Books by Jack London

The Abysmal Brute. New York, 1913.

The Acorn Planter. New York, 1916.

Adventure. New York, 1911.

Before Adam. New York, 1907.

Burning Daylight. New York, 1910.

The Call of the Wild. New York, 1903.

Children of the Frost. New York, 1902.

The Cruise of the Dazzler. New York, 1902.

The Cruise of the Snark. New York, 1911.

A Daughter of the Snows. Philadelphia, 1902.

Dutch Courage and Other Stories. New York, 1922.

The Faith of Men. New York, 1904.

The Game. New York, 1905.

The God of His Fathers. New York, 1901.

Hearts of Three. New York, 1920.

The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaii. New York, 1912.

The Human Drift. New York, 1917.

The Iron Heel. New York, 1908.

Jerry of the Islands. New York, 1917.

John Barleycorn. New York, 1913.

The Little Lady of the Big House. New York, 1916.

Lost Face. New York, 1910.

Love of Life and Other Stories. New York, 1907.

Martin Eden. New York, 1909.

Michael, Brother of Jerry. New York, 1917.

Moon-Face and Other Stories. New York, 1906.

The Mutiny of the Elsinore. New York, 1914.

The Night-Born. New York, 1913.

On the Makaloa Mat. New York, 1919.

The People of the Abyss. New York, 1903.

The Red One. New York, 1918.

Revolution and Other Essays. New York, 1910.

The Road. New York, 1907.

The Scarlet Plague. New York, 1915.

Scorn of Women. New York, 1906.

The Sea-Wolf. New York, 1904.

Smoke Bellew. New York, 1912.

The Son of the Wolf. Boston, 1900.

The Son of the Sun. New York, 1912.

South Sea Tales. New York, 1911.

The Star Rover. New York, 1915.

The Strength of the Strong. New York, 1914.

Tales of the Fish Patrol. New York, 1905.

Theft: A Play in Four Acts. New York, 1910.

The Turtles of Tasman. New York, 1916.

The Valley of the Moon. New York, 1913.

War of the Classes. New York, 1905.

When God Laughs and Other Stories. New York, 1911.

White Fang. New York, 1906.

Books by Jack London and Others

London, Jack, and Strunsky, Anna. The Kempton-Wace Letters. New York, 1903.

London, Jack, completed by Robert L. Fish. The Assassination Bureau, Ltd. New York, 1963.

Criticism and Biography

Bridgewater, P. Nietzsche in Anglosaxony: A Study of Nietzsche’s Impact on English and American Literature. Leicester, 1972.

Brown, D. Soviet Attitudes Toward American Writing. Princeton, New Jersey, 1962.

Foner, P. S. Jack London: American Rebel. New York, 1947.

Hendricks, K., and Shepard, I., eds. Letters from Jack London. New York, 1965.

Johnson, M. Through the South Seas with Jack London. New York, 1913.

Kingman, R. A Pictorial Life of Jack London. New York, 1979.

Labor, E. Jack London. New York, 1974.

London, C. K. The Book of Jack London, 2 vols. New York, 1921.

London, J. Jack London and His Times: An Unconventional Biography. Seattle, 1968.

Lundquist, James. Jack London: Adventures, Ideas, and Fiction. New York, 1987.

Lynn, K. S. The Dream of Success. Boston, 1955.

Ownby, R. W., ed. Jack London: Essays in Criticism. Layton, Utah, 1978.

Sinclair, A. Jack. A Biography of Jack London. New York, 1977.

Starr, Kevin. Americans and the California Dream, 1850–1915. New York, 1973.

Walcutt, C. C. Jack London. Minneapolis, 1966.

Walker, D. L., ed. The Fiction of Jack London: A Chronological Bibliography. El Paso, Texas, 1972.

____. The Alien Worlds of Jack London. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1973.

Walker, F. Jack London and the Klondike. San Marino, California, 1966.

____. The Seacoast of Bohemia: An Account of Early Carmel. San Francisco, 1966.


Calder-Marshall, A. “Introduction.” Martin Eden (The Bodley Head Jack London). 4 vols. London, 1965.

Etulain, R. “The Lives of Jack London.” Western American Literature 11 (1976).

Geismar, M. “Jack London: The Short Cut.” Rebels and Ancestors: The American Novel, 1890–1915. Boston, 1953.

Labor, Earl; Leitz, Robert; Shepard I. “Introduction.” Short Stories of Jack London. New York, 1991.

Lachtman, H. “Criticism of Jack London: A Selected Checklist.” Modern Fiction Studies 22, 1976.

Patee, F. L. “The Prophet of the Last Frontier.” Sidelights on American Literature. New York, 1922.

Shivers, A. S. “The Romantic in Jack London.” Alaska Review 1 (1963).

Walcutt, C. C. “Jack London: Blond Beasts and Supermen.” American Literary Naturalism: A Divided Stream. Minneapolis, 1956.

Walker, F. “Jack London: Martin Eden.The American Novel from James Fenimore Cooper to William Faulkner, edited by W. Stegner. New York, 1965.