Shape a Better You
It’s never too late and you’re never too old
to live your dreams and find success!
—vic johnson, it’s never too late and you’re never too old
There are infinite possibilities to shape your life when you make the most of everything life has to offer. In both business and your personal life, there are facets of your life that can be adjusted. Similar to getting tune-ups for your car, performing maintenance checks periodically keeps you on track. There are endless updates available that you can use to guide you on your life path and keep you going in the direction that feels right. Specifically, when you take a look at all that you are and all that you want to be, it becomes increasingly obvious that there is always room for improvement.
Using Intuition to Better Yourself
We go to the gym. We diet. We go to school. We work hard. We do everything to better ourselves, so why not use our intuition to help us make changes? It is silly to not utilize every tool in our toolbox. Let’s think about this for a minute. How would you like to better yourself? What do you think would make you a better version of you? When we renew ourselves and we go deep, we find what matters. Grab your gear and get ready, because now that you know how to use your intuition, it’s the perfect time to look back at who you were and think forward to who you will become.
Have you ever wondered what kind of life you’d have if you’d made choices other than the ones you did? Not only do you have an opportunity to choose which direction you want to go now, but you have your intuition to check in with to see how your options would work out. One of the best things you can do to better yourself is to check in with your vibes. I had a client who did just that.
Alicia came to see me for a reading. She wasn’t sure why, but she’d made an appointment and was sitting in my office. After going over a lot of what I was picking up, I started feeling something else.
“Are you thinking of making a big change?” I asked her.
Alicia responded by presenting me with a confused look. Then she laughed and said, “No?”
“No, really! I am picking up that you are about to embark on a life-changing mission,” I continued.
“Not that I know of.”
“Okay, well, give me a minute here.”
I tuned in to her energy some more. I was getting that she was gearing up to make some major changes. Then I started feeling that she knew what it was, but she hadn’t committed to it yet. It was almost as though she had an opportunity sitting up on a shelf, like a much-wanted toy, just waiting to be taken down and played with.
“Listen, Alicia. I feel like you are already thinking of a potential life-course adjustment.”
“Hmmm. I still don’t know what you mean,” she responded.
“For something this big, you would know what I’m tuning in to. Are you sure?”
“Yup. No idea.”
I took another breath and tapped into the ether.
“All right, I think I get it now. Are you going back to school? Are you totally changing careers? Or creating a new career?”
“Oh my God! I have been wanting to do this so badly! I have been trying to tune in to my intuition to see if it is something I can do!” Alicia was excited now.
“I see you going to school. I feel like you are going to start nursing school. I also feel like this is a total change for you because I see you in business right now. Does this make any sense?”
“Wow! Yes!” she agreed. “That makes total sense! But I haven’t done any of it yet,” she said, a bit sad.
“Don’t worry, you will,” I told her with absolute certainty.
“I have to tell you—I have been thinking about this for about six months but I don’t know how it will be possible. I am too old! I haven’t made any moves yet.”
“I am feeling like you kind of intuited this for yourself, which is interesting because you are telling me you don’t think it’s possible. And, girl, you are definitely not too old,” I responded as it came to me that this was her idea.
“Well, let me explain.”
Alicia went on to tell me how she was at her office job one day a while back, and suddenly, she had a flash of herself sitting at the desk. It was like she was looking down at herself. She said that was strange enough, but when she questioned what she had seen, she heard, “Wait.”
“Did you understand what you were seeing?” I asked her.
“No, not until I went home later.”
When she got home from work, exhausted, she started dinner for herself, her husband, and her daughter. Then she told them she needed to have a few minutes to herself to meditate, and they said they would finish cooking. That, she said, was unusual, but she figured they knew she was tired. She went into her bedroom and sat down on her bed. She took a few deep breaths and then asked the universe to show her what she was supposed to know. She knew there was more because she had heard “Wait.” So she waited. And then waited some more.
She meditated for about five minutes before the answers came. She felt goosebumps and then saw herself in a hospital room. She was not, however, the patient. She was standing up. She was wearing a uniform and had a stethoscope wrapped around her neck. And, she just knew, intuitively, that she was a nurse. She could feel it in her bones.
She remained on her bed for a few more minutes, but the goosebumps went away and she saw no more. She had no idea what it meant, and she went downstairs to have dinner. The funny thing was, she didn’t think of it for the rest of the night. But, when she woke up the next morning, it was all she could think of. She was confused, though. She had a great job, though she didn’t feel fulfilled. The thought of her as a nurse made her tingle. But she didn’t know how she’d be able to go back to school to get her nursing degree, so she ignored what her intuition was telling her—that is, until she came to see me.
“I feel like an incredible opportunity is on its way soon, so be open to it,” I told her. “And make sure you let me know when it shows up!”
A month later, Alicia messaged me. She was driving and she saw a billboard advertising an online college where she could get her nursing degree in less than two years, since she already had a bachelor’s in business. It resonated with her deeply. She trusted her intuition, applied, and got in. She was going to be a nurse! She was so ready to better herself. Already, she said, she felt lighter and happier. I was so excited for her and told her I couldn’t wait for her to start working on her dreams!
Alicia’s story is a perfect example of listening to your intuition to better yourself and build a better, more fulfilling life. Luckily, Alicia listened to what her senses were telling her and followed through on what she knew was a fundamental step toward being an improved version of herself. Remember, when we are conscious and aware of our intuition, we get to be who we want to be. And that can be anyone.
Try This!
Who do you want to be? How can you better yourself and become your authentic self? By living your life on purpose. Think about who you are right now, in this moment. Who would you be if you weren’t you? Your answers to the following questions can help you figure this out! Write down your answers!
Now that you’ve asked your conscious mind these questions, it’s time to review your answers. What did you think of your answers? Did any of them surprise you? Did they feel familiar? When you review everything you’ve written, does it seem like there is a common theme? Do you feel like you’re too old to change? Too young to begin?
Okay, it’s time to make some intuitive adjustments. How do you get from where you are now to where you want to be? Most people, once they are established in life, have a very difficult time trying to change. They have a family or a career, and to mix all of that up could create chaos—for everyone. But what if it were a better life for everyone after the chaos? Would you make the changes? Would you release the fear and concern that may be holding you back? Come on, let’s do this together!
You’ve asked the tough questions and hopefully have gotten honest insight into the type of person you want to be. It’s time to visualize that happening and imagine who that person would be. Obviously, you can’t change your height, but mostly everything else can be updated to reflect the best you. Get comfortable, this is going to take some work. Close your eyes. Use your meditative breathing techniques to relax yourself until you feel ready. Here we go.
Visualize yourself, your current self, standing in a black room; there’s no other color but you. Look at what you are wearing, how your hair looks, what’s on your feet. Behind you in that room there is a television—a large one hanging on the wall. Right now, it’s still off, so there’s no imagery on the screen. Imagine the screen is beginning to turn on, slowly, and as it does, you can see yourself as you imagine yourself to be if you could be a better version of you. Notice what your body looks like. Pay attention to whether it’s different than it is now. What clothes are you wearing, if any? What does your hair look like? Really see this image of yourself. Do you recognize that person looking back at you? Take a minute to let it soak in.
When you are ready to move on, you see another TV to the right of the first one, kind of floating. The screen is black. As the light coming from the initial television begins to dim a bit, still showing you the image of yourself, this new TV begins slowly lighting up. As it does, you can see a location on the screen. You see your ideal home, in your desired landscape. You can tell what part of the country or the world you are in based on the type of home and what the background scenery shows you. If you look closely, in front of the door, you can see this new version of yourself that you viewed in the first television. You have a big smile on your face, standing there in your new, best possible environment for you. Enjoy that setting for a minute. Do you see anyone else there with you? Significant other, children, and so on. Stay there for another moment. Soak in the home, where it is, and who is with you. Then, take a deep breath.
To the right, another screen begins lighting up as the last one fades a bit. This one may be a bit more in depth, so just let it happen. As the imagery comes into focus, you see yourself in your career. Notice what it is. Pay attention to where you are. See what state or country you’re in and the environment. What are you doing? Really see it. Are you helping someone? Are you on stage? Are you writing? Are you inside or outside? Are you wearing a uniform? A suit? Comfortable clothes? Really visualize on that screen what you are doing. Are you sitting at a desk, planting flowers, speaking to a crowd of people, teaching children? Whatever it is, see it with clarity. Keep watching the screen as it continues to show you in your element, working in a career that is perfect for you. As you continue to watch, you see this version yourself turn and look at you with a big smile. You are in the perfect career. Enjoy this video of yourself for a little while longer.
When you’ve visualized all the details of your perfect career, turn to the right a bit, to the next television screen. As the previous TV fades slightly, this one begins to light up, slowly bringing images into focus. As you watch, you can see your finances playing out on the screen. On a table in front of you, there is money. Do you see just a few coins? Stacks of hundred-dollar bills? Something in between? As you watch the screen, notice if you see more money falling onto the table or if you notice it falling out of the vision or both. Do you see yourself there, holding the money? Or throwing it away? This is your best possible financial situation playing out on the screen. If you don’t see enough on the table, imagine there is a huge funnel above the table that you can see on the TV. As you look at the funnel, you begin to see money floating down through it on to the table, creating an overflow of cash available to you. Keep seeing this on the television screen. Enjoy the cashflow you see, knowing this is out there for you, when you are in the perfect career, in the perfect place. Continue watching this video for a bit, until it feels real and comfortable to you.
Now focus on the final television screen. As it begins to light up, the previous one fades a little. This one is interesting. You are in the middle of the screen, laughing and smiling! You are so happy! This is your ideal life, the best version of you possible. Notice if there is anyone there with you. Also, see where you are. Are you back at the original home? Are you at work? Are you somewhere else? Pay close attention to the expressions on any faces that are there besides yours. Are they happy as well? Sad? Angry? Ecstatic? Look back to yourself on the screen. Are you still laughing and smiling and enjoying everything there is to enjoy? Make sure you are! Watch yourself enjoying life for a few minutes. Let it really sink in.
Now, when you are ready, look back at all the screens. As you do, they begin fully lighting up. See your ideal life opening up to you, in full color, bright, happy, and contented. Watch all the images on each television until they all begin to merge into one giant movie screen. Enjoy the show!
Now, look at yourself standing in that room. You may see flashes of your current life floating in, but that’s okay. You might notice your clothing has changed and you are wearing what you had on in the movie you just watched of your best life. You might notice your body has changed a bit and your hair too. You may also see cash overflowing from your pockets. Fantastic! Take a deep breath and open your eyes to your old reality.
You are now ready to live your best life! You’ve tuned in to your intuition and visualized everything you want. The last step is making it happen. If you’ve imagined a different career, start tuning in to your intuition to determine how you can make that happen. Does it involve training or going back to school? If so, start researching how you can do that. If being the best you involves moving, how can you make that happen? Again, research it. Look into homes and prices where you want to be. If you have other people in your life and family, how can you all work together to help you become the best you? Start the conversation while you do your research. Every day is a second chance.
The bottom line is this: to become a better version of you, you must put in some work. You can’t just sit on your hands and expect everything to change. It’s not about sacrificing what and who you are; it’s about becoming who you want to be, who you need to be. In order to leverage your intuition for your career, you need to follow through with your visions and commit to making the changes. You never know—opening your senses can be the catalyst you need to begin leading others. You just may discover your values are driving you to the next stage in your life. Don’t worry—you’ve got this!