1883 Italian government buys Assab Bay from Italian commercial firm
1885 5 February, Italian landing to occupy Massawa
26 January Following ocupation of Ua-à and Zula, Italians suffer 512 casualties in defeat at Dogali
1888 October: first Italian colonial ascari units formed
9 March Emperor Yohannes IV fatally wounded in battle of Metemma against Mahdists, and names Ras Mangasha his heir
26 March Menelik of Shewa declares himself emperor
2 May Treaty of Wuchale between Italians and Menelik
3 August Italians occupy Asmara
1 January Italians formally establish colony of Eritrea
March Menelik receives submission of Ras Mangasha and Ras Alula; other chiefs soon follow
27 June Italian troops defeat Sudanese Mahdist force in first engagement at Agordat
1891 1 November, MajGen Oreste Baratieri appointed commander of Italy’s African forces
22 February Baratieri appointed civil governor of Eritrea colony in addition to his military role
26 June Italian troops defeat Mahdist raiders at Serobeti
27 February Menelik renounces Treaty of Wuchale
21 December Italians defeat Mahdists in second battle of Agordat
17 July Italians defeat Mahdists at Kassala
18 December Italians relieve Halai fort in Tigré province
13 January Italians defeat Ras Mangasha of Tigré at battle of Coatit
25–28 March Italians fortify Adigrat and Mekele
17 September Menelik calls for total mobilization of Ethiopian forces
9 October Italians defeat Ras Mangasha at Debre Aila
7 December Ethiopians wipe out Italian garrison at Amba Alagi
20 January Italian garrison at Mekele surrenders on terms
14 February Menelik arrives at Adowa, and learns that Baratieri’s army is at Sauria
29 February Menelik decides to leave the next day; Baratieri decides to advance that night
1 March Destruction of Baratieri’s army in battle of Adowa
10 March Italian government of Francesco Crispi falls
26 October Treaty of Addis Ababa