This book took me far from my comfort zone, along with Cat Campbell, as we journeyed down to and survived 17th century London. The turbulent political atmosphere at court was full of drama and churning conflict as the people began to demand a parliamentary rule instead of a king’s absolute power. Along with Cat, this Scotland lover had difficulty dealing with English aristocracy and etiquette. I’m looking forward to returning to the Highlands in book #4.
On a historical note, Queen Mary of Modena, King James II’s wife, did birth a living baby boy who would become known as The Old Pretender (James III). His son would be called Bonnie Prince Charlie and continue the Jacobite uprising through England and Scotland. Since the baby was born a boy, King James and Queen Mary were forced to flee with the child as James’s daughter, another Mary, claimed the throne of England, Scotland, and Ireland with her husband William of Orange during the Glorious Revolution. You may know them as William and Mary.
Thank you to my family for giving me the time to delve into all this political intrigue and create these wonderful characters. And a special thank you to Victoria Vane, who created an authentic 1690’s court costume for me, giving me firsthand knowledge of how difficult it was to move around in stays, crinolines, a mantua, and the towering lace fontage. I too would have worn training trousers as often as possible.
At the end of each of my books, I ask that you, my awesome readers, please remind yourselves of the whispered symptoms of ovarian cancer. I am now an eight-year survivor, one of the lucky ones. Please don’t rely on luck. If you experience any of these symptoms consistently for three weeks or more, go see your GYN.
· Bloating
· Eating less and feeling full faster
· Abdominal pain
· Trouble with your bladder
Other symptoms may include: indigestion, back pain, pain with intercourse, constipation, fatigue, and menstrual irregularities.