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Wrapping It Up

When you put your intuition to work, you are telling yourself and those around you that you are smart enough to use every possible tool available to you. You could have just continued the way you were going. No one would fault you for that. Heck, people would probably admire your drive and determination to better yourself and your business world. I mean, after all, if you’ve read this book, you’ve probably already resolved yourself to getting ahead. You’ve most certainly got a grit to you, a resolute ambition to make something out of your life, because you have passion. You are motivated to thrive.

You’ve discovered your intuitive gifts and maybe you are humbled by them. Maybe you are also becoming even more successful. It is important to stay humble. Allowing your gifts to make you feel like you’re better than everyone else or using them to manipulate others can actually limit them. Remember, the universe is conspiring for you to succeed, but it does not want you to neglect every bit of humanity you have. It is important to remain modest and respectful of others. That doesn’t negate the prosperous person you have developed into, but it does allow you to stay real.

Chances are you’ve tried other programs or other methods, and your reward may have been less than what you’d hoped for, but you’ve persevered. You’ve continued striving and hustling, but now you are walking away with a greater gift then you could have imagined. You have tapped into the one thing that is truly yours to utilize your entire life and that you can continue to develop. You’ve been turned on to the opportunities you can take advantage of, but what if you need more help to move forward? There’s no limit to how far you can go, and finding someone who knows how to help you can be priceless.

Finding the Right Teacher to Further Your Intuition

There are so many self-help gurus out there; hopefully, the information in this book will help you determine what type of person will be right for you and what areas you are looking to further develop. There are teachers who are completely legitimate, have studied how to use their tools to really help you, and have created an (almost) perfected programs and exercises to help you become the best you you can be. And then you have the other ones—those that are, how shall we say it, complete quacks just out to make a quick buck by ripping you off, spouting knowledge they’ve copied from others, or charging you a gazillion dollars to attend a workshop with them and hold hands with a bunch of other people who have paid a gazillion dollars to do the same thing.

The funny thing is that either way, if it works, then it’s worth it. I say this because any time you are challenged to examine your gifts, it can help you. If you’re able to look beyond what the teachers are saying, it can bring you closer to the level of ability you want to achieve because you are utilizing your skills. You will always learn when you do that, regardless of how good or bad the teacher is. But what tools have you taken away to continue that same feeling or to use to help you reach your goals? Do the teachers or leaders have a background in what they are imparting to you as priceless wisdom? Or have they simply decided they can do it because others can? Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.

Often, the proof is in the pudding. What have they taught you that you didn’t already know? More importantly, how do they make you feel? If it was too easy or you found yourself yawning throughout much of the workshop, maybe you’re already way ahead of where they are in your development. If it felt yucky (and by yucky, I mean made your skin crawl) and made you feel like you wanted to vomit, they probably weren’t the right trainer for you. But if they make you feel elated, like even though what they were telling you to do may have scared you, you felt like you could relate and truly grab ahold of the basic concepts and ideas they shared, then they might be a good fit. These people, the ones who have philosophies that may possibly challenge you, but in a good way, are the educators you need. These are the coaches who will elevate your game and hopefully help coax your awesome self out from underneath all your insecurities and doubts.

Essentially, in order to learn more, go deeper, and take away an increased awareness, you want to raise the level of your knowledge. This in turn will increase your proficiency. Whether you do that through your own research and practice or you take advantage of the great teachers who are available to you, you will find yourself opening up to your clair skills. The more you exercise your gifts, the more routine it will become to employ them. You may find yourself repeating one method habitually or making use of all the clairs to tune in to your inner guidance system, but the approach will be the same—you just have to begin!

Remember to Believe in Your Abilities

It’s possible you didn’t believe in your extrasensory gifts before reading this book. But now that you do, you will probably discover you don’t want to stop using what is a beneficial and even profitable method of gathering information. The techniques you use are up to you. You can practice with the exercises in this and my other books. Mix it up a bit by checking out books by other authors as well. You might find you are ready to seek out a mentor or teacher to take you to that next level in your self-discovery. Perhaps you’ll decide following your own journey through meditation or just intentionally tuning in to a specific situation using your clair abilities is the way you want to proceed. Regardless of the process, you have begun your quest for the knowledge your awareness can bring you.

Intuition shows up in so many areas of your life; listening to it will always help you. From your personal life to your career, everything is better when you pay attention to what’s inside you, to your natural gifts. When you don’t respect your sixth sensory gifts, it can feel like you are drowning. Everything will feel upended, and eventually that can lead to emotional upheaval. Ultimately, you are the guardian of your gifts, and you are the only one in charge of when you tune in to them.

Trusting your senses is the opening to a world filled with opportunities. It creates an upward trajectory, leading you toward becoming the person you are meant to be. It can help you with decisions and present you with a more fulfilling life. It will aid you in taking chances without as much risk since you have the support of your metaphysical senses and can continually build your business with forward momentum. Your ESP brings with it an enhanced creativity, as well as a deeper connection with coworkers, staff, and relationships.

Believing in your intuition can allow you to trust others. It gives you an instant sense of right or wrong, good or bad. The more you learn to trust it, the more often it will help you. When you go with your gut instincts, you’ll almost always head down the right path and land right-side up, and maybe with some new friends.

There is no limit to the benefits of utilizing your amazing gifts. It is up to you to learn how your intuition works for you. It is also your choice whether you decide to use it or not, but by now I’m hoping you will have determined that there is absolutely no downside! Leveraging your intuition means using this gift to your advantage. You use all your other tools to get ahead in life, so leveraging your intuition is a logical progression. You’ve read this book all the way through. You know how it works. More specifically, you have done some of the work or thought about your answers.

You know this is real and you also know now that you are totally
ready to put your intuition to work and thrive!
Congratulations—there’s no way to go but up!
