Aichi D3A “Val” dive-bomber
air shows
aircraft and aviation: aircraft approaching out of the sun, tactic to prevent surprise from; claims of aircraft shot down while with Flying Tigers; early interest in; enthusiasm and talent for flying; first flight; flight training and solo flight; hazards of flying; instruments, flying by; Pensacola flight training. See also specific aircraft
aircraft carriers: Corsair fighters for; Japan, raid on; learning to land on; qualifying for carrier landings
Alcoholics Anonymous
Aldworth, Richard
Alexander, Robert
Alsop, Joseph
American Volunteer Group (AVG)/ Flying Tigers: achievements of; airfields for; attitude of members toward Boyington; barracks for in Burma; Burma, withdrawal from; Chiang Mai raid; dangers faced by; disbanding of; dismissal from; drinking by members; dropouts from program; equipment for; escort and scout missions by; esprit de corps of; events leading to formation of; financial inducements; flying and fighting, readiness for; formation of; Japanese bombers, first encounter with; leadership and command methods; leisure activities for; military demeanor of; morale of; physical condition of pilots; pilot recruitment; pilot training activities; pilots, experience of; pilots for; pilots’ resignation from military service; readiness to defend Burma; reasons for joining; resignation offer from Chennault; resignation threat from pilots; respect between members of; secrecy about; squadron organization of; squadron rotations; success of, praise for; symbols of
ammunition, wasting of
Arbuckle, John M.
Arlington National Cemetery funeral
Armstrong, Jack
Army and Army Air Corps, U.S.: Boyington’s induction into; Fleet Problem XXI, 23; Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
Arnold, Henry “Hap,”
Ashmun, George M.
Atkinson, Peter
Australia, rest and recreation in
Avey, Fred
Aviation Cadet Act
B-29 bombers
Baa Baa Black Sheep (Boyington)
Baa Baa Black Sheep (television series)
Bailey, Stanley R.
Baisden, Chuck
Baker, Frances
Ballale mission
Bartling, Bill
Bauer, Harold “Indian Joe,”
Beachey, Lincoln
Begert, John E
Benson, William S.
Bertrang, John
Betty bombers
Bishop, Lewis
Black Sheep Squadron (VMF-214): achievements of; aggressiveness of; amenities for in Solomons; attitude of members toward Boyington; Ballale mission; Boyington as commander of; Boyington’s welcome in San Francisco; Chennault’s fighter tactics, use of by; combat, formation when returning from; combat mission statistics; combat operations, routine for; commitment and killer instincts; confidence of; daily mission of; disbanding of; escort missions; in Espiritu Santo; esprit de corps of; fighter sweeps; instructional meeting; Kahili missions; leadership of; loss of members of; morale of; nickname and insignia for; night bombing by Japanese; preparation for combat by; pride of; removal of Boyington, Smoak’s attempt at; replacement pilots for; rules for; staffing of; strafing missions; television series about; training of
Boeing Aircraft Company
Bolt, John F.
bombers: escort missions to protect; fighter formation tactics against; fighter formation tactics to protect; Japanese tactics, knowledge of; night bombing by Japanese
Bond, Charles: AVG, reason for joining; Boyington, opinion of; on Boyington and alcohol abuse by; Burma, conditions in; Chennault, opinion of and relationship with; Chiang Mai raid; combat against Japanese; dogfight training with Boyington; Japanese bombers, first encounter with; King Neptune ceremony; Kunming flight, ruggedness of; leadership abilities of; liquor stash of, breaking into by Boyington; P-40 fighter training; Pearl Harbor attack; promotion of; Sandell, talk with; secrecy about AVG; squadron rotations, fairness of; voyage to Burma, conditions and activities during
bond tour
Bougainville. See also Kahili airfield
Boyington, Bill
Boyington, Charles
Boyington, Gloria
Boyington, Grace Gregory
Boyington, Gregory “Pappy”: acceptance of, need for; acceptance of in AVG; acceptance of in South Pacific; aggressive and violent temperament of; alcohol, abstinence from while POW; alcohol abuse by ; appearance of; attitudes toward and opinions of; character of; Chennault, opinion of and relationship with; commander position, failure to get appointment to; counseling with chaplain; drunk flying by; early life and family of; education of; end of life and death of; fighter tactics of, booklet about; financial concerns of; funeral of; heights, love of; injuries to; leadership abilities of; legendary status of; Medal of Honor for, 172; nicknames for; obituary of; P-40 fighter training; parking garage job; post-war careers and personal problems; press interest in; promotion of; record number of shoot-downs, pursuit of; resignation of; respect for; return to United States; Sandell, talk with; search for; self-confidence of; self-pity of; shooting down and missing status of; strength and resilience of as POW; stubbornness of; stunts and outrageous actions by; teaching skills of; writings of
Boyington, Gregory (son)
Boyington, Helene Clark
Boyington, Janet Sue
Boyington, Joseph
Boyle, Don
Bragdon, Robert M.
Burgard, George: Bali, trip to; on Boyington’s resignation; Burma, voyage to; on Chiang Mai raid; combat, eagerness for; flying and fighting, readiness for; Hawaii, AVG members’ stop in; Japanese bombers, day off during first encounter with; on Kunming accommodations; Kunming flight, ruggedness of; leisure activities for AVG; mutiny situation; P-40s, crash-landing and loss of; Pearl Harbor attack, revenge for; Rangoon, collapse of; success of AVG; voyage to Burma, conditions and activities during
Burma: AVG squadron defense of Rangoon; AVG’s withdrawal from; combat against Japanese over; conditions in Toungoo; Japanese attacks on airfields; Japanese attacks on Rangoon; Rangoon, collapse of; Rangoon, evacuation of pilots from; supply road through; supply road through, protection of; threat of attack on; volunteering for; voyage to
Bye Bye Black Sheep (Kawato)
Carl, Marion
Case, William
Central Aircraft Manufacturing Company (CAMCO)
Chance-Vought F4U Corsair fighters. See Corsair fighters
Chennault, Claire: airfields for AVG; appearance of; Army Air Corps, induction into; Boyington, opinion of and relationship with; Boyington’s return to United States, assistance in; Burma, conditions in; character of; Chinese aid, proposal for; Chinese air force operations; dispersal of P-40s to various airstrips; fighter tactics of; Flying Tigers success, praise for; Japanese tactics, knowledge of; leadership and command methods; leisure activities for AVG; letter to Marines about Boyington; pilot recruitment; pilot training activities; resignation offer from; squadron rotations, fairness of; stubbornness of; success of, praise for
Chiang Kai-shek
Chiang Kai-shek, Madame
Chiang Mai raid
China: Chennault and Chinese air force operations; Japanese threat to; supply road for through Burma; U.S. aid to
Christmas Eve celebration
Christmas memories
Clark, Helene
Coeur d‘Alene, Idaho
combat: altitude advantage, maintenance of; casualties, talent, and; defensive tactics; eagerness for; enemy arsenal, removing machine from; fear of; formation when returning from; gambler’s guts; offensive tactics; preparation for; routine for operations; what to expect during
Condon, John
Conrad, Robert
Coolidge, Calvin
Coral Sea battle
Corman, Ned
Corsair fighters: altitude advantage, maintenance of; bent-wing widow maker nickname; Boyington’s control in flying; characteristics of; decoration of and publicity for squadron; effectiveness of; fighter sweeps; flying whatever aircraft was available; formation tactics; Marine squadron’s acquisition of; mechanical condition and performance of; new planes, assignment of; Zero fighters, comparison to
Croft, John
Crommelin, Charles
Cross, Jim
Curtiss-Wright P-40 fighters. See P-40 fighters
Decker, David
dive bombers
Elrod, Henry
Elwell, Reed
Emrich, Warren
Equator, ceremony for crossing
Espiritu Santo
Ewing, Robert T. “Rootsnoot,”
F4-B fighter
fighters: Boyington’s tactics for using, booklet about; Chennault’s tactics for using; defensive tactics; enthusiasm for fiying; fighter sweeps; formation tactics for using; formation tactics to protect bombers; gravitational force in, tactic for withstanding; offensive tactics; training in. See also Corsair fighters; P-40 fighters
fighting: Bond, eagerness to fight; Boyington as fighter; incidents during early life
Fisher, Don
Fisher, Kenneth
Fleet Problem XXI,
flight instructor duties
Flying Tigers. See American Volunteer Group (AVG)/Flying Tigers
Foss, Joe
Foster, Harry
Foster, John
Frillmann, Paul
Galer, Bob
Gamble, Bruce
Geneva Convention
Gill, Arthur
Goicoechea, Joseph
golf outings
Greene, Joe
Greenlaw, Harvey
Greenlaw, Olga: on Allied fliers’ training; attachment to AVG members; Boyington, relationship with; Boyington and top ace record; Boyington’s resignation, opinion of; Boyington’s stunts, attitude toward; Flying Tigers success, praise for; Kunming, departure from; on morale of AVG; Pearl Harbor attack; Toungoo, conditions in
gunnery contest
gunnery training
Guynemer, Georges
Hallenbeck, Ellsworth
Halloran, Ray “Hap”: on Boyington; Boyington as hero to; on Boyington’s aid to fellow prisoners; funeral arrangements for Boyington; at funeral of Boyington; golf with Boyington; Medal of Honor for a hamburger; as POW
Halsey, William
Hampson, Fred
Harper, Edwin
Harris, Walter
Hawaii: AVG members’ stop in; defense of; Pearl Harbor attack; week in after POW liberation
Hellcat fighters
Hill, James J.: in Australia; on Boyington; Corsairs, mechanical condition and performance of; education of; encounter with Zero fighters; at funeral of Boyington; on television show about squadron
Hill, Tex
Hinkle, James E.
Hitler, Adolph
Hoffman, Cokey
Holcomb, Thomas
Honda, Edward Chikaki
horse incident
Howard, James H.
Japan: aircraft carrier raid on; bombers’ first encounter with AVG; bombing of; Burma, control of; Chennault’s knowledge of tactics used by; China, threat to; civilians, treatment of POWs by; domination and expansion interests of; effectiveness of fighter corps; Kunming attack; night bombing by; Pearl Harbor attack; pilots, aggressiveness of; pilots, experience of; pilots, initiative of; pilots, replacement of wounded or killed; population of; prejudicial and stereotypical views toward; Rangoon attacks; resources, depletion and replacement of; surrender of; United States, friction between
Japanese Americans, treatment of
Johnson, Harry
Johnson, Penn
Kahili airfield
Kara airfield
Kate torpedo bombers
Kawato, Masajiro
Keeton, Robert
King, Ernest J.
King Neptune ceremony
Kinney, John F.
Knox, Frank
Kunming: accommodations at; airfield at; American air superiority over; AVG move to; combat over, lack of; evacuation from Rangoon to; flight to; Japanese advances toward; Japanese bombing of; location of; recall to; squadrons, rotation of through; supply road from Burma to
Kyedaw Aerodrome
Liskowsky, Harry C.
Loiwing airfield
Losch, Fred
Losonsky, Frank
machine gun belts
Magee, Christopher L.
Magwe airfield
Malcolmson, Lucy
Marine Air Group 11 (MAG-11)
Marine Aircraft Group
Marine Aircraft Wingt
Marine Corps, U.S.: as air arm in South Pacific; application process; attitude toward spit-and-polish image of; Aviation Cadet Act and; bond tour for; flight training and solo flight; pride in being a Marine; reinstatement into
marriages and relationships: blame for failed marriage; with Boyington’s mother and children; with Dolores Shade; with Frances Baker; with Helene Clark; with Josephine Moseman; with Lucy Malcolmson; with Olga Greenlaw
Marshall, George
Martindale, Robert
Matheson, Bruce
McClurg, Robert: in Australia; on Boyington; on Corsairs; daily mission of Squadron; encounter with Zero fighters; fighter sweeps; fishing activities; Japanese pilots, aggressiveness of; on loss of squadron members; on squadron training; on television show about Squadron; training of
McGarry, Black Mac
Medal of Honor
Midway battle
military service: AVG members, resignation of; early interest in; incompetence of colonels and generals; military rules and requirements, disdain for
Miller, Henry
Millington, Bill
Mingaladon airfield
Mitchell, Ralph J.
Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighters. See Zero fighters
Mitsubishi G4M “Betty” bombers
Mitsubishi Ki-21 “Sally” bomber
monument in honor of Boyington
Moore, James “Nuts,”
Morang, Joe
Morgenthau, Henry
Moseman, Josephine
Mullen, Paul A. “Moon,”
Nakajima B5N “Kate” torpedo bombers
Nakajima Ki-27 “Nate” fighters
Nam Sung airfield
Navy, U.S.
Neale, Bob
New Georgia
Newkirk, John
Nimitz, Chester W
Ofuna prisoner camp
O‘Kane, Richard H.
Olander, Edwin
Olson, Arvid
Omori prisoner camp
Once They Were Eagles (Walton)
Overend, Ed
P-38 fighters
P-40 fighters: accidents in; authorization to send to China; condition of planes in Rangoon; conditions for pilots in; crash-landing and loss of; dispersal of to various airstrips; fighter sweeps; formation tactics to protect bombers; shark mouth painting on; strengths and weaknesses of; training in
Pacific war: events leading to end of; events leading up to; Fleet Problem XXI to prepare for
Pangborn, Clyde
Pappy Boyington, World War II Ace (Boyington)
Pawley, Ed
Pawley, William
Prescott, Bob
press, interest in Boyington and Squadron by
prisoners of war: beatings of; Boyington’s aid to fellow prisoners; capture of Boyington; cave excavation by; escape attempts; execution of; food for; as happiest time of Boyington’s life; interrogation of; kitchen duty for Boyington; length of Boyington’s stint as; medical care for; names of prisoners at; Ofuna, arrival at; Ofuna, experience at; Ofuna as rehabilitation center; Omori, experience at; Omori, transfer to; release and evacuation of; rules for; sabotage and smuggling activities; Saipan stop on way to Tokyo; secrecy of Ofuna camp; speaking, prohibition of; strength and resilience of Boyington as; supply drops to; treatment of; Truk, flight to and experience at; war news, access to
Probst, Albert “Red,”
PT boats
Rabaul: Boyington as POW in; combat missions over; Japanese retreat to; supply route through; as target for Corsairs
Reames, James M.
Rector, Eddie
Red Cross
Reinburg, J. Hunter
Richthofen, Manfred von
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Rinabarger, Rolland
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: death of; fleet in Pearl Harbor; Flying Tigers, support for creation of; Medal of Honor for Boyington; Pacific, course of action in; Panay incident; World War II, engagement of United States in
Rosbert, Joseph
Ross, William
Rossi, Dick
Royal Air Force (RAF)
Russell Islands
St. Maries, Idaho
Sally bombers
San Francisco welcome
Sandell, Robert “Sandy,”
Sasaki, Kunichi
Schramm, Leo
Segal, Harold E. “Murderous Manny,”
Shade, Dolores
Shepard, Alan
Sherrod, Robert
Smith, Curtis
Smoak, Joseph
Solomon Islands
strafing missions
Strassen, Harold
Taylor, Charles
Tewell, Doug
Thailand: attack on; Chiang Mai raid
Theriault, Johnny
Tonya (Boyington)
Towers, John
Tripartite Pact
Truman, Harry
United States: China, aid to; idealism in; Japan, friction between; manifest destiny and expansion interests; return to
University of Washington
Val dive-bombers
Vella Lavella
victory rolls
VMF-1 (VF-9M) squadron
VMF-2 squadron
VMF-112 squadron
VMF-122 squadron
VMF-211 squadron
VMF-214 squadron. See Black Sheep Squadron (VMF-214)
VMF-221 squadron
VMF-222 squadron
Wake Island
Walasek, Edwin
Walsh, Ken
Walton, Carol
Walton, Frank: action report on downed Zeros; in Australia; bond tour; on Boyington; Boyington’s prisoner status, concern about; Boyington’s welcome in San Francisco; combat operations, formation when returning from; Corsairs, mechanical condition and performance of; fighter pilots, characteristics of; on Magee; night bombing by Japanese; publicity for squadron; responsibilities of; on television show about Squadron
Watkins, Bobby
Weller, George
Yellow Perils
Zamperini, Louis
Zero Fighter Pilots Association
Zero fighters: characteristics of; Chennault’s knowledge of; Corsair as rival to; Corsair fighters, comparison to; demystification of; encounter with, eagerness for; encounter with, what to expect during; encounter with during Ballale mission; encounter with during Kahili missions; number shot down ; strengths and weaknesses of; superiority of and respect for; supplemental action report on downed Zeros; tactic to elude; targeting of; 204th Kokotai; 253rd Kokotai