Chapters 1–7
• Do you know people who show signs of carrying baggage? What are those signs?
• Do you identify with any of the characters in this story? If so, which character do you identify with the most?
• Do you see other people in your life in these characters? (If so, lend them this book.)
• Do you know of people like Becky? What impact do they have on you?
• If Michael could have impressed the coach, how do you think he would have fared?
• Do you think David’s mantra of remembering happier times is enough to help him deal with his issues? Should it be?
• What is Gillian’s real baggage?
Chapters 8–14
• Do you see any link between David’s branch being considered for closing and David’s baggage?
• What do you believe the Baggage Services building is?
• Why do you think the entry points to Baggage Services are different for each of the three characters?
• Do you think there’s significance in Gillian’s ability to easily find the entrance while the other two characters have to hunt for it?
Chapters 15–20
• If you were to go to Baggage Services, what do you think your waiting room would look like?
• What do you think is the general theme of Michael’s waiting room?
• Why do you think Gillian’s waiting room seemed perfect?
• What do you think is the significance of the rust color on the cloth the Baggage Handler used to clean Gillian’s glasses?
• If you consider David’s waiting room, what role do you think the alarm clock plays? Do you have a ticking clock in your life?
• What do you think is the significance of David’s encounter in the corridor?
Chapters 21–27
• Do you think it’s fair that David is carrying baggage even though his wife was the one who broke her marriage vows? Why or why not?
• Why do you think David can’t simply tear up his baggage and throw it away?
• What do you think is the impact of refusing to forgive others? Do you know people who simply refuse to forgive others who have hurt them? How is that working for them?
• At what stage of each encounter does the Baggage Handler look at David, Gillian, and Michael with a look approaching wistfulness? What do you think that look means?
• Michael’s baggage was packed by his father. Do you think that’s fair? Why or why not?
• How do others place items into your baggage? Is that fair?
Chapters 28–31
• Why do you think it’s important for David to forgive his wife instead of just moving on after leaving his baggage behind?
• What significance do you think is in each character needing to look into a mirror before being allowed to move on from Baggage Services?
• Why do you think Gillian has so much trouble doing that? Would you?
• Why do you think Michael finds it hard to let go of his certificate?
• What do you think it is about baggage that defines us?
• Do you think it’s possible to live life without any baggage?
• Why do you think people find it difficult to deal with issues in their lives?
• What was the impact of Gillian comparing herself to everyone in her life?
• In what distorted ways do you—or those around you—see yourself? What mirror do you use?