To God: thank you for sending this idea, for the ability to do it justice, and for helping me make time in a crowded schedule to put it on the page.
To my family: Nicky, Cameron, Daniella, and Emily, thank you for your patience in allowing me to chase this idea, and to my parents, thank you for your unwavering support.
To my publishing team at Thomas Nelson: Becky Monds, my editorial director, thank you for wanting to see this story on the shelves almost as much as I did; Paul Fisher and his team, thanks for your willingness to kick ideas around; and Amanda Bostic and the rest of the team, thank you for the great work you do in bringing great stories to life.
To my supporters: James L. Rubart, thanks for your guidance, connections, and unbridled enthusiasm; Steve Laube, thanks for taking a chance with a story that was different; and the Fulwood family, thank you for your ideas and friendship.
To my global colleagues: Karen Sargent, Tisha Martin, Sarah Nuss, Ian Acheson, and Jebraun Clifford, thank you for your support over great distance—among the support of many, many others.
To the counselors I’ve spoken with and worked with: thanks for your insights and your passion for helping people be the best people they can be.
All characters in this work are fictitious. Resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental, although based on my forty-odd years of dealing with people.
No baggage was harmed in the writing of this story, although it was dealt with—as it should be.