Orangey Watermelon

Try dressing up this juice with watermelon balls on a cocktail skewer. The juice — and added melon — will help manage water retention and reduce bloat.

Yield: 114 cups


1 cup watermelon

1 orange, peeled

Juice watermelon and orange. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 110 Fat: .48 g
Protein: 2.9 g Sodium: 1.5 mg
Fiber: 2.8 g Carbohydrates: 28 g
Sugar: 22 g

Mini Melons

Watermelons are available in small individual sizes. They are about the size of a cantaloupe melon.

To Your Heart! Juice

The healthful ingredients in this robust juice contain nutrients that help repair oxidative damage, which contributes to heart disease and other heart problems.

Yield: 114 cups


1 celery stalk, leaves intact

1 cup wheatgrass

1 fist spinach leaves

12 lemon, peeled

2 kale leaves

Juice ingredients in order. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 72 Fat: 1 g
Protein: 3 g Sodium: 100 mg
Fiber: 4 g Carbohydrates: 8 g
Sugar: 2 g


Wheatgrass does not affect people who are allergic to grains. It is said to increase red blood cell count and lower blood pressure. Wheatgrass has a high concentration of vitamins and enzymes, and it is also a good source of chlorophyll.

Dilly Melon

This refreshing drink contains garlic, which is an old fashioned cure for water retention and boasts numerous other health benefits.

Yield: 1 cup


14 cantaloupe, peeled

2 whole garlic cloves

Fresh baby dill sprigs

Juice cantaloupe and garlic. Stir and garnish with dill.

Per Serving
Calories: 86 Fat: 0.57 g
Protein: 2.8 g Sodium: 32 mg
Fiber: 2.1 g Carbohydrates: 24 g
Sugar: 14 g

Sparkly Lemon

This juice is a great one to enjoy when you’re trying to lose a few pounds. The citrus flavor helps to satisfy cravings while the sparkling water adds a splash of excitement to your diet.

Yield: 114 cup


1 lemon, rind intact

1 lime, rind intact

1 cup sparkling water

Halve lemon and lime. Juice. Add sparkling water to lemon-lime juice. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 42 Fat: 0.51 g
Protein: 1.7 g Sodium: 6.9 mg
Fiber: 7.4 g Carbohydrates: 19 g
Sugar: 1 g

When Life Hands You Lemons …

California is the leading producer of lemons in the United States. They are available year round. Make sure you juice a lemon immediately before you’re going to use it. Lemons lose 20 percent of their vitamin C after eight hours at room temperature.

Seven Vegetable

Bursting with antioxidant, this bold juice is good for preventing illness.

Yield: 112 cups


2 Roma tomatoes

1 celery stalk, leaves intact

1 fist parsley

2 carrots, peeled

1 green onion

1 cup cauliflower

2 cloves garlic

Blanch tomatoes by placing in boiling water for 30 seconds and then transferring to an ice bath. Juice ingredients in the order listed. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 188 Fat: 1 g
Protein: 7 g Sodium: 177 mg
Fiber: 12 g Carbohydrates: 50 g
Sugar: 23g


Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes. It has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate, ovarian, and cervical cancer.

Gramma’s Apple Pie Juice

This dessert-esque juice will not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but it’s also good for weight loss as it will help combat cravings.

Yield: 112 cups


3 Granny Smith apples, cored

1 teaspoon cinnamon

Juice apples. Add cinnamon and stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 136 Fat: 0.63 g
Protein: 0.088 g Sodium: 3.1 mg
Fiber: 6.2 g Carbohydrates: 37 g
Sugar: 27 g

Melon Cucumber Pear

If you’ve been thinking of trying a juice fast, this low-calorie, high-fiber drink is a good one to work into your fast.

Yield: 1 cup


1 cucumber, peeled

12 honeydew melon or cantaloupe, rind removed

1 pear

Juice cucumber, melon, and pear. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 203 Fat: 0.77 g
Protein: 4.1 g Sodium: 68 mg
Fiber: 8.7 g Carbohydrates: 58 g
Sugar: 39 g

Pineapply Peach

This juice, a good one for fasting, is a great source of fiber. You can thin it out with water if it’s too thick for your liking, or add a splash of seltzer to add some sparkle to your drink.

Yield: 112 cups


1 cup fresh pineapple

1 peach

Juice pineapple. Juice peach. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 131 Fat: 0.52 g
Protein: 3.1 g Sodium: 1.6 mg
Fiber: 3.1 g Carbohydrates: 35 g
Sugar: 28 g

Please don’t squeeze the peaches

Peaches are available from May to October in the United States. Peach skin color ranges from light pinkish white to a yellow gold. Peaches bruise very easily, so try to select ones that do not have soft spots. Don’t squeeze the fruit; even a gentle squeeze can bruise it.

Melon Berry

The water in this and any homemade juice isn’t just ordinary water. It’s bursting with vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.

Yield: 112 cups


12 cantaloupe, rind removed

1 cup strawberries

Juice cantaloupe and strawberries. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 170 Fat: 1.2 g
Protein: 4.6 g Sodium: 59 mg
Fiber: 6.6 g Carbohydrates: 32 g
Sugar: 25 g

Cucumbery Pepper

To give this juice a sweeter flavor, use sweet bell peppers (red, orange, or yellow) versus the grassier-tasting green peppers.

Yield: 1 cup


1 cucumber, peeled

1 celery stalk

12 green bell pepper

Juice cucumbers, celery, and pepper. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 40 Fat: 0.21 g
Protein: 2 g Sodium: 46 mg
Fiber: 2.9 g Carbohydrates: 17 g
Sugar: 9 g


Cucumbers are available year round. Store them unwashed in your refrigerator for up to ten days. Wash them just before using. Leftover cucumbers can be refrigerated again; just tightly wrap them in plastic and they will keep for up to five days.

Papaya Strawberry

Packed with Vitamin C, this juice is a perfect one to enjoy when you’re fighting a cold.

Yield: 1 cup


1 cup strawberries, hulls intact

1 papaya, seeded and peeled

1 banana, peeled

Juice berries and papaya separately. Blend juices. Add banana and blend until smooth.

Per Serving
Calories: 152 Fat: 0.87 g
Protein: 3.1 g Sodium: 4.5 mg
Fiber: 7 g Carbohydrates: 42 g
Sugar: 24 g

The Power of Peels

Papaya peels can be added to meat marinades to help tenderize the meat. They will not impart a flavor to the meat, but they will make it more tender. Papaya juice is used to take the sting out of a jellyfish bite.

Plum Cherry

A great source of antioxidants, cherries can help to slow premature aging and stop migraine headaches.

Yield: 1 cup


112 cups cherries, pitted

2 black plums, pitted

Juice cherries and plums. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 99 Fat: 0.6 g
Protein: 1.7 g Sodium: 2.3 mg
Fiber: 3.1 g Carbohydrates: 43 g
Sugar: 33 g


Watermelon is a great source of electrolytes and also makes for a refreshing summer snack — or juice! Add a sprig of mint to dress up this delicious, nutritious drink.

Yield: 1 cup


1 cup watermelon, rind removed

1 lime, peeled

Juice watermelon and lime. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 65 Fat: 0.32 g
Protein: 2.2 g Sodium: 2.8 mg
Fiber: 2 g Carbohydrates: 20 g
Sugar: 11 g


Watermelon is native to Africa. The most popular in the United States is the long oval shaped variety or striped two-tone green. They average fifteen to thirty-five pounds. Watermelon is available May through September. In Japan, farmers figured out a way to grow square watermelons to save space. However, they cost a premium.

Carrot Celery

When preparing this juice, be sure to use full-grown versus baby carrots to maximize flavor. It’s important to remove those carrot greens found on organic carrots or carrots you grow in your garden. They’re pretty, but they rob carrots of moisture and vitamins.

Yield 1 cup


3 carrots, peeled

2 stalks celery, leaves intact

Juice carrots and celery. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 155 Fat: 0.23 g
Protein: 4 g Sodium: 198 mg
Fiber: 11 g Carbohydrates: 40 g
Sugar: 19 g

Leafy Green

Dark, leafy green vegetables are excellent detoxifiers. This packed-with-vitamins juice is high in fiber and full of vitamins, making it an ideal part of any juice fast.

Yield: 1 quart


1 bunch spinach

1 cucumber, peeled

12 bunch celery, leaves intact

1 bunch parsley

12" piece fresh ginger root

2 apples, cored

12 lime, peeled

12 lemon, peeled

Juice ingredients in order. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 225 Fat: 2.6 g
Protein: 14 g Sodium: 461 mg
Fiber: 17 g Carbohydrates: 48 g
Sugar: 28 g

The Benefits of Green Juice

Green juice provides enzymes that the body needs to digest food as well as substantial amounts of chlorophyll, which increases the flow of oxygen in our bodies.

Zesty Melon

While not everyone is wild about this naturally spicy root, fresh ginger adds great flavor and digestive benefits to anything it’s added.

Yield: 34 cup


12 cantaloupe, peeled

14" slice fresh ginger root

12 lemon, peeled

Juice cantaloupe, ginger root and lemon. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 137 Fat: 0.98 g
Protein: 4 g Sodium: 59 mg
Fiber: 4.6 g Carbohydrates: 17 g
Sugar: 15 g

Cantaloupe Watermelon

This recipe is comprised solely of fruits that are bursting with beta-carotene, vitamin C, and potassium. It’s a great juice for detoxing.

Yield: 112 cups


1 cup watermelon, rind removed

1 cup cantaloupe, rind removed

1 orange, peeled

Juice melons and orange. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 164 Fat: 0.83 g
Protein: 4.5 g Sodium: 27 mg
Fiber: 0.83 g Carbohydrates: 43 g
Sugar: 36 g

A Cantaloupe by Any Other Name

Cantaloupe was named for a castle in Italy. Real cantaloupe is from Europe and is not exported. American cantaloupe is technically called muskmelon; the fruit was probably introduced to North America in the sixteenth century. Cantaloupe should have a netting appearance on a beige-colored skin when it is ripe.

Honeydew Orange

Not sure if the honeydew melons you picked up are at their peak freshness? When these year-round melons are perfectly ripe, their skin is wrinkled.

Yield: 112 cups


12 honeydew melon, peeled

12 orange, peeled

12 cup watermelon, peeled

Juice melons and orange. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 183 Fat: 0.13 g
Protein: 3.4 g Sodium: 64 mg
Fiber: 4.2 g Carbohydrates: 31 g
Sugar: 25 g

Citrusy Cucumber

While not necessarily an expected pairing, tangy citrus and soothing cucumber make for a refreshing juice.

Yield: 34 cup


Recipe ingredients are set in normal flush-left style.

1 cucumber, peeled

1 orange, peeled

14" slice ginger root

Juice cucumber, orange, and ginger root. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 95 Fat: 0.4 g
Protein: 2.6 g Sodium: 5.1 mg
Fiber: 0.4 g Carbohydrates: 29 g
Sugar: 19 g

Punched-Up Juice

Miss that sweet taste of fruit punch you liked so much as a kid? Now you can enjoy that flavor without the extra sugar!

Yield: 1 cup


1 cup red grapes

1 red apple, cored

5 cherries, pitted

12 lemon, peeled

Juice ingredients in order listed. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 144 Fat: 0.8 g
Protein: 2.1 g Sodium: 5.6 mg
Fiber: 4.4 g Carbohydrates: 41 g
Sugar: 32 g

Punch it Up

The word punch actually goes back to the year 1632! Many punches are made with wine or rum. Many fruit punches on the market are dyed red and have only a small portion of actual fruit in them. They are filled with corn syrup, citric acid, and artificial flavors. Juice your own to truly reap the nutritional benefits.

Apple Pepper

Named for their shape, you can use any color bell pepper in this juice.

Yield: 1 cup


2 red apples, cored

1 bell pepper

Juice apples and pepper. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 97 Fat: 0.28 g
Protein: 1 g Sodium: 3.3 mg
Fiber: 4.6 g Carbohydrates: 32 g
Sugar: 17 g

Carrot Beet Cucumber

This hearty juice is high in fiber and protein, and will help to keep you full between meals or while juice fasting.

Yield: 114 cups


3 carrots, peeled

1 cucumber, peeled

2 beets, greens removed

1 celery stalk, leaves intact

Juice ingredients in order listed. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 244 Fat: 0.48 g
Protein: 7.8 g Sodium: 292 mg
Fiber: 16 g Carbohydrates: 69 g
Sugar: 38 g

Carrot Mango

High in selenium and beta-carotene, this is a great juice to on a day when you need your mind to be particularly sharp. It’s brain food in a glass!

Yield: 1 cup


3 carrots, peeled

1 mango, peeled and pitted

Juice carrots and mango. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 276 Fat: 0.46 g
Protein: 5.1 g Sodium: 121 mg
Fiber: 13 g Carbohydrates: 74 g
Sugar: 50 g

Get Your Carrots in Top Shape

Carrots can be stored refrigerated in a plastic bag for three to four weeks. If your carrots are limp, crisp them up in a bowl of ice water.

Grapefruit Apple

Grapefruit is a great source of Vitamin C, but many people find it too bitter to enjoy on its own. Rather than sprinkling with sugar, enjoy grapefruit in the liquid form along with sweet, red apples and you’ll get all the Vitamin C without the added sugar.

Yield: 1 cup


2 red apples

12 pink grapefruit, peeled

Juice apple and grapefruits. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 167 Fat: 0.69 g
Protein: 1.2 g Sodium: 2.5 mg
Fiber: 6.2 g Carbohydrates: 33 g
Sugar: 17 g

Cabbage Broccoli

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that contains Vitamins A and C. It’s great for weight loss, and this juice is a good one to try if you’re experimenting with a juice fast.

Yield: 112 cups


1 cup broccoli

14 small head red cabbage

3 romaine lettuce leaves

Juice broccoli. Set aside. Juice cabbage and lettuce. Stir together.

Per Serving
Calories: 48 Fat: 0.41 g
Protein: 3.3 g Sodium: 43 mg
Fiber: 4 g Carbohydrates: 9.6 g
Sugar: 3.4 g

Banana Blueberry

Blueberries are super foods. They’re high in antioxidants, which protect the cells in your body from free radicals. Enjoy this juice when you feel a cold coming on, you’re fighting a bladder infection, or just need a healthy boost in energy.

Yield: 112 cups


2 cups blueberries

1 banana, peeled

Juice blueberries. Add banana and blend well. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 241 Fat: 1.2 g
Protein: 3.8 g Sodium: 3.7 mg
Fiber: 8 g Carbohydrates: 59 g
Sugar: 38 g

Blueberries: Nutritious and Delicious!

Blueberries are extremely low in calories — 12 cup has just 40 calories — but they’re also high in antioxidants. These sweet yet tart fruits pack a nutritious punch. Blueberries also protect against short-term memory loss, lower cholesterol, and enhance memory. Blueberries are readily available, but you can also pick your own.

Carrot Bean

Green beans, also known as string beans in some areas of the country, are bred especially for the sweetness of their pods. French green beans, as this recipe calls for, refer to a longer, thinner version than standard American green beans. However, the American version will work just fine here.

Yield: 1 cup


3 carrots, peeled

1 cup French green beans

Juice carrots and beans. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 185 Fat: 0.1 g
Protein: 5 g Sodium: 121 mg
Fiber: 13 g Carbohydrates: 46 g
Sugar: 21 g

Citrus Apple Grape

When choosing grapes, look for those still attached to their stems. Dark grapes should have a deep color with no green, while green grapes will have a light yellow flavor at the peak of their ripeness.

Yield: 114 cup


1 cup red grapes

1 apple, cored

12 lemon, peeled

Juice grapes, apple, and lemon. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 102 Fat: 0.54 g
Protein: 1.2 g Sodium: 3 mg
Fiber: 3 g Carbohydrates: 48 g
Sugar: 39 g

Cantaloupe Beet Carrot

If you have high blood pressure, the beets in this yummy juice can be vital in managing hypertension.

Yield: 112 cups


12 cantaloupe, rind removed

2 carrots, peeled

1 beet, greens removed

Juice cantaloupe, carrots, and beet. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 251 Fat: 0.98 g
Protein: 7.2 g Sodium: 200 mg
Fiber: 0.98 g Carbohydrates: 48 g
Sugar: 33 g


Cantaloupes are excellent sources of vitamins A and C and potassium. They also contain myo-inositol, a lipid that helps prevent hardening of the arteries. Cantaloupe can absorb other food odors from your refrigerator, so wrap it well in plastic after cutting to avoid this.

Tomato Cucumber

Tomatoes are super foods in their own right. They’re high in Vitamins A, B, and C and contain enough potassium that they can help reduce muscle cramps. They even have as much fiber as a slice of whole wheat bread!

Yield: 1 cup


1 cucumber, peeled

1 Roma tomato

Juice cucumber and tomato. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 36 Fat: 0.31 g
Protein: 1.6 g Sodium: 9 mg
Fiber: 1.6 g Carbohydrates: 16 g
Sugar: 6 g

Cucumbers Leaving a Bitter Taste in Your Mouth?

As a cucumber gets older on the vine, its seeds become larger and more bitter. If you are using an old cucumber, cut it in half and scoop out the seeds with a spoon to eliminate the bitter taste. According to an old wives’ tale, the more bitter the vegetable, the better it is for you. But you’ll still get the nutritional benefits cucumbers have to offer without the bitter seeds.

Cabbage Tomato Lettuce

This recipe is high in zinc, making it a good one to drink regularly if you are trying to improve or boost your memory.

Yield: 1 cup


1 tomato

3 red lettuce leaves

12 cup cauliflower

Juice tomato, lettuce, and cauliflower. Stir well.

Per Serving
Calories: 59 Fat: 1.2 g
Protein: 3.7 g Sodium: 44 mg
Fiber: 4 g Carbohydrates: 7.8 g
Sugar: 1.4 g

How to Wash Lettuce

Wash and drain lettuce very well. You should blot the lettuce with a towel to ensure that you have removed all of the excess moisture. Do not soak lettuce. This will make the leaves soft. Even if you buy organic lettuce, it is important to rinse it before eating it.

Turnip Carrot

Root vegetables have a rich, earthy flavor. You’ll find this high-fiber drink to be more filling than some others.

Yield: 114 cups


1 Granny Smith apple, cored

1 turnip, peeled

3 carrots, peeled

Juice apple, carrots, and turnip. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 224 Fat: 0.34 g
Protein: 4.8 g Sodium: 239 mg
Fiber: 14 g Carbohydrates: 67 g
Sugar: 39 g


Fresh turnips are a root vegetable and are available year round. They have a strong flavor, so it helps to juice them in relatively small quantities with other fruits and vegetables. They provide a good source of vitamin C and can be used to treat scurvy, which is caused by vitamin C deficiency.

Berry Ginger

This refreshing juice is packed with antioxidants. The nutritious benefits are a great way to start your morning.

Yield: 34 cup


1 pint blackberries

1 pint raspberries

12 lemon, peeled

14" slice ginger root

Juice berries, ginger, and lemon. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 268 Fat: 3.1 g
Protein: 6.3 g Sodium: 7 mg
Fiber: 0 g Carbohydrates: 63 g
Sugar: 27 g

The Power of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are nutrients that can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our bodies. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals that can cause damage. Antioxidants work as scavengers, gobbling up the free radicals and preventing and repairing the damage they cause.

Banana Blackberry

Feeling crampy or run down? You may be lacking potassium. The banana in this tasty juice will deliver the potassium you need.

Yield: 1 cup


2 pints blackberries

12 lemon, peeled

1 banana

Juice blackberries and lemon. Add banana and blend until smooth.

Per Serving
Calories: 333 Fat: 3 g
Protein: 6.9 g Sodium: 7.2 mg
Fiber: 32 g Carbohydrates: 82.3 g
Sugar: 42.5 g


Blackberries grow on bushes with thorns. They are purple-black in color and are usually available in the summer. If the hulls are still attached, the berries were picked too soon and they will be very tart. Blackberries contain salicylate, the substance found in aspirin, and are among the top ten antioxidant foods.

Green Power

Dark greens are bursting with nutrients, most notably folate, which helps your brain produce serotonin. If you’re feeling blue, go green! This juice is a natural depression zapper.

Yield: 114 cups


4 broccoli spears

12 cup spinach leaves

3 Swiss chard leaves

12 bell pepper

Juice broccoli, spinach, and chard. Juice bell pepper. Stir together.

Per Serving
Calories: 76 Fat: 0.64 g
Protein: 6.1 g Sodium: 348 mg
Fiber: 6.2 g Carbohydrates: 12 g
Sugar: 1.6 g


Men who consumed high levels of folate from green leafy vegetables enjoyed a reduced risk of lung cancer, and women who consumed more leafy greens were 44 percent less likely to get breast cancer, according to the Iowa Women’s Health Study.

Cucumber Cherry

For this refreshing and sweet juice, use any variety of cherries. If you’re used to Maraschinos, you may want to try Royal Ann cherries, which are used to make this sugary cocktail variety. Or, you can try Black Bing or Lambert for something new!

Yield: 112 cups


1 cucumber, peeled

2 cups red sweet cherries, pitted

2 celery stalks, leaves intact

Juice cucumber, cherries, and celery. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 143 Fat: 1.1 g
Protein: 2.4 g Sodium: 3.9 mg
Fiber: 7.5 g Carbohydrates: 53 g
Sugar: 38 g


You’ll think you’re in the islands when you’re sipping this exotic, delicious juice!

Yield: 112 cups


1 cup strawberries, hulls intact

1 cup pineapple

1 papaya, seeded

Juice ingredients in order listed. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 151 Fat: 0.76 g
Protein: 3.8 g Sodium: 5.2 mg
Fiber: 6 g Carbohydrates: 44 g
Sugar: 29 g


When Christopher Columbus visited Guadeloupe in 1493, the natives gave him pineapple. In 1891, bromelain was discovered to have therapeutic uses in treating arthritis. It has been shown to help reduce the swelling caused by joint pain. It occurs in all parts of the pineapple, but is most concentrated in the stem.

Appley Lemonade

Enjoy this drink in early fall. Apples are best between September and November, and the lemonade flavor will put you in a summer state of mind.

Yield: 1 cup


2 red gala apples, cored

2 Granny Smith apples, cored

14 lemon, rind intact

Juice apples first. Cut lemon into thin slices and then juice it. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 135 Fat: 0.65 g
Protein: 0.27 g Sodium: 3.3 mg
Fiber: 6.3 g Carbohydrates: 38 g
Sugar: 25 g

Tangerine Pineapple

This juice is a great way to increase your iron and Vitamin C intake, the latter of which can help improve stamina and circulation.

Yield: 1 cup


1 cup pineapple, peeled

1 tangerine, peeled

Juice pineapple and tangerine. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 127 Fat: 0.038 g
Protein: 2.4 g Sodium: 3.5 mg
Fiber: 3.3 g Carbohydrates: 33 g
Sugar: 25 g

Grape Pear

If you’re experiencing symptoms of menopause, this juice is particularly good for you to try. It is a great source of boron, which helps treat and prevent osteoperosis.

Yield: 1 cup


2 Anjou pears

1 cup red grapes

Juice pears and grapes. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 163 Fat: 0.85 g
Protein: 3.3 g Sodium: 1.8 mg
Fiber: 11 g Carbohydrates: 55 g
Sugar: 42 g

Anjou Pears

These are large pears that are greenish yellow in color. The skin sometimes has a hint of red and they have a very sweet taste. They are among the most popular varieties of pears. Store them at room temperature to keep them from going bad.

The Vitamin K Fix

Are you experiencing back pain? Enjoy this hearty juice. It boasts high levels of Vitamin K, which provides your bones with iron and calcium, and has been known to help alleviate an achin’ back.

Yield: 114 cups


2 romaine lettuce leaves

1 fist of spinach

4 broccoli spears

1 carrot

1 clove garlic

14" slice ginger root

Juice ingredients in order listed. Stir well.

Per Serving
Calories: 186 Fat: 2.1 g
Protein: 16 g Sodium: 352mg
Fiber: 14 g Carbohydrates: 37 g
Sugar: 2.6 g

Food Sources of Copper

Increasing copper in the body can also help with back pain. Iron and copper in the diet form red blood cells in the body. This helps keep blood vessels and nerves healthy. A lack of copper has been shown to be a factor in osteoporosis. Good sources of copper in the diet include carrots, garlic, and ginger root.

Cucumber Carrot Spinach

Spinach is a great source of iron as well as Vitamins A and C. The leaves tend to be gritty so be sure to rinse them thoroughly.

Yield: 1 cup


1 cup spinach leaves

1 cucumber, peeled

2 carrots, peeled

Juice spinach, cucumber, and carrots. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 125 Fat: 0.13 g
Protein: 3.9 g Sodium: 106 mg
Fiber: 7.6 g Carbohydrates: 39 g
Sugar: 19 g

Juice of the Garden

In this and in any juice, be sure not to juice the stems or leaves of tomatoes. They will add a bitter flavor to your juice.

Yield: 1 cup


1 Roma tomato

1 fist parsley

2 celery stalks, leaves intact

1 bell pepper

2 beet green leaves

Juice ingredients in order listed. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 70 Fat: 0.94 g
Protein: 4.4 g Sodium: 236 mg
Fiber: 8.2 g Carbohydrates: 20 g
Sugar: 236 g

The Apple of Popeye’s Eye

There’s a reason spinach was at the top of Popeye’s list. Not only is it rich in vitamins, it also is good for constipation and calcium absorption.

Yield: 34 cup


1 cup spinach leaves

1 red apple

14 lemon, rind intact

1 celery stalk

Juice spinach, apple, lemon, and celery. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 84 Fat: 0.61 g
Protein: 1.7 g Sodium: 67 mg
Fiber: 5.5 g Carbohydrates: 16 g
Sugar: 10 g

Herbal Mango Tea

If you’re a tea drinker looking to add some health benefits to your daily fix, try this fruity and nutritious recipe.

Yield: 2 cups


12 mango, pit removed

1 herbal tea bag, brewed with hot water

Juice mango. Brew tea. Add 14 cup mango juice to tea. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 70 Fat: 0.23 g
Protein: 1 g Sodium: 4.5 mg
Fiber: 2.1 g Carbohydrates: 18 g
Sugar: 15 g

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas have been around for many years and have been used to treat a variety of health problems. They are also known for their earthy taste and soothing effect. There is a wide variety of herbal teas available in the market, some especially recommended for the detoxification process. As well as being delicious and nutritious, herbal teas are often caffeine-free.

Vanilla Melon

When preparing any drink or dish that calls for vanilla extract, be sure to check the bottle and make sure you’re buying the “pure” version, meaning it contains 13.35 ounces of vanilla beans per gallon, and 35 percent alcohol.

Yield: 1 cup


12 cantaloupe, rind removed

1 lime, peeled

1 tablespoon honey

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Juice cantaloupe and lime. Stir in honey and vanilla extract.

Per Serving
Calories: 218 Fat: 0.94 g
Protein: 4.3 g Sodium: 60 mg
Fiber: 5.6 g Carbohydrates: 40 g
Sugar: 34 g

Broccoli Apple

We’ve all heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away — but broccoli is now considered one of the top cancer-prevention foods by the American Cancer Society! This juice is the best of both worlds.

Yield: 1 cup


4 broccoli spears

14 cup Italian parsley

2 McIntosh apples, cored

14 lemon

Juice broccoli, parsley, and apples. Juice lemon. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 114 Fat: 0.75 g
Protein: 3.7 g Sodium: 47 mg
Fiber: 7.2 g Carbohydrates: 27 g
Sugar: 17 g

Can’t Beet Orange Juice

While beets are great for detoxing and liver function, the taste definitely lends itself to be mixed with a fruit juice. This juice is a great way to get your beets.

Yield: 34 cup


2 oranges, peeled

1 beet, greens removed

Juice oranges and beet. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 165 Fat: 0.81 g
Protein: 4.5 g Sodium: 65 mg
Fiber: 8.1 g Carbohydrates: 42 g
Sugar: 31 g


Beets are root vegetables. The leaves and the root are edible; the root is a bulb with reddish flesh. Greens should be removed from beets immediately since they remove moisture from the beet. Beets may be stored for up to three weeks in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.


If your summer garden is overflowing with zucchini, try this juice as a great way to use up those delicious vegetables — and to get a boost of Vitamin C and lutein.

Yield: 1 cup


1 green zucchini

3 carrots, peeled

2 red apples, cored

Juice zucchini, carrots, and apples. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 226 Fat: 1 g
Protein: 5 g Sodium: 131 mg
Fiber: 13 g Carbohydrates: 64 g
Sugar: 37 g


Zucchini is available year round. Choose smaller zucchini because they tend to be younger and more tender. Zucchini is one of the most versatile vegetables. It can be enjoyed on its own or shredded and used to bake bread or complement the flavors of other dishes.

Apple Kale

This juice is great for juice fasting — a healthy body cleanser. Kale is a member of the cabbage family that has a slightly milder flavor.

Yield: 34 cup


2 Granny Smith apples, cored

1 kale leaf

Juice apples and kale. Stir.

Per Serving
Calories: 112 Fat: 0.62 g
Protein: 0.94 g Sodium: 14 mg
Fiber: 4.3 g Carbohydrates: 25 g
Sugar: 17 g