, 86
beards, bets placed by, 60, 70
Beckley, Gil, 30–31, 32, 48–51, 68
Belgium, 51–52
Benny the Book, 32
Bertha’s Jewelers, 314–17, 318
beverage and food kickbacks, 177, 217
Beverly Hills, Calif., 14, 87, 208
Bishop Gorman Catholic School, 113
Blackamoor Lounge, 44
Black Hand, 34
blackjack, 15, 91, 92, 93–95, 158, 175, 204, 263, 292
Blasko (ex-cop), 314, 315, 317
bleeding, 212
Blitzstein, Herbie, 153, 154, 241, 242, 309
Bluestein, Frank “Frankie Blue,” 308–11, 313
Bluestein, Stephen “Stevie Blue,” 241, 308–9, 310
Boca Raton, Fla., 348
bookmakers, bookmaking, 141, 152, 241
credit rating system of, 60
descriptions of operations run by, 29–32, 48–50
FBI crackdown on, 58
information-sharing protocol with, 59–60
IRS sting operation, 148
odds on side of, 61
prompt payment by, 32
sports expertise unnecessary for, 29, 31–32
street tax paid by, 104
books, multiple sets of, 191, 213
Broadbent, Robert, 193
Brown, Bert, 85
Brown, Jay, 258
Bruce, Michael, 65–66
Buccieri, Edward “Marty,” 180–82, 183
Buccieri, Fiore “Fifi,” 41–17, 180, 284
early criminal career of, 42
in Spilotro’s locations, 148, 149
bullets, half-loaded, 159
Burbank, Calif., 167
Business Week, 192
Bybee, Shannon, 97, 99, 127, 206
Cadillac Eldorados, steel floor plates in, 324
Caesar’s Palace, 75, 76, 77, 85, 86, 90, 113, 163, 180
Rosenthal’s wedding at, 87–88, 223
California Law Journal, 213
Caramanis, Chris, 121
card counting, 92
Carson City, Nev., 191, 195, 197
Caselli, Jimmy, 76
cash boxes, 218–19
casino owners:
barred from count rooms, 16, 262
cheaters used to combat cheating at, 213
players’ illusory chances in, 14, 91
skimming money from, see skimming
sports book-betting introduced to, 12, 175, 190–92
see also specific casinos
Cedar Sinai Hospital, 332
Central States Teamster Pension Fund, 121
Cerone, Jackie, 33, 65, 105–6, 252, 287–88, 319, 336, 338, 339
Chamberlain, Wilt, 59
Chateau Vegas, 147
Chicago, Ill., 126, 129, 131–32, 143–44, 159, 161, 162, 179, 210, 246, 249, 287, 309
bookmaking operations in, 29–30, 48–50
Clifford’s visit to, 312–13
East Side of, 106
major organized crime figures in, 33, 37, 65, 186, 212
Rosenthal’s childhood and early criminal career in, 12, 24–32, 42–47, 48–50, 58
South Side of, 34
Spilotro’s childhood and early criminal career in, 33–41, 51–57, 103–9
West Side of, 24
Chicago Crime Commission, 58, 73, 108, 114, 306
Chicago Tribune, 108
Cimorelli, Gene, 97, 204, 220, 255, 256
Circus Circus casino, 113, 148, 211–12
Civella, Carl “Corky,” 249, 252, 255, 258, 264, 265, 267, 319, 337, 339
Civella, Nick, 138–39, 212, 217, 218, 226, 235, 248–49, 252, 260, 261, 264, 265, 267, 319, 338, 339
death of, 337
Clark, Gene, 74–75
Clark County Gaming and Licensing Board, 193
Cleveland, Ohio, 179, 262, 267
Clifford, Kent, 286–87, 311, 312–13, 327
Clode, Edward, 62
auxiliary banks for skimming of, 178–79, 214–15
weighing of, 17, 178, 179, 265
college basketball:
Rosenthal’s betting on, 27–29, 59–61, 91
Rosenthal’s bribery conviction and, 13, 68–69, 74, 98, 195, 225
Comiskey Park, 25
command posture, 150
comping, 241
of high rollers, 80, 93, 95–96
of Pavlikowski’s daughter’s wedding, 223
of Rosenthal’s wedding, 88
of Russell, 242–45
Congress, U.S., 67
Conrad, Robert, 233
Cook, John, 51–53
Cook, Marianne, 51
count rooms:
casino owners barred from, 16, 262
circumventing of, 177–79, 214, 218–19
description of, 16
see also skimming
crossroaders, 92, 94, 177, 213
Cuba, 263
Cullotta, Frank:
as author’s source, 33–41, 53–57, 103–6, 144–47, 152, 153, 155, 158–61, 163–64, 209, 237–38, 277, 287–88, 291–93, 309–11, 313–17, 320–22, 334, 346, 348
father’s driving career, 34
on Geri Rosenthal’s death, 334
on Goodman, 163–64
Las Vegas burglary ring of, 144–17, 148, 241, 307, 314–17, 318, 321
Lisner murdered by, 158–61
Spilotro’s childhood friendship with, 33–35
Spilotro’s murder contract on, 320–21
Spilotro’s nickname for, 37
thief’s career of, 34, 35–36, 51, 106, 109, 143
transactional immunity granted to, 322
Cullotta, Joe, 34
Cursoli, Frank, 90
Cusumano, Joey, 151, 156, 204, 238, 241, 278, 325
Daddano, William “Potatoes,” 37
Dade County Division of Public Safety, 13, 62, 98
Daley, Shirley, 204
Dardis, Martin, 62
cheating of, 15, 92–93, 204–5, 263, 264
women, 175
DeAngelis, Ronnie “Balloon Head,” 148
DeFeo, Mike “Iron Mike,” 257–60
Dellman, Jerry, 142
DeLuna, Carl “Toughy,” 137, 138, 139, 235–36, 250, 255, 256–57, 258, 265, 319, 339
Glick’s meeting with, 252–54, 338
jail terms received by, 268, 339
meticulous note-taking of, 249, 252, 259, 266–68, 337
Desert Inn, 90
DeStephano, “Crazy Sam” or
“Mad Sam,” 53, 103, 105, 107, 116
dice cheats, 213
DiFranza, Joey, 314
Dorfman, Allen, 210, 212, 218, 219–20, 221, 222, 242, 250, 255, 259–60, 313, 319
murder of, 336–37
Dorfman, Paul “Red,” 210
Doumani, Fred, 229
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 14
Echeverria, Pete, 193–94, 206–7, 223
Ehrenberg, Murray, 203–5, 208, 235, 277–78, 292, 294–95, 296, 297, 299, 305
embezzlement, skimming vs., 216
Enos, Ind., 344
Excalibur casino, 347
Eye in the Sky surveillance camera, 15, 94, 204, 206, 263, 264
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 18, 51, 75, 111, 128, 132, 177, 182, 185, 186, 194, 218, 235, 311–12, 324–25, 328, 345
Civella under surveillance of, 255–60, 264–66
Cullotta’s burglary gang busted by, 314–17
gambling crackdown by, 58, 64–65, 68
major mob figures arrested by, 267–68
Rosenthal bugged by, 68
Rosenthal-spilotro rift exploited by, 306
Spilotro’s eavesdropping on, 146, 148
Spilotro under surveillance of, 114, 148–55, 241–46, 285–86, 288, 308, 317
Fifth Amendment, 13, 65, 66–67, 74
finder’s fee, 180
First American Bank of Tennessee, 121, 124
First National Bank of Nevada, 290
Flamingo Hotel, 85, 177, 208, 347
Florida, 195
Rosenthal banned from horse and dog tracks in, 13, 68, 225
Florida State Racing Commission, 68
food and beverage kickbacks, 177, 217
Food Factory, 152
sports book-betting and, 191
Foreman murder case, Spilotro’s acquittal in, 114–16
Frank Rosenthal Show, The, 18, 226, 227–31, 233–34, 276
Glick’s acquisition of, 119, 123
skimming at, 178, 214, 219, 263–64
tipoff of raid received at, 215
gambling information, laws against interstate transmission of, 58, 67
“Gaming Agencies’ Efforts to Deprive Frank Rosenthal of Livelihood” (Rosenthal), 225
Gaming Control Board, see Nevada Gaming Control Board
gaming licenses, see key-employee licenses
Garmisa, Leonard, 242–45
George (bookmaker), 29–30
Gersky, Joe, 318
Giancana, Sam “Mooney,” 33, 67, 106, 107, 205
Gilson, Red, 234
gin rummy, 54
Glick, Allen, 119–40, 167, 175–87, 192, 229, 246, 247–55
cars and aircraft of, 175
casino interests sold by, 255, 256
Edward Buccieri’s murder and, 180–82, 183
gaming license of, 121, 127–28
governmental agencies office
Hacienda acquired by, 120, 121–23, 176
mob bosses’ buyout plan for, 249–52, 255–56
mob bosses’ meetings with, 137–40, 205–6, 210, 252–54, 338
Rand’s murder and, 182–85, 248
as real estate developer, 120–21, 122–23
at Rosenthal’s gaming license hearing, 196–97
Rosenthal’s relationship with, 133–37, 139–40, 170–72, 176, 180–81, 192, 193, 195, 205, 221–22, 234–35, 249–52
shady financial dealings of, 176, 247–48
Stardust acquired by, 119–20, 123–31, 180
Stardust skim operations not noticed by, 177, 186–87, 216–17, 221–22, 248
Teamster pension fund loans made to, 121–31, 132, 138–39, 140, 180, 184, 185, 186, 188, 210, 247–48, 338
testimony of, 338
Glick, Kathy, 167
gofers, 60
Golden Nugget, 340
Goldenstein, Solomon, 52
Gold Rush Jewelry Store, 148, 152, 153, 154, 242, 259, 317
Goldstein, Ruby, 323
Gomes, Dennis, 213–16
Goodman, Oscar, 153–54, 163–64, 165, 195, 206, 207, 225, 234, 238, 252, 253, 258, 285, 303, 311–12, 317, 338
Grandy, John, 142–43
Grant, Cary, 262
Green, Johnny, 27–28
Green, Sam, 50
Green, Stanley, 323
Griffin, Bob, 177
grind shows, 90
Griswold, Erwin, 225
Guardino, Leo, 314
Gustafson, Deil, 267
Hacienda, 126, 128, 130, 180, 241, 308
Glick’s acquisition of, 120, 121–23, 176
Rosenthal’s evaluation report on, 193
half-loaded bullets, 159
Hall, Bud, Jr., 142, 148–52, 154–55, 187, 241
Hannifin, Phil, 189–91, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197
Hansen, Joe, 35
Harbor General Hospital, 304–5
Hart, Gary, 258
Hartman, George, 96–97
Hegarty, Edward D., 346
Hicks, Johnny, 84–86, 208, 233
high rollers, 79, 142, 158, 340
favorite casinos of, 90
types of, 95
Hilton, 14
Hoffa, James R., 210
Hole in the Wall Gang, 146, 317, 318
Hoover, J. Edgar, 68
horse racing:
Rosenthal’s Florida banishment from, 13, 68
Horseshoe Casino, 233
Hôtel de Paris, 53
Hough, Hugh, 307
Hudson, Dave, 345
Hunchback Bobby, 76
Hustler, The, 230
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), U.S., 260
Inadmissible Evidence, 337
Inserro, Vinnie, 39
insurance brokers, 145–46
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 108, 109, 121, 122, 148, 177, 242, 257, 347
Interpol, 52
Jenkins, Gary, 266
Jenner and Block, 127
Jerry’s Lounge, 54
J. K. Sports Journal, 50
Jubilation nightclub, 228, 237, 276, 278, 291
Justice Department, U.S., 13, 68, 194–95, 336
Organized Crime Strike Force, 257, 317
Kane, Marty, 229, 241, 323, 324
Kansas City, Mo., 59, 137–38, 179, 255–58, 267, 338
Kaspar, Marc, 311–12
Keeton, William, 114
Kefauver Crime Committee, 58
key-employee (gaming) licenses, 226
background inquiries made for, 97
denied to Rosenthal, 18, 97–99, 115, 133, 169, 176, 192–99, 260
of Stardust, 340
KG (known gamblers) lists, 58
Khashoggi, Adnan, 95–96
kickbacks, 51, 80, 177, 210, 217, 218
Kilgore, Gerald, 50
Kilm, “Red,” 163
Kinz, Mike, 344–45
Kloud, Suzanne, 279–80
Korea, 13
KSHO television, 234
Laguna Niguel, Calif., 341, 344
Lake Geneva, 71
Lamb, Ralph, 112
Lambie, William K., Jr., 306
Lansky, Jake, 262
Las Vegas, Nev.:
annual gambling revenues in, 14
Geri Rosenthal’s move to, 83
increased murder rate in, 163
kickbacks in, 80
postmob ambience of, 347–48
Rosenthal’s move to, 70–76
as “second-chance” city, 13–14
“settling down” in, 89
Spilotro’s effect on, 141–2, 163
Spilotro’s move to, 109–13, 141
stucco house construction in, 146
Las Vegas Country Club, 17, 113
Las Vegas District Court, 206, 222–23
Las Vegas Metro Police Department, 324–25
blacks and, 310–11
Frank Bluestein killed by, 308–11, 313
intelligence division of, 286, 311
Pasquale Spilotro picked up by, 311–12
Rosenthal refused protection by, 327
Rosenthal’s lawsuit against, 305
Rosenthals’ marital squabbles and, 295–99, 300–302, 305
Rosenthal welcomed to Las Vegas by, 73–75
Spilotro’s employment of members of, 148, 155, 241–12, 257–58
tough reputation of, 110
Las Vegas Review Journal, 195
Las Vegas Sheriff’s Office, 79, 144
Las Vegas Sun, 223
Las Vegas Valley Bank, 125, 208
lavenders, 94
Lawry, Barbara, 323
Laxalt, Paul, 257
Leaning Tower of Pizza, 141
Learjets, 124, 167, 170, 171, 195, 274
Lido Show, 90, 96, 134, 229, 252
“Lifetime of Betting and Being an Oddsmaker and Handicapper” (Rosenthal), 225
“like,” in betting parlance, 27
Lisner, Jerry, 158–61
by Spilotro, 51, 54, 104, 113, 241
Lockheed Aero Jet, 83
Lombardo, Joseph “Joe the Clown,” 37, 51, 104, 242, 245, 287, 312–14, 319, 336
Lonardo, Joe, 338
Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, 332
Los Angeles Probate Court, 336
Los Angeles Times, 184, 313, 332
McBride, Harry, 223
McClellan Subcommittee on Gambling and Organized Crime, Rosenthal questioned by, 13, 65, 66–67, 74, 98
McGee, Ingram, 82
McNair, Barbara, 163
Mafia, see mob bosses; organized crime
Maldonado, Lawrence, 332
Manzi, Rick, 163
Marcus, Matt, 152
Marina, 178
Mark Seven Tavern, 38
Marmor, Lenny, 81, 232, 333, 335
Geri Rosenthal’s relationship with, 79, 82, 83, 84, 88, 167, 168, 208, 231, 272, 273, 274, 275, 288
Marmor, Robin, 79, 83, 84, 166, 167, 232, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 291, 333, 335, 336
Martin, Charlotte, 333
Matecki, Wayne, 144, 159, 287, 314
Maus, Richard, 332
Mazatlán, 216
meat companies, mob-owned, 114
Mendelson, Mark, 343–44
Mexico, 216
Michaels, Emmett, 285–86
Michigan, University of, 65
million dollars, weights of various forms of, 17, 177
Milwaukee, Wisc., 126, 127, 128, 179, 182, 186
Minnesota Fats, 230–31
Mirage, 347
Mission Viejo Nadadores, 341
Mitchell, John, 13
mob, see organized crime
advice on automobiles from, 36
arrests of, 267–68
Clifford’s visit to, 312–13
fates of, 336–39
Glick’s meetings with, 137–40, 205–6, 210, 252–54, 338
kickbacks paid to, 51
plan to force out Glick by, 249–52, 255–56
potential witnesses ordered killed by, 320
Rosenthal’s handicapping for, 42, 57
Rosenthal’s relationship with, 42–45, 65, 100, 132, 170, 176, 235–36, 287–88, 303, 306
and Spilotro’s affair with Geri Rosenthal, 287–88, 303, 306
Spilotro’s death and, 346
Spilotro’s Las Vegas activities and, 111, 112, 147, 162, 239, 241, 242–46
Stardust controlled by, 90, 96–97, 132, 135, 136, 151, 216–17
see also organized crime
Monday night football, 76, 191
motion detectors, 315
Mount Sinai Memorial Park, 335
Multiple Sports Service, 50
Murray, Rich, 311–12
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 234
National Football League (NFL), 91
Neely, Steven, 124
Neumann, Larry, 144, 147, 287, 315, 316
Nevada Gaming Control Board, 121, 127, 178, 191, 213, 228–29, 255, 260, 278
Glick licensed by, 121, 127–28
Rosenthal’s connection to commissioner of, 189–90, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197
Rosenthal’s key-employee license denied by, 18, 97–99, 115, 133, 169, 176, 192–99, 260
Rosenthal’s lawsuits against, 203–4, 206–7, 224–25, 234–35
Rosenthal’s lawsuits against, rulings in, 222–23, 224
Stardust’s license suspended by, 340
Nevada Supreme Court, 224
Newport, Ky., 30
Newton, Wayne, 307
Nicoletti, Charles “Chuckie,” 37, 40, 41
nolo contendere plea, of Rosenthal, 69, 74, 98
no-limit bets, 23
North Avenue Steak House, 105
North Bay Village Department, 62
North Carolina, Rosenthal’s college basketball bribery plea in, 13, 68–69, 74, 195, 225
O’Brien, John, 108
odds spread, 23
Oregon, University of, 65
organized crime:
Jews in, 238
major Chicago figures in, 33
Spilotro’s introduction to figures in, 37
see also mob bosses
Organized Crime Strike Force, 257, 317
outfit, see mob bosses; organized crime
Palace Court Restaurant, 137
Palm Room, 134
paper, slang meaning of, 144
Paprocky, Ray, 68
Paris, 52
Parsons, Charlie, 320–21, 322, 326
past-posting, 190
Patsy’s Restaurant, 33
Pavlikowski, Joseph, 87, 222–23, 224
Peck, Gregory, 242, 244, 245–46
Pellichio, Linda, 83–84
Percodan, 169–70
Peyton, Pam, 227–29
Pignatelli, Joseph “Joe Pig,” 209
Pinky (Rosenthal’s girlfriend), 232
pit bosses, 92
Pless, John, 346
point shaving, 65–66
bagmen for, 61
bookmaking operations protected by, 30, 48, 58
Pump Room, 131
quaaludes, 158
Quinn & Peebles, 260
Race and Sports Book, 186, 217
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 322
Recrion Corporation, 119, 123, 125, 126, 131
Reliance Electric Company, 17
Ricca, Paul “the Waiter,” 33
Rice, Downey, 98
Rice, John, 324
Rich, Charlie “Cuby,” 262
RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act), 322
Riviera, 100
Rockman, Milton Maishe, 267, 336, 338, 339
Rocky’s Lounge, 287
Roemer, William, 43–47, 106–8, 115–16, 346
Spilotro’s nickname bestowed by, 108
Rogers, Linda, 195
Rojas, Rosa, 155–58
Romano, Sal, 314, 315, 316, 318, 321
room clerks, 217
Rose Bowl, 147
Rosenthal, Frank “Lefty:”
Beckley’s advice to, 48–50
betting terms used by, 57
birth of, 24
bugging of own phone by, 288–90
car bombing of, 11–12, 18, 19, 322–28
casino ban of, 348
casino work of, see Stardust
character of, 12, 133, 134, 135, 181–82, 198, 251, 271, 277, 294
college basketball bribery nolo plea of, 13, 68–69, 74, 98, 195, 225
DeLuna’s code name for, 249
early criminal activities of, 12
FBI’s bugging of, 68
first bookmaking arrest of, 58
first marriage of, 84
first racetrack experiences of, 24–25
Florida race track ban against, 13, 68, 225
gambling and racketeering indictment against, 13
Gaming Control Board sued by, 203–4, 206–7, 224–25, 234–35
Geri Rosenthal’s death and, 333–34
girlfriends of, 165, 208, 231–32, 271–72, 275–76, 279–80, 292
handicapping expertise of, 24–32, 53–57
key-employee license denied to, 18, 97–99, 115, 133, 169, 176, 192–99, 260
Las Vegas home of, 17
McClellan Subcommittee’s questioning of, 13, 65, 66–67, 74, 98
move to Las Vegas by, 70–76
newspaper column written by, 226
office of, 181
and proposed buyout of Glick, 249–51, 255, 256
race horses owned by, 290
second marriage of, see Rosenthal, Geri McGee
self-investigation of, 194
on skimming, 212–13
skimming operations and, 219, 222
Spilotro’s relationship with, 53, 54–57, 63–64, 103, 110–12, 114–15, 161–63, 173–74, 195–96, 206, 219, 220, 237–40, 277–78, 284, 291–92, 303, 306–7, 311, 325, 328
sports book-betting introduced to Las Vegas by, 12
television talk show hosted by, 18, 226, 227–31, 233–34, 276
twilight years of, 348
unhipness of, 171
Rosenthal, Geri McGee, 17, 91, 113
alcohol and drug use of, 80, 88, 111, 166, 168, 169–73, 207, 209, 269–70, 271, 272, 277, 279, 283, 290, 304, 331, 332, 335
attempted shootings of Rosenthal by, 269–70, 296–99
background of, 81–84
chip hustling of, 76–78, 79, 87
death of, 332–35
estate of, 336
independence of, 168–69
life after divorce of, 330–32
million-dollar jewelry gift from Rosenthal to, 87, 208–9, 305
old boyfriend of, see Marmor, Lenny
physical beauty of, 76, 86–87, 174, 279, 284
in psychiatric ward, 304–5
quit claim agreement between Rosenthal and, 290
Rosenthal’s divorce from, 304–5
Rosenthal’s first meeting and early relationship with, 76–78, 80–81, 83, 84–87
Rosenthal’s relationship with, 87–88, 89, 165–74, 207–9, 231–33, 269–93, 294–305, 329, 330–32
safety deposit boxes of Rosenthal and, 208–9, 273, 275, 290, 300–302
Spilotro’s affair with, 18, 209, 273, 274–75, 276, 281–93, 296, 299, 303–4, 306, 326
wedding of Rosenthal and, 87–88, 223
Rosenthal, Stephanie, 273, 333, 336
birth of, 166
competitive swimming by, 289, 290, 340–44
Geri Rosenthal’s relationship with, 166, 173–74, 278–79
in Rosenthals’ marital disputes, 278–79, 280–81, 290, 295, 305
Steven Rosenthal’s relationship with, 167, 173–74, 342
Rosenthal, Steven, 89, 165, 172, 233, 273, 330, 333, 336
competitive swimming by, 289, 290, 340, 341, 342
Geri Rosenthal’s relationship with, 208, 271
in Rosenthals’ marital disputes, 278–79, 280–81, 290, 295, 305
Stephanie Rosenthal’s relationship with, 167, 173–74, 342
Rossen, Robert, 230
roulette wheels, 92
Russel, Barbara, 242–45
Sachs, Al, 96–97, 99–102, 119, 133
Sahara casino, 311–12
Salerno, Lou, 145
Sam (bookmaker), 29–30
Sammy Pigs, 37
San Diego Union, 184
Saratoga Development Corporation, 217
Sarno, Jay, 211
scales, for coin counting and weighing, 17, 178, 179, 209
Scalfaro, Tommy, 169–70
Schiro, Paulie, 35
scramblers, 148
Seagrave, Jim, 229
Secret Service, 323
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 119, 125, 209–10, 247–48
Select Sports Service, 70
Shandell, Dean, 75
shavers (phoney dice), 15
Shenker, Morris, 123
Sheraton, 14
Sherman Oaks, Calif., 81
Sheryl (Spilotro’s girlfriend), 154, 155–58
shoe shining, 33–34
shylocks, see loan-sharking
Siegel, “Bugsy,” 14, 177, 263, 347
Siegfried and Roy, 175–76
Simplot, J. R., 125–26
Simpson, O. J., 230
skimming, 91, 141, 176–87, 235, 260
dishonesty and, 261–64, 265–66
distribution of proceeds from, 179, 257, 267
embezzlement vs., 216
methods of, 16–17, 177–79, 217, 265
murders as result of perceived threats to, 180–86
small scale vs. organized, 212–13
at Stardust, 176–79, 180, 186–87, 209–19, 222, 248, 264, 319, 336, 340
at Tropicana, 257, 261–62, 264–66, 319, 336
slot machines:
as largest casino revenue source, 340
stealing money from, 92, 93, 177–78, 213, 214–15
Slots O’Fun, 265
Smith, Sandy, 108
Solomon, Bibi, 167
Solomon, Harry, 167–68
Solomon, Kenny, 125
Speciale, Jasper, 141
speed dialing, 60
Spero brothers, 255
Spilotro, Anthony “Tony the Ant”:
antisurveillance precautions taken by, 55, 113, 148, 150, 152, 288
brothers of, 33, 112, 155, 239, 284
Buccieri’s death threat to, 46–47
character of, 107–8, 114, 143, 148–51, 156
Chicago mob bosses’ connection to Las Vegas activities of, 111, 112, 147, 162, 239, 241, 242–46
childhood of, 33–35
coded handwritten notes of, 149
compartmentalization by, 53–54
conviction-free Las Vegas record of, 163
Cullotta’s burglary rings and, 18, 35–36, 51, 53, 144–47, 148, 241, 307, 314–17, 318, 321
Cullotta’s childhood friendship with, 33–35
Cullotta’s hit ordered by, 320–21
early criminal activities of, 35–36, 51, 103–9
Edward Buccieri’s murder assigned to, 182
European diamond-heisting trip of, 51–53
FBI surveillance of, 114, 148–55, 241–46, 285–86, 288, 308, 317
in first mob hit, 37–41, 103, 114
gambling by, 55–57, 64, 148, 152, 277–78
Geri Rosenthal’s affair with, 18, 209, 273, 274–75, 276, 281–93, 296, 299, 303–4, 306, 326
gift and jewelry shops owned by, 113, 148
gin rummy expertise of, 54
heart condition of, 339
hit requests made by, 239–40
last arrest and trial of, 317–18, 339, 345
Las Vegas move of, 109–13, 141
Lisner’s murder ordered by, 158–62
marriage of, see Spilotro, Nancy
as master thief, 51
mob ambition of, 37, 103, 106, 240
murder of, 344–46
murder raps eluded by, 114–17, 163
origin of nickname of, 108
perpetual tardiness of, 71
police and IRS sued by, 103, 108, 109
restaurant checks always paid by, 144
Rosenthal chauffeured to Chicago airport by, 71–73
Rosenthal’s relationship with, 53, 54–57, 63–64, 103, 110–12, 114–15, 161–63, 173–74, 195–96, 206, 219, 220, 237–40, 277–78, 284, 291–92, 303, 306–7, 311, 325, 328
Stardust hiring influence of, 151–52
state-wide casino ban on, 311
street tax imposed by, 142, 144–45
as suspect in Rosenthal’s car bombing, 18, 326, 328, 329
tea drinking habit of, 152
volatile temper of, 150
Spilotro, Antoinette, 35
Spilotro, Arlene, 116
Spilotro, Johnny, 33, 116, 153, 157, 313
murder of, 344–46
Spilotro, Nancy, 51, 53, 54, 109, 110, 111, 112–13, 116, 157, 209, 284, 285, 286, 293, 296, 299
Spilotro’s relationship with, 150, 154–55
Spilotro, Pasquale, 312
Spilotro, Patrick, 33
Spilotro, Vincent (Anthony Spilotro’s brother), 33
Spilotro, Vincent (Anthony Spilotro’s son), 53, 109, 112, 113, 150, 155, 157, 289
sponsors, 286
Sporadic, “Crazy Bob,” 35
sports book-betting, 12, 175, 190–92
Stacy (sports bettor), 25–26
Stardust, 12, 17, 145, 189, 190, 233–34, 347
auxiliary banks at, 178–79, 214–15
Chicago mob’s control of, 90, 96–97, 132, 135, 136, 151, 216–17
gaming license suspended at, 340
Glick’s purchase of, 119–20, 123–31, 180
history of, 90
investigations of skimming at, 213–16, 248, 340
Rosenthal’s control of, 97, 99, 132–37, 139–10, 175, 188, 189, 192–93, 198, 204–5, 219–20, 222–23, 224–26, 235
Rosenthal’s court-ordered rehiring at, 222–23
Rosenthal’s first jobs at, 89–97
Rosenthal’s home electronic and telephone connections to, 204, 206
Rosenthal’s phony job titles at, 99, 133, 151, 188, 192, 198–99, 224, 234–35
skimming at, 176–79, 180, 186–87, 209–19, 222, 248, 264, 319, 336, 340
Spilotro at, 277–78
Spilotro’s hiring influence at, 151–52
Thomas in charge of skimming at, 210–12, 217–19, 220–22
Stardust Sports Book, 151, 190–92, 241
Stein, Danny, 86
Stella, Bobby, 90, 93, 94, 97, 99, 143, 145, 189, 204–5, 216, 220, 255, 256, 270
Stokich, Barbara McGee, 79, 81, 209, 280–81, 282
as author’s source, 82–84, 165–66, 172–73, 207, 208, 271–72, 275, 334–35
street tax:
paid to crime organizations, 30, 104
Spilotro’s imposition of, 142, 144–45
Strohlein, Gene, 177
stucco house construction, 146
subs, 92–93
Superbowl, 191
Supreme Court, U.S., 203, 225, 234
surveillance planes, 285–86
Teamsters Union, 64, 212, 259, 313, 348
collapse of empire of, 248
pension fund loans to Glick from, 121–31, 132, 138–39, 140, 180, 184, 185, 186, 188, 210, 247–48, 338
telephone lines, for bookmaking operations, 30, 60
telephone scramblers, 148
Thomas, Carl Wesley, 224, 257, 319
in charge of Stardust skim, 210–12, 217–19, 220–22
in charge of Tropicana skim, 261, 264–66
thousand-dollar bills, 145
Thunderbird Casino, 85
Toledo Blacky, 76
Toledo coin-weighing scales, 17, 178, 179, 209
Tony Roma’s, 322–23
Torello, Jimmy “Turk,” 37, 65, 104, 249, 252
Torrance, Calif., 304
Torres, Eddy, 100
transactional immunity, 322
Transworld Van Lines, 109, 110
Treasure Island casino, 347
Tropicana, 75, 76, 77, 79, 86, 87, 182, 225–26, 235, 252, 257, 260, 267, 340
skimming at, 257, 261–62, 264–66, 319, 336
Tuinal, 283
turns, 93
undercover operations, 153–54
Upper Crust Pizzeria, 145, 292, 307, 308
Vandermark, George Jay, 177–79, 186, 213, 215–16
Van Nuys High School, 81
Vargas, Ray, 80
Villa Capri Pizzeria, 255, 258
Villa d’Este, 209
walls, entry to houses through, 146
Wall Street Journal, 248
Wardle, Lori, 323–24
Webb, Dell, 263
Western Union wires, in book-making operations, 29, 30, 70
whales, 95
Williams, Roy, 139, 319, 336, 339
Wimpy’s Restaurant, 268
wires, wearing of, 153–54
wiretaps, 13, 144, 235–36, 268, 336
of Spilotro, 242–46, 259, 317–18, 346
witness protection program, 326
women, as blackjack dealers, 175
Woodbury Business School, 82–83
Wrigley Field, 25
Wynn, Steve, 340
Yablonsky, Joseph, 326
zappers, 95