
AntecedentsGlen Dudbridge, The “Hsi-yuchi”: A Study of Antecedents to the Sixteenth-Century Chinese Novel (Cambridge, 1970)
BoddeDerk Bodde, Festivals in Classical China (Princeton and Hong Kong, 1975)
BPZBaopuzi , Neipian and Waipian. SBBY
BSOASBulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
CampanyRobert Ford Campany, To Live as Long as Heaven and Earth: A Translation and Study of Ge Hong’s “Traditions of Divine Transcendents” (Berkeley, 2002)
CATCLThe Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature, ed. Victor Mair (New York, 1994)
CHCThe Cambridge History of China, eds. Denis Twitchett and John K. Fairbank (15 vols. in multiple book-length parts. Cambridge and New York, 1978–2009)
CHCLThe Columbia History of Chinese Literature, ed. Victor Mair (New York, 2001)
CJAnthony C. Yu, Comparative Journeys: Essays on Literature and Religion East and West (New York, 2008)
CLEARChinese Literature: Essays Articles Reviews
CQChina Quarterly
DHDaoism Handbook, ed. Livia Kohn (Leiden, 2000)
DHBWJDunhuang bianwenji , ed. Wang Zhongmin (2 vols., Beijing, 1957)
DJDCDDaojiao da cidian , ed. Li Shuhuan (Taipei, 1981)
DJWHCDDaojiao wenhua cidian , ed. Zhang Zhizhe (Shanghai, 1994)
DZZhengtong Daozang (36 vols. Reprinted by Wenwu, 1988). Second set of numbers in JW citations refers to volume and page number.
ETThe Encyclopedia of Taoism, ed. Fabrizio Pregadio (2 vols., London and New York, 2008)
FSZDa Tang Da Ci’ensi Sanzang fashi zhuan , comp. Huili and Yancong . T 50, #2053. Text cited is that printed in SZZSHB.
1592Xinke chuxiang guanban dazi Xiyouji , ed. Huayang dongtian zhuren . Fasc. rpr. of Jinling Shidetang edition (1592) in Guben xiaoshuo jicheng , vols. 499–502 (Shanghai, 1990)
FXDCDFoxue da cidian , comp. and ed., Ding Fubao (fasc. rpr. of 1922 ed. Beijing, 1988)
HFTWJLiu Ts’un-yan [Cunren] , Hefengtang wenji (3 vols., Shanghai, 1991)
HJASHarvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
HRHistory of Religions
HerrmannAlbert Hermann, An Historical Atlas of China, new ed. (Chicago, 1966)
Hu Shi (1923)Hu Shi , “Xiyouji kaozheng ,” in Hu Shi wencun (4 vols., Hong Kong, 1962), 2: 354–99
HuckerCharles O. Hucker, A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China (Stanford, 1985)
ICThe Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, ed. and comp. William H. Nienhauser Jr. (Bloomington, IN, 1986)
IsobeIsobe Akira , Saiyūki keiseishi no kenkyū (Tokyo, 1993)
JAJournal asiatique
JAOSJournal of the American Oriental Society
JASJournal of Asian Studies
JCRJournal of Chinese Religions
JMDJCDJianming Daojiao cidian , comp. and ed., Huang Haide et al., (Chengdu, 1991)
JWThe Journey to the West (Refers only to the four-volume translation of Xiyouji by Anthony C. Yu published by the University of Chicago Press, 1977–1983, of which the present volume is the third of four in a complete revised edition.)
LévyAndré Lévy, trad., Wu Cheng’en, La Pérégrination vers l’Ouest, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade (2 vols., Paris, 1991)
LiLi Angang Piping Xiyouji (2 vols., Beijing, 2004)
LittleStephen Little with Shawn Eichman, Daoism and the Arts of China (Art Institute of Chicago, in association with University of California Press, 2000)
LSYYJKLishi yuyan yanjiusuo jikan
LWJ“Xiyouji” yanjiu lunwenji (Beijing, 1957)
MDHYCHGu Zhichuan , Mingdai Hanyu cihui yanjiu (Kaifeng, Henan, 2000)
MonkeyMonkey: Folk Novel of China by Wu Ch’eng-en, trans. Arthur Waley (London, 1943)
ŌtaŌta Tatsuo , Saiyūki no kenkyū (Tokyo, 1984)
PlaksAndrew H. Plaks, The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel (Princeton, 1987)
PorkertManfred Porkert, The Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Systems of Correspondence (Cambridge, MA, 1974)
QSCQuan Songci , ed. Tang Guizhang (5 vols., 1965; rpr. Tainan, 1975)
QTSQuan Tangshi (12 vols., 1966; rpr. Tainan, 1974)
SaiyūkiSaiyūki , trans. Ōta Tatsuo and Torii Hisayasu . Chūgoku koten bungaku taikei , 31–32 (2 vols., Tokyo, 1971)
SBBYSibu beiyao
SBCKSibu congkan
SCCJoseph Needham et al., Science and Civilisation in China (7 vols. in 27 book-length parts. Cambridge, 1954)
SchaferEdward H. Schafer, Pacing the Void: T’ang Approaches to the Stars (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 1977)
SCTHSancai tuhui (1609 edition)
SoothillA Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, comp. William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodus (rpr. 1934 ed. by London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. Taipei, 1970)
SSJZSShisanjing zhushu (2 vols., Beijing, 1977)
SZZSHBTang Xuanzang Sanzang zhuanshi huibian , ed. Master Guangzhong (Taipei, 1988)
TTaishō shinshū dai-zōkyō , eds. Takakusu Junijirō and Watanabe Kaikyoku (85 vols., Tokyo, 1934)
TCThe Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the “Daozang”, eds. Kristofer Schipper and Franciscus Verellen (3 vols., Chicago, 2004)
TPT’oung Pao
TPGJTaiping guangji , comp. and ed. Li Fang (5 vols., rpr. Tainan, 1975)
TPYLTaiping yulan comp. and ed. Li Fang (4 vols., Beijing, 1960)
UnschuldPaul U. Unschuld, trans. and annotated, Nan-Ching: The Classic of Difficult Issues (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 1986)
VeithIlza Veith, trans., The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, new ed. (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 1972)
WCESWJWu Cheng’en shiwenji , ed. Liu Xiuye (Shanghai, 1958).
XMGZXingming guizhi , authorship attributed to an advanced student of one Yin Zhenren , in Zangwai Daoshu (36 vols., Chengdu, 1992–1994), 9: 506–95. For JW, I also consult a modern critical edition published in Taipei, 2005, with a comprehensive and learned set of annotations by Fu Fengying . The citation from this particular edition will be denominated as XMGZ-Taipei.
XYJWu Cheng’en , Xiyouji (Beijing: Zuojia chubanshe, 1954). Abbreviation refers only to this edition.
XYJCDXiyouji cidian , comp. and ed. Zeng Shangyan (Zhengzhou, Henan, 1994)
XYJTYZheng Mingli , Xiyouji tanyuan (2 vols., 1982; rpr. Taipei, 2003)
XYJYJZLXiyouji yanjiu zhiliao , ed. Liu Yinbo (Shanghai, 1982)
XYJZLHB“Xiyouji” zhiliao huibian (Zhongzhou, Henan, 1983)
YYZZYouyang zazu (SBCK edition)
ZYZZhongyao zhi (4 vols., Beijing, 1959–1961).
YangYang Fengshi , Zhongguo zhengtong Daojiao da cidian (2 vols., Taipei, 1989–1992)
Chün-fang Yü, Kuan-yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokiteśvara (New York, 2001)
ZHDJDCDZhonghua Daojiao da cidian , ed. Hu Fuchen et al. (Beijing, 1995)
ZhouZhou Wei , Zhongguo bingqishi gao (Beijing, 1957)

Citations from all Standard Histories, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Kaiming edition of Ershiwushi (9 vols., 1934; rpr. Taipei, 1959). Citations of text with traditional or simplified characters follow format of publications consulted.