More Books by J.F.Penn

ARKANE Action Adventure Thrillers

Stone of Fire #1

Crypt of Bone #2

Ark of Blood #3

One Day In Budapest #4

Day of the Vikings #5

Gates of Hell #6

One Day in New York #7

Destroyer of Worlds #8

End of Days #9

Valley of Dry Bones #10

Tree of Life #11

Brooke & Daniel Psychological Crime Thrillers

Desecration #1

Delirium #2

Deviance #3

Mapwalker Fantasy Adventure Thrillers

Map of Shadows #1

Map of Plagues #2

Map of the Impossible #3

Other Books and Short Stories

Risen Gods

The Dark Queen

A Thousand Fiendish Angels: Short stories based on Dante's Inferno

More books coming soon.

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