Bat Conservation Trust
All about bats and how to help them
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society
On helping hedgehogs
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Learn about bumblebees and how to help them
Butterfly Conservation
Find out how to help butterflies and moths (and their caterpillars)
The Feather Speech
All about Hannah Bourne-Taylor’s campaign for swift bricks, and how you can get involved
Get involved in the conservation of frogs and other amphibians
Heal Rewilding Charity
A brilliant idea: collectively buying land and giving it back to nature
Hedgehog Street
Learn more about hedgehogs and how to set up your own ‘Hedgehog Street’
Start recording the wildlife you see in your garden or local park
Visit this magical place and see what nature restoration looks like on a larger scale
The Mammal Society
For the protection of Britain’s mammals
The People’s Trust for Endangered Species
Studies and campaigns relating to many garden species
The UK’s leading gardening charity
Lots of gardening advice centres on all wildlife, not just birds
Swift Conservation
All about swifts and how to help them
Wildlife Gardening Forum
A collaboration between the RHS and The Wildlife Trusts, the forum provides a hub for wildlife lovers who want to make their gardens better for wildlife.
The Wildlife Trusts
Wildlife gardening pages to help you start creating habitats